Wednesday, March 6, 2024



Look what I found

Today in my visits

To the boutiques

Which is where 

Most of my families

Belongings now reside

There was a time

When families

Lived in their own homes

And those next of kin

Where found to be frauds

Were sent back to where 

They belong

Such as the Scrogins

Who not only falsely

Claimed to arrive

Ahead of us

Even though they clearly

Did not know

To whom those belongings

Or cars were owned

Then my family were told

We could have our places back

When the time limit expired

So we rented storage units

Lived in cars and parks

While still paying the taxes or other 

Only to be told

Oh you people

Thought we were going to move out

Then there was those years

Of being told yes they were going

To get out of our houses

Too many relatives

Arrived in California

For us to keep count

But jimmy knew who

They were and told them

To empty everything out

He has court orders

And promises to return things

He is not going to do it

Instead he acquired 

Multitudes of women

Who have no clue 

That just by receiving 

Stolen goods

They can go to jail

And without jimmy

Holding their hand

Did you hear?

Today the armorer

Who was responsible

For the guns on the set

Of Rust

Was convicted of 

Involuntary manslaughter

She was the one who handed

Alec the gun

And loaded

That caused the bullet

To strike the camera operator

Who is going to be standing

In front of the actor

Aiming a gun

Into the distance

And now the camera girl

Is dead and she is going

To jail herself.

Now I was attacked

And confronted by this girl

Claiming she was my daughter

And I refused to raise her

She was now going to have

My job!

I have also seen my photos

In these places as well

As artwork by friends

I earned an award

And she took away from me.

Wonder what would have happened

I was unlikely to work

On this type of set

More documentary type

But what if karma

Thought that bullet 

Would be mine?

One never does know

The ticket stolen

In the airport

To the plane that crashes


I actually don't feel sorry 

She should have double checked

She was responsible

Not to have live rounds

She was probably 

Working for Jimmy.

I don't have any daughters

Not even one named Kate

My privacy has been invaded

And when the resurrection

Comes in my lifetime

According to the old ones

I am expected to have kept

My promise

Which was to make sure

That certain homes

Never were put up for sale

Those are the ones bulldozed

One Hundred years old

And expected to still be standing

As well as the personal property

Of my great-grandmothers

They were sure I would

Still be alive

Do you promise?

Of course I did

What could go wrong?

Jimmy and Candy

Insist it is theirs

To mishandle

And if they cant have the things


Then they are going to get rid

Of them 

So no one in my family

Can have their own things.

What am i to tell them?

I know I will let my mother

Tell them about Jimmy

Getting control of her

Mind and allowing him

To have the impression

Meanwhile she ran to friends

Such as Diane Feinstein

And Nancy Pelosi

They guaranteed the things

And certain properties

Would be left alone

In fact they did try 

To have me visit them

Instead I have been 

Manhandled by those same ones

Who ran around causing

Mayhem and murder

To occur

Diane suddenly got ill

And died

This after a few others

Also suddenly got 


Without being able to survive

Left on his own

Without his pyschologist

He has been having fun

And I am going to have my way

I have been to court

There is no excuse

For what has been going on

I might not ever get 

Those personal items

My grandmother

Imagined she could 

Wake up from the call

And walk back into

Her own home

And wear her own clothes

Oh mom!

You are going to answer

Even the car driver

In a bank robbery

Can go to jail

And my little sister

Was told she would 

Wake up the same age

And her dolls 

Would be safe

From greedy hands 

Of those in the congregation

What are you going to do?

Don't you dare not wake up.

I once had a romance

With a gentleman

Who liked expresso

Bought me things

Went on shopping trips

And then found out

I did not want any

Of the things

He had paid for

Or at least that is 

What he was told.

I would not stay

Where he put me

I was carried out

By force

Drugged and kept

From being allowed

To complain

And when there are reports

They get captured as well.

He was a tiny bit angry

His own personal belongings

Had also disappearead

Because I did not stay

So he brought me a doll

To speak to me about life

And how he felt

She is a beautiful face

Ceramic one

Of the new Russian Federation

I used to get those Soviet ones

All gone to the junk shops.

I was frightened

About what I did know

Was possible

But could not explain

They have been giving 

Me insulin

For my sweet personality

I have been experiencing

An allergic reaction

I don't have diabetes

But do have kidney problems

And now I have liver signs

As well of being poisoned.

What was I to tell him

I am afraid I cried

I could not control

The emotions

Being frightened 

Of things that I was told

Would not happen.

He left without

Knowing what to do.

And then the Pandemic occurred.

I know I spoke 

To the current mayor

And the past mayor

The current governor

And the past one

As well as a Senator

And I even met 

The President 

But to no avail

Even they cant keep

Criminals from following

One around and deciding

If they cant keep

The items then we wont have them

Where did it start?

Most likely 

The Great war

When Europe was thrown

Into a mixture

That had not occurred

Where the criminals

And the swindlers

And the scam artists

Got to rub shoulders

With the innocent

If not heroes

Simply those from a different

Side of the coin.

By the way

Jane check out


Someone has raided 

A store house

Your mothers things

Are on display

And for a price

Not going to you

Or her manager

There is even a portrait

Of a young girl

In 1954 with glasses.

One never does know....

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Three times loser

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