Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Moon walk backwards


Ah, the Spring Equinox

It is like a fresh spring day

It takes one back

Towards memories

Others sometimes 

Just don't want 

Us to have at all.

Like a moon walk

But backwards

Poor Micheal J

He had all kinds

Of ideas but barely

Enough time.

Then there is the



Polish and a footballer

Can one imagine

Running into something

Like him?

Well, Carole Elaine

Channing did.

And she married him

After divorcing

Her very New York

Jewish husband

They had a kid or two

Actually she got sitting

With a toddler

And did not know

What to do

Some women cant

Tolerate other girls.

She raised a son

Who took his stepfathers

Name of Lowe.

But what about

Those pink diapers?

What happened to the girl?

Well, Candace

Wouldn't you like to know?

Your mother was her 


Wasn't she?

Norma tall and skinny


Went and got stuck

With some kid

From foster care

An orphan 

From Germany

Turns out her had 

Another wife

When Suzie was born

She instantly got

A son as well

Already born

And running around


Same daddy

But different mothers

Died in prison

From robbing 

The United States

Navy port

All those pretty items

Would come into

Mare island 

In their own little


Some square and 

Some oblong

Couldn't resist 

Picking them up

And carrying them home.

Suzie got her name

When one of the boxes

Contained pamphlets

Those Zions magazines

She had to stand on a corner

And yell out like the newspaper

Boys about the titles

Charged more than a penny

For them as well!

Got two black eyes

Hence black eyed Susan

When along came 

Someone who knew

They were religious

And she was not

She still is not


And her daddy 

Died in prison

She went on to be 

A underwear model

Or at least

There are a number

Of photos flying around

Of her in just her undies.

Wait until Justin finds out....

Anyways she had her son

The summer of 59

At the Yankee stadium

Her mother had invited her

And she found out

It was not about baseball

But a nutty religious convention

Well she took something home

With her all right

And got rid of him

The next spring.

While her mother had brought

Home a little toddler

Full of mischief

Could not stop crying

Then she had to be shut up

Would not stop talking

Carole could not keep

Her from exposing 

The truth of her having

It just before her marriage

Those naughty divorces

Take so much time

One just cant hide

The extra bundle

The wife is sneaking off

With from the ex-husband

So is she the Jewish guys

Who got divorced

Or the polish one?

What do you think

Little bundle of pure hell?

Queen Candace

Probably the original story

Except the woman who 

Went into the bathhouse

Was the singer performer

And not the house frau

Poor Norma had to take

In laundry while her husband

Was inside

And also did a side

Of housekeeping.

Her mistress master

Had this extra thing

That would not shut up

An agreement was made

Norma suddenly had a windfall

Of money and a baby girl

Had arrived

Her husband somehow

Fell down in prison

And hurt himself

He died without being able

To come home and finish

That argument

He had with the Mormon girl

Her bruises were just healing

When this glad news came

Raise the child

And she would be paid

Too bad

Her husband had assumed

The worst...

A footballer?

A Jewish New Yorker

Or the Oakland stage actor

Who turned out to be 

Half and half?

Which one 

Do you choose

Dear little Candace

Or should we call you


Stucker by the way

Is the real surname....

Spring forward

Daylights saving time

Stand still for one day

The Equinox has arrived

And then it all runs backwards

Till we hit the longest day 

Of the year 

Summer solstice

Where the earth again

Moves forward

To the Winter solstice

The shortest day...

Hmm, what is in store

For us now?

Thunder and lightening?

Or tranquil days 

Of Monarch butterflies

And sips of white wine?

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