Saturday, March 23, 2024

Really darlings...

What does one expect?
When one lives a life
Of dreams without end?

There are those
Who strive to do the right thing
And are punished  for it

Then there are those
Who do everything wrong
And then celebrated

My mothers brain cancer
Diagnosis was made public
A long time before 

She passed away
With eighty percent
Of her brains gone

And with no one 
To help her
Only to sit there

And encourage her
To give everything away
The christian way of thinking

That if you have nothing
When you die 
God will have to accept you

But there is that scripture
About burrying ones talents
Living the life of a pauper

Was never encouraged
Nor was berating somone
For having nothing

After a life time of work
Ony to have it removed
Your money that is

As well as resepctablity
I cant even get my 

Who acknowledges 
I have benign tumors
To do surgery

She canceled out
Last summer
What is the end result?

I have lost all abillity
To eat in public
And I am going 

Without food
Dieting strictly
No sugar or gluten

Exercising causes
Me great pain
And exhaustion

My asthma is labored
But the gym i go to
Isn't able to provide me

With basic professionalism
I have degeneration of my spinal cord
After complaining for years

About the increased pain
And lack of mobility
Instead the nurses want

To prevent me from having
Either pain medicine
Or thyroid medicine

For my other 
Diagnosed tumor
My thyroid went into

Causing me to become 
To skinny

Where upon the social services
Took it upon themselves
To have me court ordered

To eat so much every day
All over a concerned citizen
Who would not stop calling

And calling
And calling
Calling every hour or so

Now after months
Of careful eating
And three times a week

The required twenty minutes
Plus, I have nothing to show
For it except

Another needle mark
In my scalp 
Just behind my ear.

Who does these things
To people?
Oh by the way

I understand 
That will of Graces

Administered by 
Her best friend
Lillian Graf Willis

Has been found
All those jewels
That I was left

Have been distributed
By yourself though out
The entire San Diego area

Where Grace herself 
Once lived and breathed
Including Lauras

Tiffany ring
From her Cambridge days
While your wife

Still wears my grandmothers
Fur coat as if a pauper
Could be giving anything

Just for wearing 
Somone elses clothes
I have to contend

With seeing my own
Clothes being worn
By other women

In the same building
Where I reside
I had a flood

A river ran through
My room

Had to pick up 
Everything and empty
My closest

Who walks into
Someone elses closet
And claims their things?

That is all it is about
Isn't it 

Your Captain Kangaroo days
When your good old dad
Would sit there knowing

That all those goodies
Would go to you
As soon as the camera

Stopped rolling...
I better not have lost
My shirt at any time

During your demanding
To be my parent
My parents are both dead

One from cancer
And one from a broken spirit
Your Kate has something

For you to hear
Your John and her
Took over the management

Of properties they don't 
Have a right to step inside
What is this commodities

Nonsense ?
Juan said he was running
An electric bicycle taxi service

Why is he and your mechanic
Other son listed on a Stocks

Not still going around
Convincing people
You are related to Brook Shields?

Anyways my thyroid
Burnt out and there is nothing
I can do about it

Without a proper doctor
I was promised by the third one
I sought last year

He would care for my needs
He did set up referrals
And then left as the other one

Dr Hazelbaker
Better have a real doctors license
He also told me he was going

To prescribe me medicine
Time after time
Until I finally got

That his nursese
Were never going to do it
And then little Elizabeth

Got fired over the mail thing
Showed up as a nurse
Without any certification

Now I am being pursued
Over your diabetes
For the last time

I will not have 
My mother demand
That I have diabetes

Just because of you
And Candace not passing
The first grade nor the sixth

I want Candy dead
She deserves cancer
And you better be sure

Whom you are dealing
Why does both
Charles and Kate

Have cancer diagnosis?
That is your line
You used to keep rats

In your room
Ones you would take
From their cages

In those University doctors colleges
Where they give them cancer 
Through injections

All those needle marks
Cant abide authority
What happened

Did Kate get too much
Of the public eye?
While Charles was

Supposed to just hand over
His job to you
Isnt that right?

Dreaming is not 
What you do 
You nor Candy

Both of you have
Lifetime memberships
In the mental wards

By court laws
Why are those not 
Being applied ?

What have you done
This time?
I have a diagnosis

Of at least six tumors
Which I am told
Are not cancerous

I had Hepatitis. 
Last year without it being treated
But more needle marks

I have been to ill
To fend for myself
Meanwhile I keep

Hearing Candys voice
And not in my head
In my apartment complex

What are you planning?
Wills are meant to be enforced
Grace had you promise

Those jewels and yet you wont
Even give me the family photos
Nor am I getting tired

Of seeing one more vehicle
Stolen by your son
While my grandmothers 

Furs go walking around
On other people
Not that I would have

Any where to wear them
Since I was abandoned
By the same people

Who promised themselves
Anyways I don't appear
To have cancer

Maybe Lupos
Not that you worry
When you get tired

You just take a pillow
Into your hands...
Starving is not hilarious

Especially when your 
Wife nurse wants to clap
Her hand like she is a seal

In a circus act
By the way
The Vargas circus

Is in town
Is your friend Elizabeth
Going to come visit 

Her father while he is working?
Oh and another thing
There is going to be

A lunar eclipse
Sunday night
Not that we will

Have a chance
With this thunderous storm 
Wonder where my uncles have gone?


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