Sunday, March 31, 2024

Disowned by god

My mother was disowned

By god 

Due to the fact

She will not stop

Lying to people

About being the real heirs

When in fact

There are such things 

As Wills, and contracts.

I am the benificiary

Not Jessica nor Janet

And because they wont

Stop showing up

Then my mother must

Be the one to suffer

Since they are just

Naive and innocent

According to their 

Elder father or husband

With no responsibility

At all to even my mother

Which is why they did

Not even show up

When she was dying

Nor at her funeral

Which she did not have

As they were already

Certain of their right

To steal from someone else

Thier rights and talents

Because their religion

Allows them to assume

Or state they were given

The impression....

Which is why 

Katie Kuroc

Aunt Candys 

True bible student

And a baptized witness

Has always taken advantage

Of my mother and forgotten

To tell her bosses wife

That it is her 

She is not to step foot

On her property

And has provided

For herself the things 

Left behind

After all she is nothing 

More than a thief

Whose own daughter

Whom she gave birth

On the air

Says she is instead

Of mine.

How many more of them

Are there anyways?

Only my mother knows

And god does not even

Care to count them

Because he is not going

To recognize any of thier

False claims.

After all he has already

Spoken and told them

To not covet nor lie

Cheat or steal

Much less murder

It is in the Ten commandments.

It is Easter according

To the Catholic church

And the Pope

Is back from the dead

Or at least the Pandemic

He survived but does not

Look very well.

Last year he was 

Lead around like

A superstar

In his carriage

Smiling and waving

At his worshipers

Who were not allowed 

To come close to him

This year the whole thing

Was back as before

With the square filled to max

Feet washings and cheek kisses

No more worries about

Being contagious!

Lets hope he survives

This day as he had to be

Helped to walk

What is his contract


He has no days off

No sick days?

Only not to coincide 

With an important

Religious holiday.

Sniff, how many times

I went to work or school

Only to have the authorities

Called by aunt candy

And told i was purposely

Spreading diseases

You see, I am indian

And dont know nothing

About nothing

And why am i in school?

I am never going to be 

Allowed the right

To work or enjoy myself.

She always shows up

And punishes as she 

Sees fit...

But then she is from

The other woman

Lucy as we know her

Not that all of us

Accept her as real

Lucy was the other woman

After Adam and Eve

Were kicked out

Of the Garden Of Eden.

She was deceitful and untrustworthy

Went behind gods arrangement

Of marrying Adam to Eve

And to no one else....

Scientist have found

Her body and it is only partial

But they say they know

What she looks like

And claim she is one of the ancestors

Of mankind....

Not one of mine.

And by the way

I also made contracts

When I was little

No one was to allow

Me to be undressed

At any time 

Or they would go to prison

Or be hunted down

It is a real contract

I made people sign

Not candy nor anne marie

But the ones who

I had to deal with

They were not to 

Allow my dolls

To be stolen

Or given away either.

Now you might think

I was being childish

But I had the contracts

Go through real lawyers

The idea of not being robbed

Of my human dignity

Just because Jimmy

Wants to have his way

Nor was my family

To suffer the consequences

Just because he wanted 

All that was mine

No sharing

Or halfling

Or going Dutch

The whole enchilada

Not touching my dolls

Indicated my little sister

Who was murdered

When she was five

Nor my family

Who all suffered

Because people

Such as Janet Untch

And Betty Adelman

Just don't get 

You cant demand

To be the owner

Of someone else's life

All my possessions

Have been taken away

By Janet and Tara
Just because they dont

Care about the law

Or god.

In fact they wish

They could get rid of him


The only thing 

That any of us 

Know for certain

That he is not going

To just disappear

When he makes assignments

And comes back to find out

That his men 

Have not done their job

Whether they call themselves

The Pope or Patriarch

Or just simple elders

Heads are going to roll....

As for Lucy

Jimmy can keep her

For his ancestor

And leave mine alone

I know it is the origial

Marriage contract

That my line descends

Not this mystery woman

Nor will god forget his

Contracts even when

Individuals are not able

To trust his people 


When is he coming

No one knows ...

 Any property passing at the owner’s death to the heir or to those entitled to succeed; anything received from progenitors or predecessors as if by succession. The principal Hebrew verb used is na·chalʹ (noun, na·chalahʹ). It involves getting or giving an inheritance or hereditary possession, usually as a result of succession. (Nu 26:55; Eze 46:18) The verb ya·rashʹ is used at times in the sense “succeed as heir,” but more often, “take possession” apart from succession. (Ge 15:3; Le 20:24) 

Typically, regardless of whether you are in a separate or community property state, your spouse does not have a legal claim to anything you inherit or receive as a gift, according to Nolo.

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