Monday, March 18, 2024

March madness

When is it enough?
When is enough 

March Madness
Those March winds
Bring madness

To all who don't know
What tomorrow brings
They just want it

To be their way.
Such as Kate
Mad Kate

Was arrested 
For attempted murder

As a minor
Got out on a 
Parole agreement

That she would not
Do it again.
She has done it again.

She likes to think
The world is hers
And she intends

To be a 

There are others
Such as Katrina

Who just cant get
That a three year old
Cant have babies

Nor that the people
Who raised her
Are in fact her real

She just wants to have
Her way 

And has also 
Caused enormous amounts
Of trouble

All because 
Betty and Norm
Were not average joes

They were born criminals
Who just sit there
In any place

Attempting to make
People believe
They are honest!

Then there are those
Going mad over
The elections

They just want
Thier own way
The media has gone 

Mad itself
And caused a situation

Is the number
Of the landslide

Of a man 
Who has not done
Anything more than 

Any others

Might have 
Given his own life
In order to make

A false claim
Stick lick gum
First drinking 

Tainted water
And then falling
On something

That would give him
Bruises in order
To provoke

A negative response
Only to die from
The fact that sometimes

People stop helping
His wife says he is a gangster
And a murderer

A government agent
Does not make him
A murderer

One might as well 
Call the American President
That as well.

Then she is spoiled 
Rich woman
Who just happened

To have the same holiday
Plans as someone who had just 
Made it to the list

Her happiness is questionable
When she is obvious a plant
Made by whoever

Was in charge
No one just happens
To have the same vacation 

Itenairy as yours.
Which is why when
One is asked to provide

An exact iteanary 
Of your plans
To become suspicious

Even if it is customs
Who work for others
That saying I did know

Mr. Navalny
From childhood
I recall being shocked

When he went to law school
Being shocked at the difference
It had made to him

Then his marriage
And his sudden decision
led by his wife

To become an obstacle
To the new democracy
They all have nasty

Things to say
My former colleagues
But they themselves

Have set themselves
Up for a fall
Trump has had nothing

But constant problems
And yet the people
Want him

As for Biden
They did not know
Who he was except

For the white man
Standing next to the 
First black man

In the Oval Office
I do know Joe
He was once a good guy

He still might be
But there are so many
People who cause issues

Such as Norman 
Holding a gun 
To my mothers head

All because his wife
Had already been
Committed to a mental

Institution for having
A black baby 
In the 1950s

And without a father
But then her mother
Had left her husband

In the dust
During the Great Depression
When his black mother

Showed up
The baby was probably
Probably her brothers

Who the mother 
Was already pregnant
And whom Betty 

Pushed into an on coming
New York City Subway train
Only to have to do it again

When he went out for a ride
On his motorcycle 
Swerve in front of him

Betty is a killer
And completely mad
If she believes

A three year old
Is going to take the blame
Just because her husband

Was upset about the new born
My father had found
Me in the oven

With the fire lit
And my mother had 
Found me in the fire place

With the gas turned on
Only to have my mother
Have another baby

They insisted that I take
The blame for Katrina
Who is insane enough

To think she is going
To threaten me
And she has thrown

Me off the Sunset cliffs
And in front of the
San Diego trolley train

Just like her mother
Now she wants
To destroy someone else's

Life without reason.
I suspect that 
Mrs. Navalny

Is a good old
Communist plant
Just like the film

With Sean Connery
From Russia with love
She agreed to go on a trip

To have sex with this man
Who then did marry her
She is the one who has

Probably been given 
Instructions to kill him
As an agent of her political party

Communist are still
Active in America
And in Russia

The media has overshot
Thier target
Just because they want

To wake up 
To a world 
Where Hitler has won

Any other man
At this point
With the nuclear arsenal

Will most likely 
Be forced to submit
To the new order

Of things
Which includes
Not a monarchy

But a dictatorship
I feel deeply
The press has gone

To long without
Properly assessing
The situation...

Then there is Kate
Who is a convict
And a Jehovah's Witness

One of Jimmys
Little princesses
He raised to be his

He got them to
Commit acts of murder

For him in order
For him not to be 
Seen as the one causing

The problems
And he always makes
Them go the religion

Of his choice
He even made his
Ludmilla do it

Go through the whole
Jehovah Witness
Stuff until she got

He wants his plants
To be where he can 

Control them
And has them removed
When they go to far.

We are sorry
To all of those
Who turned in

In order to watch
The sports channel
Instead of the crazy

Political one
We all hope the best man
Makes it into the Whitehouse

And not have to 
Go through another 

Like the last
Catholic President
And his brother

And then again
This guy has already
Had his wife and daughter

Die in a bizarre 
Auto accident
Who knows?

Once one of those
Religions that was
Going to make 

A difference
And then they had
To allow just anyone

To come inside 
And sit down.
Causing criminals

And communists
To have their way.
Another disfellowshipped

One is our mad Kate.
I on the other hand
Was a Russian Orthodox

Until my sister died
And I had to be her
And me at the same time.

I did nothing wrong
But those little bitches
Just cant have their way

Which is why jimmy
Gets his way
All of the time.

I went to the beach
This morning
To get fresh air

And a better perspective
I saw something 
I did not want to see

Another vehicle
I know I was given
To drive around

And yet it had a rent sign
That Juan Barron 
Will not stop at stealing

Things just becuasae his
Convicted communists mother
Thinks if she says she is religious

She can have anything
She wants which includes
Everything of mine

Too bad
For those visitors
Who will never come back

Just because I was raised
In Coronado
Where our neighbors

Were Admirals 
Who remembered 
My third grandfather

Amos running around
Trying to fix things
Just like 

Scotty on that show
He was a stickler
About details

He was our navy guy
The uncle who raised 
My real father

While his father 
Was buried in a laboratory
Dealing with that project

Of that guy named
I miss my old self

I am not sure
If I will ever find
Her again

She got lost
During my years of 
Illness for the past

I recall being present 
In this town

When Governor Brown
Came to town
And yet Janet 

Who had been convicted
Of trying to kill me
In Florida

Just had to show up
She wanted me not to eat
Nor spend any of my money

Now she has also gone
Around shutting down
Houses and emptying them

Just because
The parents who raised her
Are not only convicts

But registered 
From the old days.

One never does know
Who are neighbors
Really are nor

Who the guy 
Who brings your 
Take out order?

My sympathy to those
Who don't understand
That they cant just have their own way...


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