Thursday, March 28, 2024

What dont we miss?

Imagine 1974
What were you doing?
I was being accused

Of multiple births
Which it is impossible
To have had.

Only a religion
Of unwilling participants
Would keep it up.

No matter what they are told
By their own 
They insist on having their way

I hear Brent
Is back in the picture
When is the guy

Going to get
That he is no god?
He just thinks

He is wonderful
He is not!
I don't miss those

Days of old
When every young
And old cock

Insisted i was prettier
Than Brooke
Just because they wanted

That little piece of property
Robbing and raping
And scamming 

And swindling
That is all it is about.
Even the young girls

Want me to know
They have had sex
With my man

The old ones as well
Will poor, poor thing
Me and make me mad.

What is there to say
Hands off!
Don't even think about it

And by the way
There is already 
A Jack Smith

Asking for gods
Assistance into the
Next world

As he and his Hondorus wife
Have ruined the building
In Tijuana

And probably 
Killed a few 
Along the way

I had to walk out
With just the clothes on my back
While they stacked

My suitcase along 
With the others.
How many dead bodies

Have they gotten rid of?
And those antiques
I found most of them

In a cute little shop
Which was once 
My mothers 

But now has some
Hoodlum running it
Most likely at the 

Request of Candace.
As for Jimmy
He has been too quiet

If I find the evidence
I will convict
Him and all those

Who have collaborated
I dont mind being

Alone at all.
It is just that 
No one will leave 

Me alone.
I want peace.
I want my families

And if I see another
Dawn or Donna

Who falsely claims
To be my mothers 
Real relative

I am going to take 
Action against them
And their religion

Who continue
To promote this type
Of liars without end.

58 years old
And still making
The cover of the magazines

This one is AARP
Old people now
Her and I 

Are the same age
Every thing she did 
Right I did wrong

My mother was not
An alcoholic
But had brain cancer

And early Dementia
She told everyone
Lies about me

Behind my back
While screaming
In my face.

What if the other
One had lived
Instead of me?

What would life
Have been like
For her?

My sister 
Was sweet and spoiled
While I was the long 

Suffering one
And sometimes sassy
When I was not being

Spanked for nothing
At all except 
Being the survivor

Of two identical girls.
I dont believe 
My mother would

Have had as much fun
But then she might
Have gotten away 

With it altogether.
What if Brooke
Had been a set

Of twins?
Scarry having two of her!
What else did we miss?

Being allowed to have
Our own choice
With boys and cars.

What a world
It was back then.
Something to consider

While listening to the 
Reports of another 

Which is why 
I wanted to be
The news journalist

Instead of the one
Shoved on stage
To perform

So my younger brothers
Could have the life
They dreamed of....

Did you know
Brooke once appeared
On 60 minutes?

She was the youngest
Reporter ever to appear.
While on the other hand

Made it through the ranks
Only to be considered 
Too old

In other words 
Get out of the way
For those others

Who don't know
What they are talking about.
I was also on

60 minutes
I got caught
Being a criminologist

All those years
Of working libraries
And museums

I had been trained
To be an unseen

For those guys
With the hats
I did not have long

Substituting tonight....
Anderson Cooper
The new kid

That no one knew
And now one 
Remembers me.

Not a pretty enough
Face, just good enough
But not going to be allowed

To have it at any time.
It has been a long
Set of years

Since I turned 
And showed up

In Mexico city
Where I caught
Candy attempting

To get an audience
With the Pope 

You are Mormon!
Anyways I am still

Waiting for all those
People whom I spoke
To consider me good enough

To have cup of coffee
Nothing fancy
Just acknowledging

That I am not a mad woman
Just one who hit menopause
And without my estrogen patch!

Really, I am doing much better
Still have headaches
And tumors

But I feel much better
Having survived
The Pandemic 

As well as 
Hepatitis a/b
No problem

I just want to kill
Jimmy and his son Juan
Nothing big

Just a little push
Off the Coronado bridge
It is not the Niagra falls

But it is tall enough
And the Dole Pineapple 
Factory is just below

Maybe they will become
Part of the juice pulp!
Sorry i just have had enough

Did you know 
Jimmy went over the falls
In a wine barrow?

And did not get killed
I do believe that was in

And to everyone's dismay
Did not die!
Well the cruises 

Have turned away
From Balitmore
Not to return

In the near future
And all those military
Trucks are going to have

To find another way around
Because they also cant
Go through the tunnels...

Haz-med traffic
Is going to be snarled
Around Maryland

Did anyone notice
How close it is to 
Washington DC?

Like right next door.
Wonder what else
Can go wrong.

Moscow set on fire
Again, that is how 
The old city was destroyed

A number of times.
While Kiev
Continues to consider

Themselves above
It all not releasing
Thier hostages 

Donetsk Donbas
They are going to make
Ballard's of your demise

Movies about how
You were never allowed
To gain your freedom

Nor return home
To Wales.
Don't look at the 

Princess of Wales
She is busy having 
Cancer treatments

The poor little thing.
My mother refused to have hers.
Cancer ate up

Eighty percent
Of her brain
And she was not 

A happy woman
What else do we miss?
Having a peaceful Easter?


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