Thursday, September 15, 2022

All in a days work...


Mr. Zelensky claims to have won the war on Ukraine. He has raised his flags over some towns and paid people to tear apart official flags of Russia.

Sounds as if he is living in the Southern United States not an independent state of the Russian Federation.

The Question is " will he or will he not"?

Donbas declared their independence and even the UN acknowledges that they are a separate entity.

Russia claimed to go in to help them succeed but now are provided no support with the withdrawal.

Is he going to give them permission to be separate and equal to Ukraine?

Or will they continue in a subservient role as slaves of his regime?

He can't have it both ways, he wants to be his own people but does not want anyone else to play?

Well, the UN is going to hear about this, and they are going to have to make a decision.

It might be like Mehgan Markle.

why is she back.

Somebody just tells her to go.

It is not as if she has done any work.

All she does is go around with an African woman

And make fake stage performances.

She even walked up to someone with a needle in her hand.

Part of the newer generation is you play it their way or else.

They don't play around; it is their way or no way.

Now that woman has no life and no memory of that night.

Everyone is shunning her, so it must have gone badly.

After that needle jab.

Heroin addicts the lot of them.

All of the celebrities and aristocrats.

At least the ones who have nothing better to do.

But show up too skinny 

And I am still waiting for my real title

Kate, whose family were into smuggling in the old days.

Before they made a billion over night

And no longer had to be airline stewardess or controller.

Now they walk around Londontown as if they own it.

Maybe they do, all those smuggling routes.

Made easy through the employee's lounge 

Where the sniffer dogs don't even bother.

Did you hear about the two airline pilots

Who feel asleep while flying?

They forgot to land the plane.

They just sailed right on by the landing spot.

Then the alarms went off and they had to turn around.

Really as bad as your first day on the job.

And you find out you have to shoulder

The Queens casket, all 500 pounds of it.

It is lead lined for everyone's protection.

And with her being whisked around 

Everywhere for a whole week.

Did you know they laid her out on the dining room table.

There at Balmoral where Meghan got to have her Mexican family

Come and harass the poor old couple.

Now she is laying at rest in Westminster Abbey

Everyone who is in town is lining up outside

All the way across the bridge over the Thames

Nine hours they say just to walk by her

I do hope she has her hair set and her makeup on.

Well, there was this guard poor guy

He went and fainted right on the spot.

He had the first round of the archers,

Ad when they came half an hour later

He acted all drunk and then collapsed on the floor

None of the other guys were going to flinch

Not a muscle they just stood at attention

It was the bobby's who went over to see if he was still alive.

He is but no longer employed.

That is what happens in a day's work at a real job.

The other guys had to learn how to walk

Without dropping the Queen, herself.

And not mis a step and trip 

Causing the entire group to go down 

With a five-hundred-pound coffin 

On top of them all

The Queen probably would have had a giggle

But instead, she is being saluted 

And bowed and Curtsied and even on the floor prayers.

What a way to go your final days on the job

As Queen and you have to suffer 

Everyone walking past your coffin

Though they did give you some treats

You have lovely white roses

And your Imperial crown

As well as the round globe and scepter. 

Which they don't always bring to for you to play

Now if Biden would just get those rail guys 

In hand, I might get a chance to pop 

To the east coast if I ever get out of this whole

That Jimmy put me into.

Yes, I am still alive and counting the days.

To get him on all those extra kids that are not mine

And his girlfriends who still complain about my last name.

But really, I was a foreign correspondent and still know a thing or two or three....

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