Saturday, September 10, 2022

London Bridge Operation- top secret-


London Bridge is falling down,
Falling down, falling down.
London Bridge is falling down,
My fair lady

The time has come to say goodbye to the lady of England. She served her entire life without ever being properly thanked or even paid.

There is no way one can be paid for what Elizabeth did for her family and country.

And in the end, they wanted to throw her a party when all she wanted was to be left alone.

She would have preferred her life to be her own instead of stolen moments from the public.

Was there any other figure of the monarchy with such little privacy.

Perhaps Sun King who is supposed to have been watched as he rose in the morning.

The thing is that no one else had so little time for themselves.

The media was after her all the time, there was the modern surveillance stuff and never a moment alone.

When did we not allow the monarchs the time to deal with their own problems.

To cry when they felt like crying and to laugh when it felt right instead of having a stiff upper lip.

She spent her time wisely they say but who are these bean counters.

Who waste everyone time with their little reports of what somewhat else has done during the day.

What they have eaten, how many times they have wiped their nose, or gone to the bathroom.

Why do we care if they get the job done.

It is the issue of too much information and not enough knowledge.

Charles has stepped into his mother's shoes.

Or has he?

He was a king in the making and it was going to happen one day.

Why did it not happen sooner? He had time to spend on himself.

He also had his projects to keep him busy.

But there was always another world leader that needed her hand not his.

Even Michelle who won't stop getting into other people business showed up at the palace.

She had been a married woman in her youth before she was handed a trip to Harvard.

All she did with that was get on tv as often as she could referring to things as her own.

Plagiarism is what it usually called when someone repeats someone else words without reference.

Unless you are a spoiled daughter of a white man and use your skin to enter where even he could not.

When will it end?

It has already, there they are side by side. 

The two boys of Diana who did not care if she died in her quest of getting even after the show was over.

So devoted to each other, but then one had to marry a witch who won't stay out of others red boxes.

And then the younger one married foolishly a woman who would speak his misery to his family.

It ended badly with the two new ones running away together hand in hand to Hollywood instead Holyrood.

What is Meaghan thinking, coming back to London after what she staged.

But she wants to be in on the inheritance it is all or nothing with these ones.

She wanted to be half black, tormenting them about it when in fact they have never been bad people.

Her children are white as can be, leading one to believe she is lying about being black at all.

Dora is a social worker hired to allow the spoiled insane one to have fun with others.

She looks deadly walking holding Henrys hand while he has at last been allowed to walk with William one more time. 

But it does not look good, they are not telling each other why they are married to witches except they have to have a wife.

They are now the Kings children where before the Queens children were their superiors.

They are not the ones of what will come to be.

Meanwhile, an elaborate operation has been planned.

Named Operation London Bridge.

It is to bring the Queen home from Scotland where she died.

Her route will take her to Edinburgh the seat of Scotland.

Then to Londontown the seat of Roman occupation.

Her route through the city includes several stop overs before the finale at Westminster.

It is going to take more than ten days on the new schedule.

We do hope she is well perfumed, or she might smell a bit by the time she gets home.

Was not that the problem with Kate the Empress of nothing

Heer mobility issues came from her being old and ill and should not have been requested to come forward.

Her own staff gave her up to childish things such as a having tea with Paddington.

There was a time when Paddington would not have been mentioned much less invited for tea.

He seems to have pickpocketed the queen's purse.

All she had in it was a marmalade sandwich.

What happened to her wallet, firmly in Kate hands

Or that gold metro pass, most likely in the bears paws.

She looked as if she was ready to leave the day the prime ministers flew to Balmoral.

Having to stand there weak and frail to extend her hand to number 15 of number 10.

A beautiful room it was but she had her walking stick and her purse.

She wanted to go out and flee that house of horrors.

Instead, she had to steady herself and not panic.

Later the doctors were called and put her to bed.

Where she simply picked up her feet and gave up her life never having the freedom to say no or go on a trip when she wanted to leave and not stand and shake hands.

Paddington wherever you are, I hope you enjoy the Queens golden metro card.

Mines is purple and not for your paws. I am not ready to go yet and still have miles to keep.

Rest in peace as your own children are being turned out by the two boys the world took to their heart.

Your journey has just begun my lady.

If you still can't find the keys Camilla, they are probably in either Kates or Meaghan's fingers.

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