Saturday, September 17, 2022

Patron Saint of England- St. George is done his best with this lot


I recall being France when the Duke, died who was the uncle of Queen Elizabeth, the guy who abdicated.

It was a private funeral and for some reason we were included into one or two of the festivities.

When the next guy died who got a public state funeral, everyone was ready to go see him.

Does anyone even know who the Duke of Gloucester is, one of the cousins and possible heirs.

Anyways, I swear I was in the queue line half a dozen times.

A child is useful you hold the spot while the others go off to supper and what not.

I almost forgot to stop and pay my regards the last time or two, so used to just moving forward.

That was in nineteen seventy-four, a different era indeed.

No longer stuffy and people could go and of what they wanted.

Not like the fifties and my mother waited in the park for her invitation.

Her mother of course had been useful during the war years as a radio announcer

And her husband a Canadian Raf hero was going to be included.

But my mother wanted to be invited inside so she could curtsey and shake hands

It a sad thing to watch a women lose her mind, sadder when half of it is already gone.

My mother had early onslaught dementia and died of brain cancer.

I know it seems I waited at least three days in line, as soon as one groups was done.

Back I went to go with another one, it was just the thing to do.

There were even real live people in line, not just these pathetic souls.

They are a doing their best and will remember it always.

But it is sad, a queen who represented the generation of wwii

Outlived her own generation and the others are doing their best to remember.

It must be exhausting to go through the lines only to get to the center and have 

No more than a minute at most to say your respects.

The royal balcony has people occasionally in it standing there watching

While the guards look exhausted so many times, they have come out

The changing of the guard is mesmerizing especially with their real weapons

But one can see them sway from stress and sadness is creeping into their eyes

Anderson Cooper was just a little boy in those days.

His mother was Gloria Vanderbilt, a rich family with no royal tis.

SHe took her two boys down and got in line with the rest of the lot.

Standing there and politely speaking to those who noticed.

Allowing her boys to run around a little bit and then stand solemnly 

Once inside where they got rewarded for their efforts.

And now he is reporting it as if he is not even one of them royals

I wonder if he has taken his young son down to view the crowds at least.

None of the others i remember being so determined to be line have I seen.

Most of them went on to become celebrities, one the things that happened.

It was a time if one got noticed, one got recommended.

Not like now where one is treated like an animal.

Then there were the others such as the Coulters and Cardinale's.

Red head extremist who wanted to blow something up 

They even went and lied about raising my child just to have access

These would be bringers down of the monarchy

When they won't even do as their religion asks of them 

Nor what the justice system demands of them.

How many attempts have been made on the life of a royal

By a non-law-abiding citizen of any religion?

Meanwhile, this is the closet many will ever be to their monarch.

I had two great grandmothers, both my mother's grandmothers

They had taken care of her during the war years 

And now it was her turn since they were widows.

The trouble that was caused by that runaway teenage boy

His father living in California and his mother in DC

In thier nineties and special care they needed.

One was in the first electric wheelchair, and it required a license

The Utah lady named Brown had to show her card all the time

As I walked with her around the old neighborhood

And her Siamese cat would sit and yowl at passerby's

It was a sad day to come home and find her frozen outside

Jimmy just wanted entrance to our place and had locked her out

We had to drive all the way back to Salt Lake with her in the car

So she could be buried proper Latter day saint style

But never made it, we were robbed on the way

Jimmy made off with the car even though he could not drive yet

He turned 18 in 1975 and that was also 1972

Thinks he might have been faking it a bit

We heard he had her propped up in the back sit as if she was a lady

Driving her around as if he was a chauffeur or something

Her bones ever touch the ground in Zions town it will be a miracle!

Inga was the one from St Petersburg but really Copenhagen

We were told not to talk about Russia, she was Danish

But it always came out anyways and she had already left 

Before the Bolsheviks took over the entire country

Slave owners, slave drivers, sting them all up

She could walk but was also in danger at all times

Especially Karen who would not leave us alone

She stoled a baby from the campgrounds

Named it angel and lied to everyone about its origins

One day Angela will wake up with her head cut off

She is a horrible thing that has tried to kill 

A number of people including the royals whom she has no feelings 

Ninety-year-old women should be assigned military guard or something

She finally met her end being poisoned repeatedly

And over a piece of property, she could not give away

Nor will it ever be in the right hands 

Unless someone takes drastic measures

Sweet old lay buried in Ogden and her not a Mormon.

She was our royal of the family

She had meet Queen Victoria herself

Only sixteen years old and on her grand tour

Which took her to California where she married

Her childhood sweetheart of another faith

A military family of old Scandinavian roots.

Indians and Vikings 

Everyone was horrified when i was young

Now it is cool to be one or the other 

Just not both but what can i do

There has been little that has gone wrong

Except one archer fainting on the floor

And another man fainting on the casket

The crowds have been patient for their last look

After all it is a new century

And they might not be able to do this again

Who knows what is going to happen

With King Charles and hunky WIlliam

They might not make it as monarchs

The patron saint of England

Is saint George, the dragon slayer

An old story of a young man coming out of nowhere

And slaying a dragon who was attacking the people

And then saving the young princess 

Being held as hostage, and a Christian

The story surfaces about the same time as Constantine 

Units the west with his conversion

But the old stories are better told 

To believers that nay-sayers

It is that there was a dragon to be slayed

Why do the European communities have so many problems

With their populace and neighbors

Anyways the young hostage was their princess

And he was awarded her hand in marriage

Just as Philippe Mountbatten came to save

The young lass named Elizabeth from certain death

He kept her free from all the others

And she made everyone feel welcomed 

Who visited Buckingham castle

Now England is bustling with pleasure

At being allowed to escort her properly

To her new home and view her one last time.

Now that the Queen Mum is gone

I stood in that Queue as well

Almost forgot to curtsy when I finally got to the casket

Wish I had not missed Philipps Mountbatten's

Day of reckoning, he was always my favorite

The family Dragon slayer

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