Tuesday, September 6, 2022

That reminds me

 There is another story about Jimmy...

Jimmy was having a tantrum.

His shark bait had disappeared.

He had plucked him out of the water when no one was noticing.

He was just out for his usual swim.

When suddenly he was swooped up out of the water.

He woke strapped the side of a boat.

This kid was screaming at him.

Shark bait shark bait.

He could not understand what the kid wanted.

But he knew he was in trouble.

The guy was nuts.

He was American celebrity's kid.

He got caught keeping a man from coming home.

No one strands anyone out in the desert.

But the kid had gotten hold of the radio.

By the time the man had come home

He was not the same man.

He held out he said and did not go all the way as some had before him.

He had even gone to visit the family.

They had one of those old ranches on the coast.

It had been dismantled after wwii.

It was a rundown property 

But had nice view of the ocean

And a safe harbor for those with boats.

He remembered it location.

As they sailed through the pacific

They met absolutely no one at all.

He wondered was sailing the boat.

At some point someone

Besides the kid had to surface.


It was his turn

To hang on to his mind.

The kid showed up from time to time

Screaming at him.

And then it happened

The kid got caught

The man leaning over the boat was not pleased.

He said they would let him go

If he did not come back to them 

When they were in port.

He did not care.

He was stranded.

He was released from the ropes

And gently carried on to the beach.

Where he lay until he was woken 

BY the angry hut owner.

He tried to speak to people

They all spoke Spanish.

No English

No Australian.

He was up the pole.

He tried the local authorities 

Where he found the kid was in custody.

He was told to move on.

He was offered a ride by some Hippies.

He found he was in California.

But lower Baja.

He was got out to use the toilet

And got left behind

He had no wallet 

Nor money and no ability 

To speak to anyone

Another couple came along

They were camping with their kids

He got a lift

He was now hitch hiker.

Wonders of the world.

Ensenada is where he wanted to go.

He walked all the way out

To the beach

And found no one

It looked as if it had been raided.

A man from a Trailor yelled

At him.

He thought he said

They are looking for you

He began to sweat.

He walked all the way downtown.

Where he bumped into a man 

He knew.

The man was scared.

His wives foster son

Had been picked up

She had run off with the car.

He was trying to bum a ride.

They both got into the fishing boat.

Hey, it's great to be top side

He explained.

And then it happened again.

The man had gone into make phone call

And he never came back.

Rosa rita...

He never did find the guy.

Some hoodlums 

Tore out of the parking lot


The trunk had fists pounding

But he did not hear it.

He saw a map 

Look he had come a long way

From San Lucas

All he had to do was walk around that corner

He walked and he walked.

No one else spoke English

He just kept on going

And then he saw the signs

And the wall.

He got caught attempting to cross

The border without a license

He thought all you had to do 

Was walk across from Mexico

Into America.

No, they said as they put him in the back of a truck.

They forgot to lock the handcuffs

He watched until they went to get their next victim

Another heavy-set white man

He slipped out of the truck

And ran.

He was joined quickly

By a pack

Not wolves 

Thank God

But young Mexicans.

He had no idea where he was going

But they did.

He soon found himself dodging

Traffic in the middle of highway.

He stopped to catch his breathe.

And was told

Hey man, you made it.

He was on the other side of the border.

He hung his head in shame.

He could not go back and explain

To these guys.

He would have to find someone else.

As he sat by the side of the road

A motorcycle slowed down

Want a ride.

Sure. why not.

This is downtown.

You have to let go now.

Very gently,

His hands were removed from the guy.

He stood there swaying

And praying

That he was alive 

And in one peace.

He lay down in the city park near the fountain.

He was not sure how he was going to face home

After what he went through

Just to get to a place 

That spoke English.

Somewhere in the morgue is a guy

Who should not have closed his eyes.

Nor wished he did not have to explain 


How he had got where he was.

No identification

No way of telling whom he was.

Some rich guys go that way

Once they have been robbed.

A number of royals and politicians

Just disappear

Because there is no way of telling

Who they are once their heart gives out.

In this case,

The guy lived a little longer.

He made contact with the local mayor

But the local constables-cops

Moved him on before he could explain

And then luck would have it

He ran into his friend 

From the fishing boat.

Abducted he said.

They had put him in the trunk

And then found out they could not keep him

Instead, he was given a ride all the way back.

They were out looking for some crazy guy

Walking the highway.

He gave him the key to the room 

And told him to take a shower

While he went to find his wife

And give her a spanking.

He did not want to know

Nor ask.

He was relaxing on the bed

Having put through 

A trunk calls

He was waiting the response

When he heard its voice,

NO! it screeched.

His shark bait! was in his room.

He could not move fast enough

For the kid was on top of him.

As he struggled the phone rang.

As the phone rang

Two men stepped through the curtains.

But could not keep them from falling

To the sidewalk below

The kid broke his fall.

Two men showed up with a white jacket.

The kid they trussed up

While the other guy they left for the next crew.

It was the mother 

When she came along

Who lay down near the fountain.

Because she had not understood.

He had accidently hit on the head.

The Ambulance had transported him 

To the hospital.

But he lay there unable to speak

And if he had he could not have told 

Anyone anything at all.

But he could he the kid scream and screech.

At Paradise Valley hospital.

Far from home, so far from his home.


Meanwhile there are mushrooms

Growing in an oblong pattern

Downtown near the fountain.

If anyone cares to observe

And wonder whose soul

Did not make it home....


Another set of white sneakers appeared

One day on a different beach

The little girl took a beating

She had not a clue as to what

Nor why.

Some kid had jumped into the lake.

And left them

She thought 

But was not sure

There was something

She was trying to remember

A story she had heard

Or an image,

She was just wondering what had happened

To her family and their homes

Somewhere along the way

A whole lot had gone wrong

Shortly after Jimmy found the same set of white sneakers

The little girl

Ended up in a coma

And he turned off her life support system....

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