Sunday, September 11, 2022

I also remember Jonestown


Of all the cray things to happen to a family.

We were being torn apart and there was this new guru in our town.

His name was Jones, and everyone swore by him.

He was going to change the world.

He did change the world.

But his Jonestown will never be forgotten.

He came in with the wind

Robbed and raped 

Everyone he could

And then went out with a bang

His crew were defiant

He wanted the money 

It was his money

There in corrupt 

Sonoma county

So corrupt 

They still wont 

Acknowledge court orders

They helped him rob 

And then steal people lives

And then helped him kill

They did nothing to stop him

Nor prevent what happened

Not even once admitting their own guilt

Instead, this man

Fled their county

Went to a foreign country

Took children on a summer camp

And then held them hostage

While the families paid him

In food stamps as well

As county funds

No one cared about fraud

He was a guru 

to save his own soul

There with African children

He hated them more

Then most but still

Used them to get his way

Then his own people

Made the mistake

Of getting caught

One child escaped

And told the truth

No one believed her at all

She was Indian 

And not one of tiers

But the money was missing

Families would not acknowledge

The questions and became obvious

That there was something to investigate

The Washington crew not to get caught

Doing nothing at all

All the senators had to do 

Was show up with cameras

And ask a few questions

And then go away

He would make his report

And wash his hands

Instead, they killed him

He probably could not have 

Done anything anyway

But she stood there

Stirring the Kool-Aid

Watching the men carry them out of the building

She was his angel his princess

She was not going to die

She waited until they were getting tired

And then vanished, she knew how 

He might have not noticed

But he did the head count

She was missing 

The one who had caused

So much trouble 

Over pretending to be 

The wrong one's child

She just wanted to be a princess

But he had not understood

That they would come for him

He had to disappear

Or he would be dead 

As well as his Rose

Instead, Rose was gone

And her brother went down

For her as he raised his rifle

Did he shoot the senator

NO one could tell 

But he went to prison

For her and was not going to tell

Whether or not the man 

Had escaped

His name was Bernard Shaw

He came to tell the story

Of the little town

Santa Rosa California

Who had got them a guru

Of their own

And then took a property

And called it Jonestown 

French Guainía 

South America

Full of paradise seeking 

Americans and Africans

Now it was over

Berard told their story

And made name for himself

He got to be the big man for awhile

He forgot how he got started

And then retired 

Without ever telling her story

The one who escaped

Who was now being 

Controlled by the one who had survived.

He had found the little girl

And kept her from being 

Told on as she gave him her story

Missing out the bad parts

Such as stealing wallets

At the airports

Or making them kill the others

She was a darling

And she was going to be a princess

Now she is older and still wants

Her way with others

She has even accused the president

Of being her daddy

Making him eligible

For statutory rape

And instant prison

But Bernard got pneumonia

His sad fate of never making it to te top

He did but not to his satisfaction

His death was announced

And they were going to make a big deal

Of his life and his accomplishments

And what do you know

She had to go and die

The very same day

Know no one will hear 

His story either

The Queens is more important

He will be pushed to the back

Remembered but not heralded

After all that is the way 

It is in the news 

The bigger fish 

Gets the story

Such as this guy 

Down there in Ukraine

He just wants his property

He refuses to give in 

To others no matter

How many of his own people

He kills

Just like Jones

He wants his way

His country is not going to be told


He just not wants to hear 

What the others know

He wants his land 

Not to be taken from him

Nor will he set them free

They are his slaves

He would whether have them all die

Then give in to their independence

He is taking his flags 

And raising them over them 

Dead bodies

It is his land

And he is not going to give in

His decorative wife

Is proud of herself

So concerned for others

Wearing all the fine clothes

But she will not be going 

Top the Queen funeral

She is too busy 

With their husband 

Stealing other people live

Thier freedom is nothing to this couple

He wants his way 

And his own hero

Gorbachev lay with only his family

And those who could walk by his casket

Not state funeral

Because none of the leaders 

We're being allowed to go to Moscow

Because they want their way

And now they won't be going 

To the woman who gave them 

Money and ammunition

If her husband had been alive

She would not have been allowed

Now he will miss her funeral

Just so the other guy 

Won't be invited either

It is his land not their lives.

Just like Jonestown

I wonder if she knows 

How to stir Kool-Aid?

She knows how to hand

Guns to children

Wonder if they get paid 

By the amount of deaths

Compared to the actual real number

Of occupants?

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