Wednesday, September 7, 2022

There existed a place once upon a time that was so beautiful


Have you ever heard of a place that everyone talked about?

Or everyone wanted to visit?

Or just insisted on owning?

The turn of the 20th century it was already occupied by the true descendants of the original's occupants.

The 21 first century found the last of the false squatters claiming to have been there forever.

The Farrel Sandoval's are liars and insane if they believe they will get way with their theft.

It all started.

Well, there was the Great Gatsby

The roaring twenties

When the alcohol deprived showed up

And turned it into a party town.

Sadly, they took a lot of the antiques with them.

Then there was the other group of partiers 

After the WWII

From Hollywood

They wanted to have the girls 

Free to roam around

Without restraints

In other words

They got them drunk

And then had fun with them.

They raided the closest of the fine clothes

The family were religious

Who worked and traveled.

They once had Jardins 

Of fruit trees

Including apricates, avocadoes olives and other types

That could grow on their own

And then picked and bottled

And then sold while the family took care 

Of other Propeties or things.

That their property kept being broken into

And the locals did nothing about it

Indicates the criminal nature

Of those who moved in from other ares

They were not original inhabitants

Mexicans did not arrive until late in the game

By then they were more communist

Then Catholic

Stealing what they could

And demanding everything for themselves

Such as Teresa and her boys

Mine, mine, mine

Little does she know about the day

He let Charles into the gates

His father was a big man in Hollywood

He was even on his show

He wanted to be Movistar

But Shawn or Jimmy

Was never going to be an actor

His father was not going to allow it

So, he did things 

To others making them believe

He was a big wig instead of a nobody

He even attempted to sit with a guitar

And screech

Jeremiah was a bullfrog

He had the cops called on him.

And the music doors closed to him.

When he was little he ran into a guru.

the man said he would make him 

Into something special

He had no idea what he was doing.

His name was Charles Manson

The mad dog

Who would end up going to jail

All because Jimmy

Did not get the wife 

He wanted.

It went like this.

I have no real memories of jimmy 

Before my sister died

And then I have 

Selective memories

All of him and nobody but him.

I know they are not true

And have an alternate 

Memory path which he keeps

Trying to keep me from accessing

Through constant needle jabs

And head beatings

And lots of abusive situations.

There is a clear memory of him

Though, of him leading me through the gates

Of this property that kept 

Getting invaded.

To meet his guy

Who was going to make 

Him famous

The guy was sitting 

In the old stables

Which had been turned into a kitchen.

He had a group of girls brought in by bus

They were all blond and drug

They were all upper class

And they were then raped

And hypnotized to his will

The guys with him 

Took them home or back

They were unaware 

Of where they had been

Or what had happened to them

Except for the littlest one

Who had escaped at first

And hid until at last

Someone found her 

And put her to sleep 

With their drugs

But did not harm her 

As she was too little

To get pregnant

The last seen

As the guru was matching

Couples up 

Was Jimy wanting to be the spouse

Some of the women

Recognized the property

And thought it meant 

They could become 

Something that is impossible

They told him to marry

The daughter

And they would do anything

Instead, Charles

Shook his head.

She was too little

Even for Jimmu

Who was still too young 

He chooses one of the other girls

Also, too young to have been brought

Her name was Mary Mae 

Her mother had not known 

Where they were going

Or had she?

So many mothers willing 

Gave up their girls

At that age of 12-14

Before they were mature

But able to marry

That day

Shawn and Sonja

Were born as husband and wife.

She gave birth to a black baby

And remembered she had another husband

Ran away

Got caught

Put in a mental ward.

Divorced him in court


Had another child

Not black

And still can't get away

From him

She still does what he says.

Even though he has a hundred wives

And she a half dozen husbands


The surfers

And Musicians

Showed up and said they were 

Given the property

To play upon

The family were perplexed

But as Christians

Simply sent them down the street

One of the men from the group

Showed up with a girl he said was really related

Named Elise from Egypt

She said she was Indian

Then Mexican

Now American

Whatever it takes

She keeps up the lies

Even though her husband

Died leaving a will

As if he was the owner 

Of the property

And then there were 

All the babies born

Whop were brought down 

And told they could own

This property

If they just killed

The little girl

Instead, they all became

Movistar's, musicians, media types,

Celebrities, princesses, first daughters

None of it is good enough

Jimmy promises something else

And there is nothing top have

Because the Sandoval's

Got it into their heads 

To keep the land

And get ref of the evidence

Except they forgot there were other

They have been committing murders

And identity theft

They even clam to be the real McCoy

But Charles went to person

When jimmy 

Did not get what he wanted

Jimmy had to live


Right next door 

To his hero

And kept taking his chosen one

Who could not understand

What the issue was,

She had no interest

In the man

And only plans 

To burn them out

They have contaminated

The entire area

With their drugs

And sex and dirt

There is nothing nice

left of the family

And when Teresa finds 

Out how many of the girls

Believe they are the real

Little princess

Instead of her

Just because 

They are all stupid 

Enough to believe

An imbecile

Who does do not know about anything at all.

This family

Who are the real owners

Were murdered

The old lady 

After her husband had been poisoned

Her daughter

Her Granddaughter

Both of their husbands

Leaving only the last little girl

Even Tara 

Stephanies powers

Daughter who helped

Set the man 

On fire thinks 

She is a princess

As does her husband

Peter Barmettler

Who is Charles

First born

But was not born

A prince

Nor will Jimmy 

Ever be king

Nor President of anything

Worse than the story

Of Rebecca

Which was burnt down 


A fire can wipe

Out the thieves and murders...

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