Sunday, September 25, 2022

At the End of the day..


The first day of Autumn in a beach town.

Just don't get up late and stop for lunch.

It was hot at noon, but the water was blue.

We had a hurricane just over a week ago.

I wonder if there were more in the old days.

There seems to be things high off the water and away from the waterfront.

I grew up on two different coasts.

And celebrating nature more than holidays.

Christmas in the snow was fine while my sister was alive.

And thanksgiving on in the barn 

With the boys back in town

Were fine days.

But they were far in between

The ones with Jimmy 

Walking in and demanding he was married

For while I wondered if it was me or my mother

It turns out it was my sister who died when she was five

I was the sister-in-law who was supposed to take care of him.

Really, he got married at 12 to Sonja

Who is now called Ludmilla

Six husbands she has had at least

Doris Roberts lost daughter

Confusing things with the Cokie Roberts family

Always in my way that one is

It seems they got married legally

And then had a baby 

Which came out more like his real mother

Then hers, who took it right back

To where it belonged

Except Richelle looks just like Doris

Except for the color of her skin.

The little rich girl is how she made herself

And her little one is too much to handle.

But right now, we are talking

Seasons of nature

Equinox is the equal days 

Of Spring and Autumn

My sister had all those spring holidays 

To enjoy while I moaned in silence

And then summer was over

And Fall arrived

We got to go back to school

Where we could have a normal home

And perhaps family would be returning 

From thier overseas adventures

Come September 

My life would come back

And then we could commune with nature

One which ever coast we were upon

There was usually a party 

With grandma since it was her birthday

We might even go to Paris for the weekend

But then Jimmy started bumping 

Them off one by one

The ones who kept my mother

From being a complete lunatic

While we regretfully 

Made plans for each child 

To be raised in a different home

Since there were now too many

Of us to be together

Not that we did not try

Only to descend into mutiny

On the part of at least one

Or the other

Added in were the extra cousins

We should have all had 

A chance at a life in the days

When the law actually did something

Instead of sitting there waiting

All those years ago and nothing

Has been done to stop the flow

Against Jimmy and his ladies

He was raised by a bunch 

Of blonds who had no idea 

Who is real mother was to him

They were mostly her old enemies

The reason the family kept the old houses

Now those houses are gone as well

As three generations of gangsters

Have interfered with the war hero

My great grandfather was a WW I

Flying ace, at least he trained as one

He was LDS and was kept from knowing

What the other boys were doing

But he is the one who caught the lone wolf

And then they followed him home

Good thing there was a boyfriend 

For his granddaughter

Who had a family from the ancient days

Of American history

Military family who had ways 

He was even sent to the Brown academy

The West Point of the West

His great-grandfather was sent west

For the Civil war

He began at several locations

But his munitions expertise

Was something out of this world

He was sent to Alcatraz to defend the San Francisco Bay

He ended his days as the Postmaster

For the Presidio until he retired

The man from Tennessee

Had seen the Pacific beach

And decided not to go home

He died shortly afterwards in 1910

Having spent fifty years living 

And breathing fish and surf

Instead of woods and deer

It was not enough though

The gangsters just got more 

And more people

In trouble 

It is easier to get them in trouble

Then to get them to join

And so, it goes on at the end of the day

Those who try to do what is right

Versus those who want to do what is right

Against those who want to what is wrong

The wrong win out easily 

When there is no law 

To correct the matter

War is fine and all

When it is necessary

But getting the law on your side

Against a bunch of thieves and killers

Is another thing

It is never a good day 

To walk upon them wishing to die for someone else

Just because they have already been told

Not to step on their property

Nor take their children for a ride

Even girls were trained to show

up pretending to be the real daughter

When all Demi wanted was the purse

Around my mother's neck

To get her way with those women

And find herself the top of the heap

First day of Autumn

A swim in the old private club pool

A ride on the new trolley line

Lunch at a familiar place

Which serves Asian fish 

And Mogolian barbeque

Then a walk on the beach

Under the old Cyrstal Pier

Where one of the first ballrooms 

Of the Pacific Coast

Now a motel on the pier

And then the ardelous trip back

But another year has passed

Another year older

How many years has gone by 

At the end of the day?

No one is left to count.

But I know, I do know when I am not being drugged.

What time of the day it is

What day of the week it is

And where I am in the stream of time.

At the end of days....

There will be a calamitous event 

For mankind according to 

The wise ones of the holy scriptures.

That is another day

Another day...

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