Monday, September 19, 2022

My Lady, my lady you had quite a day of admirers, what will you tell yours?


My Lady when you arrive by your husbands side you might not be the same lady as you were when you last arose.

There were all those young men willing to hold hands in order to carry your weight. They even lifted you up those treacherous steps at Saint George.

And those young sailors who kept your company the whole route of the funeral were not going to let go of their hold upon you. They had you surrounded and were determined in keeping you from those mounted Canadians who showed up with their horses.

I'm afraid they arrested the one admirer who attempted to touch your casket but everyone else was more than willing to patiently wait up to twenty-four hours in line.

Just to walk past you and view your last days working as usual, and not relaxing. You even had viewers sneak in from the Leaders of the world to take a peek at you.

Juan Carlos, the former King of Spain for instance showed up and with a walking stick made it up those stairs. He was accompanied by his wife Sophia who has not divorced him despite his absence.

And then there was that really young and handsome French President. He showed up as well to view your casket with his schoolteacher wife and they did not miss your funeral.

The former Presidents of the United States, however, were not able to attend. Instead, they preferred to attend a special Memorial service at Washington DC Cathedral.

Oh, and the current President got stuck in traffic and stopped for yogurt cups with his second wife. Do you remember them when they were courting and causing a fuss? A schoolteacher and a young widow.

I'm afraid most of your commonwealth attendees could not afford other accommodations and were forced to take the bus to your funeral.

Despite it all, everyone arrived with smile and then frowns. Including poor Boris who claims they changed the rules on him after he went into number 10. Him and his young wife got the last spot on the section designated for the former Prime Ministers. 

Oh, and the Bidens were a little late, so they had to be seated way back in section 14 not close to your casket at all.

And was a wonderful day, the sky was out and the clouds at home. The crowds had spent a week lining up in your park to view you and your casket. 

Now was the real funeral, just like your father before you they mounted the full funeral.

It is a good thing that everything was closed because everyone was down at your part of the woods. 

The long drive between Westminster to Buckingham was done with love, and lots of music and marching.

One could almost hope you were enjoying the ride on the guncarriage designed for Queen Victoria, who was a little bit heavier than yourself.

All those men in uniform who turned out for your funeral and managed not to faint nor get in the way of each other.

Your son does know how to throw a royal parade and with style, even your staff came out to say goodbye.

And then it was off to the other castle of Windsor. They put you in the back of a Hearst for this trip.

An hour long it took to go the short distance with everyone lining the streets and wishing you well on the journey.

Even your favorite horse came out to say goodbye. Did you hear about the antique field tractors who gave you a double sided send off in Scotland.

Well, there it was after all those days of standing in line and all the marching was done, a second assembling of the masses accord at a second church.

Your corgis came out to greet you as well, I'm afraid your former daughter in law has decided to steal them from you. Or at least they will be residing with Andrew while Sarah watches over them.

That last little bit was a short climb upstairs you could not have made on your own.

In fact, the perfect eight who were put into duty again, needed an additional pat on your person as they ascended up into Saint George. 

When it was all said and done, and there was a lot said by a lot of people including your new Prime Minister who read a lesson.

You had your beautiful toys removed, the scepter and the globe and the crown. They were handed over to the State which will care for them until your son's coronation.

Finally, you were lowered to the basement where you were said to join your beloved Philip.

If he would have you after all that attention by all those hands helping you on your way and those admirers that came out to march for you.

Well, I do hope it was a happy reunion and the next journey of joining together will be taken well by him who only had a short jog between castle and church.

Best wishes my lady on your retirement and relax in your husbands' arms as long as you wish.

Your castle is being taken care of as William and Kate decided they liked the looks of the old monstrosity for their modern young kids to grow up.

Wonder where all the Wi-Fi connections will be, and those extra electrical items will be plugged in the old thing.

You practically married those eight men today, but all is well and I'm sure they will get over it.

Meanwhile, I had to watch from the West coast because I did not receive an invitation.

My mother would have had a word or two about it but she passed away in 2005 and is now in a Rose Garden in California holding hands with my father her childhood sweetheart. They had six of us and no one notices that we are related, certainly not the others.

Hopefully you had no enemies show up or any of those other boring people such as Jimmy who kept attempting to enter your premises because he thought he was born to royalty instead of his father's show Captain Kangaroo.

Maybe Charlotte will take after you and become a brilliant leader someday if her mother will just do everyone the honor of tripping over those heels.

Bless you and yours and may there be fair rulers in your fair isle for a time to come. 

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