Monday, September 12, 2022

Jimmy, Jimmy its not your day to have your way...


Its traditional, the standing guard over the body of the now dead monarch.

Imagine if it was stolen and held for ransom!

Or kept from a Christian burial?

These are important things to consider in the grief process.

That they chose to do it together as a unit is remarkable.

They as a group of siblings have not had an easy passage through time.

Charles the first born was pushed to do everything expected including giving up his love.

He was also pushed out of the group as the others were groomed.

Just in case, he fell on his face or his backside.

The only girl has had a nose ring her whole life.

Living up to the ideal of the perfect princess.

She had a few lousy romances, a couple of marriages and some kids.

She was lucky to always be the one around the house in order to keep mum company.

They seemed to get on famously, but then what is a daughter to do.

She was also the one who took the most from the media and survived.

Andrew the charming boy was also the bad playful one.

He got into trouble all the time and then had to stand and wait.

She always forgave him the end, her favorite because he reminded her of whom.

And then there was the youngest, Edward.

Poor Edward to follow in the footsteps of the others.

He rebelled her perfect one who never got in trouble.

He wanted to do it his way, no military school for him.

No killing and blood on his hands.

He was intellectual and artistic.

It took a while for mom and dad to agree 

To his lifetime love, an interior decorator.

Well, they have a beautiful daughter and a dutiful son.

Jimmy does not like to play with others.

While I don't do well playing with others.

Because they always cheat and steal and just don't want to be nice,

Jimmy can't understand the rules.

He makes up his own just because.

He is horrified he is not pissing on the casket.

One of the things the guards are meant to prevent.

Nor being allowed to examine her, his favorite pastime.

He likes them better dead than alive, females.

He really hated his real mother, Camille.

Same name and twice the trouble 

Who died of a massive heart attack, 

Wonder what he did that time.

The other thing is to make sure 

Well, that she is in fact dead.

It happens occasionally

A corpse rising up out of its coffin.

Just like the old girl to get even with them four.

Shudder, they did like their mother

But she was also the Queen.

Jimmy went to great lengths in his youth

To own her should and mind.

He had his ways and designs.

Not smart enough for school.

But once taught to do something

He did it well and did not forget.

Here he is again our Jimmy

Interfering little brat bastard.

What can possibly go wrong.

They have sat for long hours

Planning their own funerals.

It is really something to understand

That at some point a couple 

Knows that everyone is expecting

For them to drop over someday

So, they sat down to figure out what they wanted.

He wanted a private funeral 

And got one in the middle of a Pandemic

With his own styled land rover

A sign of the old hunting Princes of Europe

Who used to go to Africa for a good hunt.

Now he was a docile enough to be led 

To his grave inside St Georges

A symbol of the dragon being vanquished

By the Christian knight.

Her plans entailed the London bridge

Forever it is a symbol of staunchness 

And survival and overcoming all obstacles.

It has also fallen down been burnt and broken

But the new one is functional 

And still spans the Thames

Between the old Roman Southwark's

And the new Londontown.

The Danes may have conquered the country

After the Romans ran away in defeat

But it was the French court that came

And recreated the entire community

No one remembers them with the 

Holy Roman German family taking over

And inviting the Russian Romanovs

To play with them

And yet she was more British

Then the British themselves.

Sadly, to say, most don't get

What it means to be unique

Creation fought by so many different

Ones to become more than a European

And those Scots still hold on to the old ways.

Bravo for them and now on to the real show

And it is going to be a showstopper

Not since Victorias funeral

A century earlier has a Queen died

However, there are a few pauses

The new Prime Minister

Might actually be accused of killing

The Queen with the shock of the Boris

Send off and him looking so much 

As her first love, Churchill

The rub may have been too much for her

But Truss has been behaving perfectly

Too perfectly, for she has Jimmy in her council.

How do we know this?

Because she is not going to allow them 

To play with their toys come funeral day

The world leaders are expected 

To descend upon London

It is one of the things, having them come

After all, why be King or Queen

If the others don't show their respects.

Number 10 Downing Street

Has given instructions that led one to believe

She might be guilty of killing her Queen

In favor of a King whom she can stand next 

And Jimmy can fantasize about controlling

For Goodnews sake, they have told

The President of the United States

That he does not know how to play

Well with the others

I guess if he wants to and does not feel he can

Come on, first they are being told

To jump on a Commercial jet

Most likely for protection

This way the terrorist won't know 

Which plane to shoot down

All the ones heading for Heathrow

Will now have an important person on board

Let's just play battleship in the sky's

Which class do you want to be in Mr. President?

What is the most expensive plane in the world?

Airforce one!

Unless tat Putin guy has a better one than Biden.

He can't bring his own plane.

Really Jimmy!

What about a submarine, Joe

Is Jill good with tight spaces?

Well, when you do arrive

You also can not have a helicopter

Downing street says no to them.

Not in their city not at all.

Iin fact, they want all of you to jump 

On tour buses and get chummy.

Who does not remember the one from summer camo

With the knife in his sock or the sling slot up his sleeve

Joe does not want to play with the other guys

Well, if he wants to use his own, we guess he can

So says Downing Street

Who is in charge of security?

Jimmy is always in charge of the private police 

I have to live with them everyday

Giving me dirty looks about anything

I know who they are working 

I have already taken him to court about it 

But that was the past

And he is a new man now 

That his real daddy died

Long live Captain Kangaroo

He was a hero to many 

But not his son, Jimmy

The American President is being called a spoil sport

Who does not want to go along with the plan

It is not the Queens plan, that is for sure

Next door neighbors are not always friends

Best not to rely upon the Prime Minister

When she can wine and dine the President

She has even had the Russian guy to supper

And quite entertaining he was too

Until his plus one ruined it with her sour face.

Anyways, we the public know not to let 

Two fragile eggs in the same basket

In case it drops and they both break

We keep them apart

If there is an attack

Then one of them will survive

Who heard of herding them together?

And why not limos

Perhaps the grandsons could allow theirs to be borrowed

I enjoy the young lads as much as anyone else

But you know they grew up partying

And I bet they have a few extra-long in their garages.

Are we to assume, that the modern era

That all doors have been checked

And windows shut

That there is no danger from anyone at all

None of the world leaders are going to come to harm

After all they have had a dozen of these things now

And they are a piece of cake.

A metal replica of her children standing guard over her

Should be made just to remind them 

Of the day they were still in charge

And not some celebrity kid

Who never went to school 

Because he was too busy 

Causing mayhem around the globe

Best on your desire to be laid to rest

Madame Elisabeth Alexandra Mary

But he has done it again

Thrown a tantrum unless he gets his way

He is going to blow big ben up

Or topple the Eiffel tower

Or just bring down the World trade center

I don't know but he has down things in the past

I would not put anything past him

After all he set my father on fire and smothered my mother

He just wants his way that is all folks.

Maybe Truss is innocent of the charge's

Then again who would ask the World leaders

To jump onto the same bus together

A non-genius?

Or just getting tired of the royal thing, aren't they.

Or Maybe

Its Meaghan and Kate

Having fun with the commoners.

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