Saturday, September 24, 2022

Who are the brave men who stay and fight to the finish?


Buffalo Soldiers were an act of congress.

They were decreed by the Congress to be given the assignment of the Frontier

They were African Americans who had already fought or we willing to fight.

After the Civil war was over but peace was not established.

There were a number of scrimmages in California alone between Union and Confederate

But it was the frontier that needed to become safe for everyone.

Everyone that is except the Indians, native Americans.

They had been pushed into the Great Smoky mountains 

And then forcibly marched to the no man's land.

And then Oklahoma needed their reservations for white people.

Now the Africans were being told to hunt them down 

They could get land out west and not worry about the south

All they had to do was control the Frontier 

Which included killing as many Indians as they could find

It was simple they were listed as criminals, scavengers

They were vagrants on some else land

They were unwanted and not Christian

Unlike the good African soldiers 

Who were Christians 

And not brown 

And willing to wipe out another race

After all they hated everyone who was not black

These brown skinned had let the whites in

Iin the first place to build their plantations

According to the stories told in the classroom

Really, they had not choice and they were excluded

Except for the stories of the Pilgrims and the pumpkins

They were already outside

They even say the Salem witch trials

Began with girls accusing their hired help

A native Indian of leading them on with her ways

Old ways were suspicious and not goldy

But then the Europeans had practiced them as well

It is sad today to see so many young people

Not know the true history of their own people

More than willing to sit and lie about being the wrong persons child

They want to be Indian too, it is too cool

To sit and steal just as the German hippies had

Someone else culture and ethnicity

They don't know these young ones

That in those days of the colored signs

That there were no bathrooms for the Indians

They were neither white nor black

They had to do it in the bushes

They were not better than animals

It is the same old thing one race is given 

The opportunity of betting themselves 

And they have nothing for anyone else

It was seen with the Irish who were to poor

And now too rich

And the Italians who were catholic

And who are now well to do politicians 

Who don't remember the days when they had no place

To stay except a lice ridden hotel room

Nothing changes but stays the same

But why would the blacks want to be Indians

Because they don't know what it means to be brown skinned

They don't know what it means to be crazy as Indian

They don't understand how frustrating it is to go to school

And still be told they don't have an education

Nothing they have done is any good

And never will be any good

Because they just don't understand

They don't own this land

They are lying about being here first

How often  i have heard those words

I know you were here first

Or why don't you get back on your boats 

And go back to where you came from

When in fact we did not have boats

As  I tried to explain patiently 

To one young woman

She did not want to hear it

She did not care, nor could she fathom

The idea that there were not boats for us

Nor planes for them

They live in a world where most of them fly

They don't take the bus

Not like the Royals 

Who were told to get on board

And they did it because they knew 

If they wanted to go to the funeral of the century

They had to get on the bus

Too good for most of the young ones

Who don't know why Rosa Parks

Was even on a bus in the first place

And then there are those others

A genocide has occurred

Russians against Russians

Excep they are no longer 

Calling themselves Russians

We are Ukrainians

I grew up around Kiev

And was forced out of Kiev

As well, once they wanted their independence

As a mixed race individual, I understood

And now those who fled Ukraine

Said they had to leave their men behind

It was no big deal they could fight

While the women and children fled

They have no homes to go home to

But the Russians have not been told

They have to provide extra support

And they are fleeing for the borders

They don't want to fight they don't want to die

It is all good for the other guy

But they themselves want no part

They are rioting and protesting

That their men have to be called up

But it is not their fight 

Is it? But someone else's.

They don't want to be sent in to fight their brothers

But those same men will kill them willingly

They don't want freedom for the Donbas people either

When will it end?

When someone smacks Zelensky in the face

Giving him two black eyes?

Then will the world media see him for what he is

A war mongers instad of a friendly comic

He won't give in, he won't back down, he won't let them go.....


Mr. Putin it is said is now giving orders

Himself for the war instead

He was not to blame 

Was he for starting the war

Nor for the casualties 

As he was not the one giving the orders.

Unlike Zelensky who has  no war experience

Is there directly giving out kill ordres 

Instead of protection orders

And all those wild stories

Of rape the media is eating up

Does one believe anyone 

Now adays?

It is hard to say where it will stop

The killing of ones own kind

Whie others just want to be envious

And takes what is not theirs to have or own

So many Germans said it was terrible

If only the wall would came down

And they could go home

Instead they stayed in America

And decided to own othrs properties

Some men even claim to own a woman

Jimmy just wants...

Now Elton John has been given an award

By President Biden

Just for singing and acting crazy

For fifty years,

He is good at what he does

And at 75 might deserve a medal

But he has never fought for anything at all

He even hid his homosexuality until it was okay

Not that I blame him

Severe punishment was meted out to those

Who did not understand

But there are those war memorials just down the street

And when an old friends child is asking

Why their house to be demolished

Her father sits there with his face imortalized

But the 200 year old house

Can't be saved from modernization

She no longer has a place to live

Although she did her part as well

With the National parks and Forestry

They were also told to protect the border

There was a time a wall was not needed

But a sharp rifle for pecking off those 

Who thought of making someone else land

Their own and now no one knows the difference

The Native Americans are the past

The Mexicans the future

Standing proud next to the Africans

Not really nor ever going to happen

All is fair in war and love

Said one of me enemies

Every time she was plotting me demise

And it is true 

One side can do nothing wrong

While the other one is fighting for independence

What has the world come to anyways

It is all a matter of viewpoint

Someone's Opnion that matters

As for all those would be Indians

You don't have a birth certificate with my name

Nor is stealing my Driver's license and presenting

It as evidence going to work

Any reasonable government employee knows better

Unless of course they are not hired but frauds themselves.

How much did the Romans pay for a skull of a Celt?

Or for a scalp of an Indian?

How much is Ukraine willing to pay for the hide of their own kind?

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