Monday, September 12, 2022

Has anyone watched the film London has fallen?


It is going to be an interesting funeral. 

This queen who was so popular was also one who had the most death threats.

No one talked about it much did they in the old days.

It is thought that she is just a dotty old grandmother.

There was a day when she was under threat and sought after was her dead or alive.

Even Princess Anne suffered at least one car bombing attempt.

Here they are marching through a Scottish town in open season.

There is nobody at all on the roofs as they slowly wind down the Royal mile.

There was a time when the roofs would have been lined with viewers.

Now there are not even snipers to protect, they have removed the possibility of attack.

Or so they want us to believe.

This slow march is meant to be a procession of grieving.

The idea of showing the monarch is really dead to the public.

Not unlike the old train such as Lincoln or the late Bush where they wind through various cities, so the public does know the President is dead.

But it has always been a death march, attack from the public or even the military is not unknown.

Marching with the others as they pass by well-meaning crowds is a sacrifice of showmanship.

That Charles is not afraid for his life, his day of glory of finally receiving his rights.

Long live the Queen, but she did live a long time did she not.

Camilla was following behind in the car, allowing at least one survivor if something should go wrong.

This has been a long day for everyone to get her casket to the correct location.

Tomorrow, they say they are going to fly her back to London instead of by train.

Then she will lay in state for the crowds to mourn.

It is the day the others come to town that is going to be a problem.

They have already told the President and the other world leaders that they want them to fly commercial and to be bussed to the events,

They have also told them no helicopters.

It is funny to hear the Americans complain, imagine Joe Biden being on a bus.

But, hey guys in the media.

Look up at the sky and then down at your feet.

You have had twenty years of yelling abuse at Afghanistan and Iran.

You have spent the last six months screaming about Ukraine.

They are trying to keep these guys from being shot down.

Who is not under threat? Except for Paddington no outsider has been allowed near the Queen in a while.

We have forgotten what it was like in the old days, nor should we forget Reagan's assassination.

It went wrong and he lived but developed Alzheimer's.

Should you wonder, what would happen is someone took out even one world leader?

No one wanted to go to Moscow for Gorbachev.

Too risky and hey everyone is now angry at Putin.

He is not going to be cray enough to shoot down a President nor knife a world leader.

Jimmy would and has tried to do it, in fact, he actually had his fat fingers on Yeltsin.

Not that anyone is allowed to speak ill of the baby boy of some woman in Washington.

There is going to be an issue of them flying commercial so that no one will know which plane they are on isn't there?

Then they are supposed to be grouped together like cattle in busses so no one will know which bus?

Safety in numbers?

I think not, it would be better to shut down the city.

After all no one has any reason to go anywhere at all.

Certainly not to work after the Pandemic.

They can take the tube to the nearest locations and under heavy guard.

The world leaders should be allowed the freedom of considering themselves able to move around normally.

There is no reason to have cars on the road on the day of the funeral and disguising a bunch of visiting world leaders as tourist is worse than having them line up in front of a bunch of gun wielding terrorist.

Give them the respect they deserve and her the day of peace she deserves.

Especially after being carted around in front of everyone the way, they have and will continue to do.

At least she has her underwear on under that flag.

And someone should keep an eye on the only daughter she might have a heart attack or stroke dealing with the weight of this situation.

Life is never easy. Bit going into death easy instead of being afraid at any moment a bridge is going to blow up is not the way it should be either.

Provide security and respect while giving an answer to those causing problems in the world.

Putin bowed out of his own state funeral for a respected leader and has said he will not be coming to London as his answer to the many threats he has received and the out roar if something should go wrong.

The Zelensky's should be given the front rows as celebrities and perhaps they can meet their own refugees. But he probably does not want to leave his country out of concern for his safety.

Enjoy this moment in time when all the animosity has come full circle when a world leader is not allowed the comfort of her own kind.

Perhaps when everyone gets back to their normal schedule they can think about the safety and security issues of kids going to school or shopping for groceries without worrying a man will have a gun.

Much less this crisis where the leaders were not allowed to go to even their own relatives nor the friends from visiting for two years and now are not even allowed to provide for their own security.

Put a funny hat on Joe and give Jill an ill-fitting outfit, then put them on one of those double decker tour busses, no one will notice them at all. 

Hopefully no one is going to go after the camera person nor the one with the microphone, that has never happened.

Invest in bullet proof vests like the ones seen on tv in war zones girls and give up those silly hats.

This is a funeral not a party for a spoiled girl who has no rights to the throne.

Nice dragon, sleep a little while longer, or Saint George will come for your skin.....

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