Friday, September 30, 2022

Strange fish at sea

He had survived so much as a child.

Born just before the war to a crazy young scientist

And a beautiful heiress 

Who died withing weeks of his birth

He did not want to forgive her for dying

But he also did not know how to love her husband

Instead, he had been raised by his uncle

and given a life by others to know

His life might have been with a happy couple

He traveled throughout as a navy kid

His girlfriend's family were immigrants

They were able to travel when others could not

He had been to Canada and Iceland

Cuba and Egypt

And then everyone came home from the war

They stooled everything they could

Those people from America

Really Germans who just took 

What they wanted including others' lives

They arrived as if they had always been there

And would not leave

He had suffered life threatening 

Childhood diseases

Had to have operations on his eyes

Been attacked as a child 

Of the Manhattan project

Been held hostage

As the nephew of a pacific

Navy child whose life

Was worth nothing

And yet his family had come through

The Great Depression 

Left them not rich

But with a string of filling stations

Gas and Oil 

Was his one grandfathers 

Inheritance to him

All he got was more work

On those gas stations

Instead of the oil rigs

And the CEO table politics

His mother's family had sold 

Out the plantations

Even before the Civil war

And invested in the new product

While his father's family 

Were the inventors of the gas engine

His grandfather was a designer

Of race cars and other

Automotores and bicycles

And later those flying things

No wonder his parents had gotten together

They had both been sent to England

To get them out of the Appalachia's

They were university educated

And still got married

And returned home to the old ways

Native Americans who had already

Arrived when the Brits arrived

It makes so many Germans

Angry to understand

They can't just say they were 

There first when dealing with Indians

Meanwhile he had married the girl

who caused so much trouble

For everyone as a child

And then seemed to have grown up

Only to realize that she was never 

Going to be normal

Her brain was damaged 

Severely at some point

And now had cancer spreading

Throughout and she would not listen

To her parents about anything

Everyone thought he could 

Endure a married life

And would be happy to have a wife

But it was hell to have her

Destroy everything

He had suffered in order

To gain as an adult

An orphan with two fathers

A woman refusing to give in

Should not have been allowed

But then he had fallen for her

As most still did without 

Knowing her brain was wired 

To destruction

He had even gotten to the point

Of agreeing to murder suicide

In order to get her to leave him alone

when he was working on an important

Project for the government 

He was brilliant and skilled

Yet his family life was miserable

He did not know what to tell his children

One more time she had arranged 

For a big show were others

Showed up for her to recall

Her childhood as the daughter 

Of a war hero 

In London where they gave big parties

For those who made it back

But had nowhere to go next

Thier own homes had been raided

While they were off defending 

The world against Hitler and Mussolini

Others had arrived to steal their homes

Some people never know 

What hit them

And those people were about

To Experience Demi

His wife's real daughter

Now known as Demi Moore

She always needed a different

Child to represent the family

All because her stepfather

Had introduced his mistress

And his son as the real

Relatives to the rich friends

Defrauding her mother

And her whom he sent to an institution

It was this reason they put up with her

Tantrums but not today

He was not going to see the wrong girl

Presented as his daughter

He took his two boys 

And got in a small boat

To go back to shore

He was still working out

The problem his wife 

Had presented

When a storm had hit them

He was not aware there was a storm

But his wife unknown to him

always made sure that

The weather services

Did not get through 

To her group of people

She needed to be in control

At all times

And her family homes

Had a number of natural 

Phenomena occur

Now she wanted to control

The weather around her

Therefore no one knew of the storm

About to hit them

A Hurricane the size of the Caribbean

His boat and boys

Were almost swallowed

Instead, he was sitting 

Attempting to adjust the boat

And talked about the storm

To his boys so one day

They would know what to do

Her voice came out of nowhere

Daddy are we in the eye


He looked up at the sky

It is blue and clear

But over there it is all 

Icky and stormy

He looked around him

They were surrounded

By it!

A Hurricane had come out of nowhere

And they were in the Eye!

Then he realized she was not supposed

To be there

She threw me out

Again, she has another girl

When is she going to stop

Anyways, I decided not to swim

Back to land 

But to sit in the boat

In case someone was going ashore

Mumble mumble 

Who is sitting on me

Oh, look there is the other one

What are you doing here?

Pretending to be you

And she spanked me 

Really really hard

Then she put me in the boat

But they used the other one 

I am never going to do it 

Again, be you!

She has someone else coming

And I am not to say anything

Is that what she does

When you show up all frustrated

And unable to talk?

Oh, she got both of us 

The same night as the other one

He just says there for a moment

He had not thought of what she did

His daughter when his wife

Had to have her way 

With the little joke

Of introducing the wrong girl

Now he had all four of his children

In a small boat 

In the middle of a hurricane.

She found a tarp under the other 

One and spread it over them 

And a rope she handed to her father

He had strung it over the boat

Like a badly wrapped

Christmas gift

TO strap all of them into the one boat

While he laid there with his arms

Around the four of them

Staggered the two small ones

Lower around his legs

And the older ones

Around his shoulders

Laying there now 

Looking up at the sky above

And waiting for nothing

He had given up on God

When he found out his father

Had worked on the bomb

That took out Japan

He knew no god would allow

That kind of destruction

And yet here he was floating

Through the dark in the eye

Of a storm so huge

He could not see its edges

He had survived Korea

As well with his men

Out on a walk through 

The fog and the war

She knew her father

Did not understand

The mother had lost her mind

A long time ago

She was stealing other people

Chidlren and presenting them as her own

The problem was that those children

Did not know she was lying

Nor that their own parents

Were not aware of the harm

It was doing to them

They would spend the rest 

Of their lives 

Not knowing how to handle

The situation that she was the first born

and had to handle the burden

And a mother without a mind

And a father whose heart 

Was failing everyday

She pulled another stunt on him

He lay there now with his open

And his heart stopped

She was massaging his chest

When her brother came awake

He saw her movement

And hit his father a few time

It worked,

Her father jerked 

And began to breather again


They had gone through a storm

So bad she did not want to speak

About what she had felt

Like the Ark 

Being tossed back and forth

Up and down 

While the others held 

On to the hope 

That he knows what to do 

She knew he had way

Of overriding nature

Here they were riding on top of something

Cruising through the waer

With a moter

They had picked up a boat

She told the others

And then it happened

The boat gave a great 

Big heave and hove

Then it began to sink

It had ridden out the hurricane

But could not recover

Like a whale it was too injured

It fell back into the sea

That gave it life

And purpose

Another one for the grave of the sea

She screamed so loud

He rose from the grave

And woke in time 

For them to be rescued

He knew to release the tarp

While keeping hold of the rope

The rope of life

He had been trained to scale mountains

And transverse caverns

Never let go of the rope

He had them all tied to it by now

He could see they had passed

Through the storm now 

And hope was in sight

He was still struggling

With the boats oars

When they were spotted

From the shore

He had been rowing all night

While the boys were sick

And the girls quiet

They were brought 

In by the fisherman

To the beach 

He was so relieved

To touch the ground 

With his toes

He made the phone call

And then the telegram

Until his father responded

And his mother-in-law

They were in France

Not Florida

She arrived as usual

In a mood

And pregnant again

Back in Florida

They would go out to the island

Where he could remember 

Those days when his Faher

Was important

And now he was going to be aloud

To have a life

Another little girl 

Walked up to him

Calling him daddy

Why don't I get to go 

On trips to France with you

This was Maria

His former friend's niece

She was prettier than his daughter

Who was considered pretty

They had lost the little one

In a car accident

And the boys only visited them now

AS she went through treatments

But the older girl was always 

Around in order to make their grandparents

Sure, they were getting the real story

It had been a long time 

when he lost everything

Because of the bastard 

his wife did not give birth

Insisted he was theirs

He threatened so many people

That all of his friends

Ran the other way

who could blame them

When Jimmy came to town

He was sure the storm 

Outside was not a hurricane

He had survived o many of them

She was there taking care of the two youngest

His wife could not be stopped

From having children

But then never took care of them

She was a grown woman

Who should have had her own family

She could not have babies

But took care of others

She should have been married

But the other girls took everything

He had not known what Demi 

Would become nor that Maria

Could not get around his wife

She was working for the government 

As he had doing what was needed

To keep them all alive

His son was supposed to be there

At some point

She had found them 

In the middle of the night

And brought the boys 

To him and food and supplies

Good thing I found you

I have been checking all of the place

You are not supposed to be here

They say it might only be a storm

But it will still be bad

He went down for her

He knew his mother was nearby

She wanted her husband to know

What it had meant to be left

Behind during a storm 

And children she did not want

He was going to allow his father

To suffer the night while he watched

And then she would come in and forgive him

Then they could be a family again

With the real sister

Instead of this one who kept showing up

He did not want to hurt her he said

Later to the doctors 

Who explained about the mothers

Illness of blaming others

For things she had suffered as a child

Jimmy was never going to leave them alone

And those other rats were always around

To get even for not being part

Of a war heroes family

Instead of criminals 

Who spent the war in prison

How long does it take to grow up?

He had the boys laying with him

And telling them stories

While she was taken outside 

And arrested

It took her all night

To convince the police

That she was the mayor

As her father who was mayor

They had made her their hero

Only to have the rif raf

Arrive again and again

She was let off at the house

She found it empty

Except for her father

Who was just lying there

As before with his eyes open

And a needle in his arm

He was on morphine

His injuries from the burning

He had endured were not healed

Had he given himself

An injection to end the pain?

Or had one of the others 

Come in deciding to end 

The one who had never done 

Anything at all 

But survived

Jimmy was not going to get away

With destroying this man's life

She said to herself 

As she laid down next to hm

As she had her sister

Asking God to forgive her

For hating the ones responsible

For the senselessness 

Of her mother's life

When she was gone

She was going to take care of jimmy

Which is why he hired Maria and Demi

To take care of her

While he sits there playing

With his limp useless appendage

What world would allow

The bastard of a celebrity

To have so much control

Even God can't hear her prayers

Nor can he rescue his own

Without permission from Jimmy




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Three times loser

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