Friday, September 2, 2022

Where did you bury Jimmy?

 You bury this body where no one will find him, and we will talk about your boy over there living long enough to go to his prom.

They had been sleeping under bridges and highway over pass.

She did not know how to explain it to her parents, but he had gotten into an argument with Suzy when they were little.

Ken said his sister had won the right to her life. They followed her around and anytime they wanted they inserted themselves.

She is sure she had not lost but she could not explain why she was talking to them after what they had done to her and her mother.

It was just something she could not help, getting into arguments. 

Now there were others as well Betty A insisted, she was going you have her first-born child. She kept following her around to take the child away from her and the girl did not like her at all.

Then the boy had to be raised by Suzy instead of her because they were better people than her parents.

It was an old argument and done through the Mormons beliefs outside of Utah. 

Her grandparents said they had never heard of the things that Ken kept after her about.

But what could she do when they showed up and after they had gone to court.

No court papers were going to keep Betty's feet off their couch or Suzy showing up at the door to switch.

This time friends had bought a decaying cruise ship and each family had their own residence.

The idea it would travel around, and most people would live on it while others would come and go.

A coop of sorts, that might have worked if some had not rented out their places when they were not on board.

Word got out and they began to show up demanding it was their turn.

They were in this situation because they had shown up too many times demanding to have their way.

She had no place to go with her husband without a knock on the door or worse him getting cracked o the head.

Now there were others as well, Judy and Janet were just as persistent in their desire to make her life miserable.

Her daughter was with her at a motel, but she was removed and while she waited for the police to arrive, they had put her in the trunk of the car and driven away.

She had joined a group of women whose kids went to school with hers. They could not afford housing or were waiting for their husbands to come home from that war.

Judy had shown up and she let her boy sleep in the trunk of the car.

While she was stuck inside a station wagon with jimmy who was not supposed to show up.

She found out afterwards that they had held her daughter for ransom. 

The FBI had gotten involved and put-up money for the ransom.

She did not know that the night in question.

They had come and gone a lot under this highway.

Sometimes bad guys showed up and the women would scurry away.

She wanted to know what they were doing so she hid behind the pillars.

And got caught. The big guy just laughed at her; he knew her from the news.

He was the one who told her about the ransom.

Jimmy had arranged for it to be delivered to him there under the bridge.

She had no idea what to do but those men became aware that he was at it again.

They found out that money had been put up and was coming to him.

So, they stayed her out and followed her around town to the laundry and other places.

She was frustrated. She had to call and tell her father where she was, it would mean another trip to a mental ward, that was his problem with him.

He did not understand why she did things and kept after her about it.

Anyways, she finally got the phone call in and made sure no one had heard her on the phone.

Jimmu was angry this night and over excited. He had heard she had been on the phone.

He knew that money was coming to him, and he was going t blow his father out of the water this time.

No more mental wards and jail cells. He was going to buy himself a ride to another continent where the spoke English and not Mexican like Brazil or something.

The had come up behind him before he could get the money.

The drop was off of the highway overpass, tat way they would not know where he was located.

Smart. All they had to do was drive over the pass and stop and drip. He would then have his dream.

That horrible brat was actually in a hotel room again.

He wanted her to sleep outside on the streets where she deserved to be.

Not inside a motel room with room service.

Silver spoon girl.

His parents were rich, but he did not understand why the little princess had to have a life at all.

All he wanted her to do was eat his ....

She told on him and now he could not be near him without getting him in trouble.

The drop had occurred, and the men were waiting.

Just like he thought the dough had arrived with the kid.

His name was Jimmy, and he was going to get that money instead.

They had the boy on the ground, and he was not happy.

He had gone for the boss without knowing anything at all.

He must be a maniac the way he grabbed him around the neck.

Big Jimmy could not get little Jimmy off his back.

He went down and stayed down.

Now he was dead, and his boys were cleaning things up before they disappeared.

The kids' mother must be really stupid to keep coming back.

But the other women were being paid to keep her away from her family.

It seems he is not her son but has fostered himself on her and she can't get the authorities to understand.

Poor lady.

They will give her a chance.

Get rid of the body.

And she could go free.

They were going to take the money from the drop and then disappear.

It was while they were thinking out loud about everything that the others had come in and set up for the night.

Judys kid went for his nightly walk which included bring back what was once inside wallets.

He kept his mother in gas money so they could go back West.

He was going to get rid of that little red head sleeping inside the car with her on the trip.

He came back from his jog around and found the trunk of the car locked.

He had to wait in the cold for his mother to wake up before she would let him in.

She said she did not have the key to the trunk, it was a stolen car.

She was going to have to drive all the way back home.

Carol seems to have disappeared during the night.

Somehow, she just went out without anyone noticing.

The men had pushed her car so the sound of it starting would not be heard.

They had not noticed what she did with the body.

She knew Judy was going to be going to Alabama again to visit her KKK family.

Jimmy was going to be held until she drove far enough away for them to be satisfied.

Then they would release him on the harbor side they said.

Atlantic city would never be the same for those who had not known what went down that night.

When jimmy surfaced from the water, he had a sad story to tell.

And not one word of the truth and not a word about the woman whose life he had endangered.

He was going to get those men for stealing his money.

He did not care whom he had killed.

It was his money.

And he did not want that girl released.

He was a noy going to say a thing about it to anyone.

She could die for all he cared.

Carol drove first to Florida where she told all to her father.

He phoned and then told her about the girl being a hostage.

He also drugged her and drove her quietly to California for treatment.

When she woke up, she was going to have to answer questions about Jimmy.

He was on the run and wanted by the FBI.

Judy found the red head missing after they left Oklahoma where he had left her at a gas station.

She thought it was Arizona or Nevada.

She was really mad at him and was not going to let him visit grandpa again.

They had to get her back before he saw his father.

He did not even know he had a dad.

But now he did.

He was going to have to explain it to him about his missing daughter.

On the way through Las Vegas, he noticed a red-haired woman and a baby.

He waited and took the baby and put it next to his mother while he waited for God to arrive.

He had a dad! Oh my god!

God arrived in the form of a red-haired man. 

He took one look at him, picked up the wrong red-haired girl and walked away.

He just walked away.

Said nothing to him at all.

What just happened him?

Judy wanted to know.

He just shrugged.

So much for God giving them a chance.

She had gotten suspicious of the trunk it had an odor.

She did not have time to argue with him.

She would fix it later.

She had called her dad and he had put out word along the road for a missing child.

KKK men got what they wanted when their women daughters complained loud enough.

The trunk had a body in it.

What did he do this time.

He said he was out walking and came back to it locked.

She wondered about that overpass and those men.

She would make a point of being loud next time they were on that side.

Right now, she had to get rid of the body.

They were building a new church thing on the edge of town.

She had to drag he body out of the trunk.

It was a big body, and she had no idea what to do.

This place used to be a cemetery on the edge of town.

They used to come out here on Halloween just to scare stupid kids.

Like Carol.

She put a tarp over it and began to shovel.

She was not going to be able to shovel.

She needed help.

She could not get help.

She cried.

Then she borrowed a highway ting with a big shovel on it.

She stomped on the body more than anything else.

But she had dug a hole in the ground and there were bodies.

She just put them in the ditch to come back for later.

She would set them up in barns or something for others to fin.

Meanwhile, it was buried whatever her son had run into that night.

When was this going to be over?

Her father only wanted her to have a little rest. 

This was ridiculous.

He did not know how to get her out.

Jimmy had gone missing.

Even though he was not theirs they still had to know where he was.

At last, the girl came walking down a street.

Things had gotten boring for the ones wanting the money.

If jimmy took that money and disappeared, I'm going to kill him.

Jimmy had disappeared.

They were on their way to get him wherever he was.

Kill Jim if necessary.

Candy had no idea who the men were, but they wanted to know where jimmy was buried.

If she ever got out of this one, she would bury him herself.

She had no idea and then he was on the show with his real dad.

Who had to go and get him out of jail again.

When he got in trouble it was his fault and he had to rescue him.

If he had just stayed with their program, it would have been alright, but no some Vegas girls wanted to have fun with their kid, and they could not do anything about it.

Now his kid was safe and had been seen on his show and the world would be a better place.

Judy got hit on the head before she returned her big shovel highway thing.

She was hauled off to a barn where she was given a lesson to her not to touch things that were not hers.

She had a kid to protect and took the wisdom they offered but still kept the red haired baby.

Carol escaped and went out on the lamb.

She was driving down the road when she noticed the corpses.

She stopped to see if they wanted help.

They would not speak to her, and she was not going to make them.

She sat awhile trying to think about what to do.

When she noticed the new grave, she went to see what it was.

Found a new body, not the same old one.

Judy was supposed to rid of it before California.

Now she was going to have bury it herself.

Somewhere in a state park there are mushrooms growing.

In a pattern resembling a long oblong body.

No one knows why they are there, and no one ever will.

Her mother.

Had lost her mind a long time ago.

She was sure one night she was forced to dig a grave.

She used to park her daughter in front of it just to see if she could understand.

She understood that she had been born first and jimmy was not theirs.

She understood her sister had died and it was her fault.

She understood that everything was going to be her fault the rest of her life.

She was going to blame Jimmy the rest of her life because she knew it was his fault.

Her mother had brain cancer and could not comprehend things correctly.

She had been abducted, held hostage, sawed n half, and killed a number of different ways.

Her heart was heavy, and she was always sad but alive.

One day she will find a way to get rid of Jimmy.

And no, she has no Idea where Jimmy Hoffa is buried nor why anyone would ask her.

An FBI man should not have followed his hunch and gone down on a rope.

He will also never be found. 

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