Friday, September 9, 2022

King Charles III or should we just say the Romanov's are now British?


We have turned a corner of history.

The Queen is dead, and the new guy is a man and so there is now King of England.

King Charles III having waited a full fifty years is no longer the Prince of Wales.

His son has that honor, a handsome boy with frivolous habits.

There is a new Prime Minister, the third woman to hold the title.

Mrs. Truss had to be introduced twice as Prime Minister to the Monarch.

She was the Queens last job, being introduced as the replacement of Boris.

The Queen died the next day, so on the next day she was back, this time to be introduced to the King of England instead as her first day on the job, the first week of a turnover of events of the popular Boris was dismissed by his own party.

Now the King has had his first address to the nation with his beloved mother's picture on the desk.

He has his first walk around with the flowers left for his mother which have not come close to those left for his late wife, an even more popular figure.

His son has a new job description besides daddy of three.

Will he remember the Donetsk Welsh people?

One hundred years ago, this tiny area was taken over by the new Soviet system.

A man named Hughes moved fifty thousand people from Wales to this area of the Black Sea.

He built English schools, English churches, English hospitals for his immigrants.

He was an industrialist, who like Hershey who built an entire town for his chocolate.

Hughes built this area over decades and then had it wiped out by the takeover of the October revolution.

He died in Leningrad, formerly Saint Petersburg, never returning to Wales.

And neither did any of his people, the descendants were not allowed to leave by the soviets and now when they did ask for independence they were set upon, and Ukraine is refusing their freedom.

When will these Welsh come home? Or were they part of the twenty million refugees that flooded Europe.

The Romanovs were the last reigning family of one of more powerful nations.

They became martyrs and also fraudsters living only to bleed dry anything left of the money.

One hundred years ago, Tsar Nicholas and his family were murdered before the White Guard could get to them. 

They had expected to be ransomed and had made arrangements to have gems and diamonds.

Instead, one of the girls own betrothed turned on the family and took the gems for himself.

They were finally found more than half a century later and reportedly identified through Price Philips blood typing.

There have been so many claims to this lost throne including a number of African individuals.

It is ironic that the Tsarina was Queen Victorias own blood and therefore Charles at least is a descendant on both sides of the last monarchs.

He may as well change his name to Romanov. His son won't have the same privilege despite the Spencer's popularity.

Oh, and by the way everyone, head to the bank. All those Queen of England banknotes are soon to expire. 

The new ones will have King Charles face instead, deposit what you have in your wallet, hiding in your shoebox, stored under the mattress, the floorboards and any other place you can remember. 

Otherwise invest in a shredding machine. They will make great kitty litter for your felines.

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