Thursday, September 15, 2022

Warning, warning, we may have an imposter in our mists...


Who did you prefer when you were growing up Mr. Rogers Neighborhood or Captain Kangaroo?

Everyone loved one of the other and then Sesames Street came along ....

Well, I preferred the friendly Mr. Rogers and his neighbors and especially the train 

Most people preferred Captain Kangaroo, Jimmys real dad

It is one of my harder things to deal with, not that his dad was popular

But that most people don't realize whom they are speaking 

It is bad enough he uses different names and what not

His personality is such he won't admit to being wrong

It is that he has been using kids since he was young

And his father's authority upon the nation

Transfers to him without even trying 

It is automatic but he is such a nice sounding boy

Did you hear what he said?

He said he was going to kill you

He said he is the one who at Jimmy Hoffa

Ha ha ha

The stories I could relate 

But right now, I want to talk about the British

They have this thing for cuteness

They are stiff upper lip 

And never give anything away

But they are cute when they want to be

And what is cuter than Paddington Bear

He arrives at the train station in Paddington

And gets lost or remains unable to transfer 

I don't remember the details,

Although Winnie the pooh

Would be a better whimsical for ne

As it is Canadian and more my style

I had to watch the Queen have tea

With a bear for goodness's sake

And the Butler had to remind him 

Not to lift the spout up to his mouth

But to set it down and let her pour.

Most of the time one person does the pouring in England

And they usually call themselves mother 

Quaint little things that eh British hold dear,

Her marmalade sandwich was a shock

It must be those grandkids who have altered her style,

Anyways, there he was in life sitting with the queen

Wonder if Jimmy had anything to do with it

I recall there was a time when he did everything

He could sit down and have tea with her

In America, taking tea with someone meant business

In England it often is just a refreshment between business

Jimmy thought if he had tea with her

Then he could be the Royal he haws

And go around telling people what to do

Anyways, the palace has asked if they not leave a little Paddington

With the flowers, it is not mulchable

The tribute of the flowers is nice but no one is allowed to take them home

The Gardeners therefore make them into mulch for the year-round beauty

Instead of throwing them away or burning them.

"No more little stuffed bears", please.

There is a thing about children listening to a man voice

They tend to do as he instructs

Look at Putin, he had kids, he plays with others quit well.

But he appears to be honest with them

His family suffered the Germans and his brothers died from starvation

Now we are reminded that Paddington in Ukraine 

Is the voice of Mr. Zelensky himself

It was probably known when he got elected

He has a law degree but preferred the media outlets

Modern Russia and Ukraine turned towards the same shows 

As America, comics, dancing with the stars, game shows

And loveable children's programming

He is the voice the children hear

Paddington in Ukraine is also their President

They will do almost anything he instructs them

Even burn flags and terrorize unwanted females

It is sad, because he seemed a good enough man

But he won't let go of a group that wants their freedom

It is almost as if he is an American confederate

Did he spend time in the American South?

It says he was in Mongolia when he was little 

He learned English well enough to communicate

And went to a school of Economics for law

His father would not allow him to go to Israel as a Jew

His grandfather was in the Red Army 

He had so much potential in his background

No wonders he was a shoo in when they needed a fresh face,

That and the voice of Paddington telling them to go to the polls 

And vote for me.

Listen to me and just me

This is an old game

One that Jim knows well

Look how he went from number one enemy

To everyone's happy grandpa

He sits there and steals in front of them

He shows up and takes wallets in grocery stores

He also tells women doctors what they can and can't do

I am tired of being told I need a hysterectomy

I'd like to give jimmy something with an ectopy

It would probably better just to decapitate him

And get it over with

After all Arizona was willing to execute him

Maybe next time they could double check the plug

And make sure it is plugged in and then when they throw the switch

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle

You see Jimmy who is not my brother nor my father

Really says he is my husband if you put him to it

And he will confess that he uses his spouse's name

Because he is a convict

Just like Paddington who is also a jail bird

He can't use his real name because he has been to prison

Oh, by the way, did anyone mention this to the Queen?

Her Jubilee was spent having tea with a disrupt able convict

Did they count the silver ware after he left?

Jimmy used to steal the lot

He did not like the expression 

Born with a silver spoon in their mouth

He used to sit there and be annoying at supper

Keeping after one about which one was the spoon

There are more than one and he was obvious about it being 

The one stuck in my mouth when i came out of my mother

While his mother sports a full-length fur coat

He could not handle silverware and took everything

We used to find pillow cease full of the stuff

Have you ever attempted to return something

To an upper crust family that has been looted.

It's worse than showing up at tea without shoes

Well, he has had so much fun taking everything out of all 

Of the houses I once slept in and not all of them were mine

That there are boutiques and flea markets 

And even Sotheby's has jewelry I recognize

He once took a diamond watch

And gave it to his girlfriend to wear

As they went through the Que

To be introduced to the Queen herself

When it was recognized, and the girl nicked

He took the watch and slowly put it on my mothers

Wrist, where she let it dangle forever and a day

She had no idea it was out of meanness

He only knew he had to get rid of it

And she was not his favorite person

What an old expression

Attempting to get my mother arrested for wearing something he nicked

I bet she was, and I just did not hear about it

Thre were alot of old suff I saw pass through

Without a bill of sale

He probably settled the insurance on them

Giving them a nightmare if the stuff ever surfaced

Well, Jimmy has been a very bad boy

And no one is the wiser yet

While this nice guy with the good voice

Has been misleading his nation and others

What are his real plans is all I want to know?

Is he a southern slave owner

Or is he going to set those birds free?

Wait and see is not my line, frustration

What has the other guy done anyways 

To get everyone angry

He overstayed his welcome

How often I heard that of Jimmy

He is not ours I told more than once

They did not listen to me then and I don't know why

Because I always tell the truth 

And never tell a lie

But am very polite about it all,...

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