Saturday, September 3, 2022

Do you eat pork?


How many assassinations do you think Mr. Putin has survived?

More than most I would imagine.

He also must have a reason not burden the family of the former President.

The Coup left Gorbachev not welcomed on many places.

It is thought a state funeral is required and yet there are those who wish to just give the Queen a shove downstairs.

Many of us grew up with the images of Kennedy funeral parade in our classrooms.

We grew up believing that all would be applauded in death.

And yet some of the more popular have gone in less formal arrangements.

Billy Graham was one of the chief religious' leaders who was invited in all the white house administrations.

But the day of his funeral there were only a handful of individuals standing across the street as he was removed from the capital and then not driven anywhere but the highway home.

Bush senior was given a railroad funeral home and not many showed up to see him pass.

It is odd how some are so popular and yet don't get much of a sendoff.

And then there are the current atmosphere of went wrong with the independence of Ukraine.

No one wants to say anything at all about going to Moscow, they were all too busy except Hungary and Putin who at least made a show.

All the others were doing other things.

Biden was watching his Moon watch being scrubbed again for yet another day.

While the Zelensky's threw a party to enjoy themselves at making everyone else uncomfortable.

What are we to do when one guy makes everyone else not willing to do the normal things.

Mrs. Zelensky wants us to count our pennies, I want her to count the unnecessary bodies in her country.

What is her country anyways?

Where does it begin and end?

Gorbachev is not liked by his people for not having the Germans not fire on the people the day they decided to take down the wall separating them from their families on the other side of the wall.

He also told his military to stand down when Ukraine decided to become independent of Russia.

No, he was not popular with his decision to allow them to go their way.

The Soviet system was broken, and he knew it was time to let the people make the decisions.

He was not as prepared to make his country into a democracy and was relieved of his leadership.

Maybe he was not as popular as the West felt he was and deserved at least more than a line around the block just to file past his coffin.

Maybe Mrs. Zelensky can ask forgiveness of the Donbass people who also asked for their freedom, but her husband denied them that right to just walk away.

It is about land, the square conference that makes them feel important and special about themselves.

They don't care about population as they let more than twenty million leave with suitcases, no real place to go and now no homes to come back to if they are able.

Why are the Donetsk being denied the right to have their day in the sun instead of being counted as unworthy?

Did she even send a telegram or pick up her phone and text the family that allowed her family to achieve first family status at the cost of themselves being arrested and under watch the rest of their lives?

No, she probably had a pedicure and wasted the day thinking of how much it was going to hurt Mr. Putin that the Gorbachev's could not have thier day in the sun.

She might be married to a man who has led his people out of having no background. 

But she has not shown any qualifications for being invited to anything herself, not even the Queens funeral when it does occur.

She will however probably resurface as Kate has repeatedly at something such as the Biden granddaughter's wedding.

That young lady deserves to have her day in the sun without the politics.

But she is part of a family of politicians and must do as she is told.

Her grandmother died when her father was still a boy, even though Jill has done a good job as a stepmother. 

It is not the same, to have lost members of the family such as the uncle who died or the aunt she never knew.

There are more like her in the country of Mrs. Zelensky who will never see their grandmothers nor their now dead relatives.

Her pain involves making others miserable.

It is a strange time when the hero is the one denying others freedom and taking their homes from them by not negotiating.

Zelensky has gone on record that he will not relent, he will not stop the war, he wants his property back and he is not going to stop until he wins.

It is all about his wishes and not his peoples or at least a portion who no longer want to be his people.

My family came from Kiev centuries ago and they tell me I am not Russian. 

I tell them I cry when I hear there are more dead on their streets.

I will never have my own homeland back as a Native American, we would have to remove entire states in order to be a free nation again.

As it is any inheritance, I might have had was stolen by a German alien everyone loves.

Mer Griffen interviewed him once and said he was famous for having done nothing at all.

The guy just showed up everywhere until people accepted him and even allow him to use my last name.

We are not married, and he was not married to my now dead mother nor my grandmother.

He was extremely gross in his dialogue and explained things in terms that caused great concern.

His dramatic license he made girls eat his privates instead of having the normal male thing.

Because he could not nor be, he willing to learn as it was easier to be cruel.

He even talked about eating people, adding his own bowels to ground up hamburger and we were all told to keep him finding out about where our relatives were going to be buried.

He is the type to go in and remove a finger from a dead body and then leave it under a pillow of a woman with a small boy just to get his way with her.

His discussions made him a stalker and criminally insane.

But his doctor is now dead, and everyone has forgotten how horrible it was to deal with him.

Meanwhile, he was court ordered not to have children in his home.

He was never to give instruction to other little boys nor be allowed to inspect little girls.

His last wife of his dozens he has introduced had two small boys and she kept attempting to steal someone else's adopted girl.

I tried to raise an adopted girl who got lost in the system because of my mother's dementia.

She would remove her and introduce a different girl instead, there are two hundred girls not allowed to call me mother.

Where will all of this end?

Being denied the right to raise your own kids, to see your own grandmother, to become independent of a dictator?

When will Mr. Putin have the freedom to act and behave as he wishes instead of being under scrutiny for having done nothing at all.

He was accused of rigging the American voting system, something that is still so shocking that the American Journalist keep claiming that it is possible.

But then there is this silly thing, of not nothing who to root for in this game going on in a tiny area of the world.

Maybe no one at all, but I am not going to be the first one to pick up a stone and throw it at someone who might be innocent.

Best Miss Biden on your marriage and don't worry about those who have died, they will be missed by no one but their own family.

No one will miss Jimmy when he dies, really, he will be quickly forgotten. He is all brag and no wolf, he makes everyone suffer but who will continue his plague on humanity after he is gone?

No one.

Imagine having to wait your entire life for someone to die in order to get not freedom but the same rights as every other human is born with, being allowed to have your own name, and whatnot.

By the way, the authorities once suspected Jimmy of being a cannibal, but he does not eat pork!

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