Thursday, September 22, 2022

There she goes


A new statue has arrived in DC as if they need anymore.

She was known best for nothing else but disappearing into the blue.

And yet, there is another story.

There she goes, the little girl just wanted to travel through the air.

The carnival made it a place young can dream of flying.

And then came the years of work before she stumbled upon an airfield.

She saw them coming with their clipboards

She knew she was in danger

One more stop and she would be out of here 

No, no he could not have lost her in a card game

He was too drunk to explain but it was in his eyes

They had tricked him into a game and then cheated

What did they want the machine or the woman?

It seems both was the answer

How was she going to explain this to her husband.

She got in her machine knowing they would not understand

She was not going to cooperate

There was not going to be any more mistakes

He got a shook as he woke up tied to the ship

On the floor was the extra passenger

Who was about to be dumped out in a tailspin.

They saw her go before they could back 

But they had left a surprise for her to find

And then they saw it in the distance

A tailspin was meant to send them into agony

She had not thought of the next step

Except escape, the extra passenger tilted out

Strapped with a water vest 

He was meant to be found 

While she got away to another place

Instead, she got a head spin as she righted herself

She had never told anyone about her cracked skull

She had fallen off that Ferris wheel when she was little

She had managed to get through school

And most of the other projects

But the headaches never went away

Learning to fly had seemed to keep them at bay

Now they were constant part of her life.

She never got caught when she went to the specialist

Who said there was nothing for her to worry

And yet those blinding sudden jolts

Here she was in the wild blue yonder

She could see nothing at all as she cruised

Finally, Fred came forward to her

He knew she whited out sometimes

They were on the wrong track

He knew he should be shot 

For losing her in a card game

Oldest trick in the world

But it was too easy to win

All those other places they had been

He had been doing it the whole time

Know he knew they had allowed him to win

It had been planned from the beginning

For him to lose way out here

Who could be after her?

Her life as an adult had not been easy

And her father and her had lived

Around those who did not take credit

But skin when things went wrong

She saw them first 

Sat up with a jolt 

As he was trying not to tell her the word

Sorry, she was so tired of hearing it

They pulled up next to her

She was caught off guard

There were not many groups 

In the world who could fly 

In tandem as they were doing

They forced her to travel with them

With her blindness there was nothing to do

But follow instructions

They were going to miss their next stop

She heard later about the uproar

Her husband had put up about her not coming home

Sweet of him but he was already on to another woman

She had kept quiet about it as she had stolen him herself

But really, the whole world looking for her

And ships had been sent out to find her

Meanwhile, she was in a hospital

Where they operated on her head

Turns out it was not a tumor 

But a bad vessel which had borken 

That day they had seen her leave

She recovered with absolutely no idea

Where she was or where Fred had gone

He was later found in California 

After a decade they had let him go

His family did not report it

They were collecting insurance

He lived his life as a fisher man

And never did go back to those people

Who had set her up from the beginning

He was sure they were going to hold her hostage

And then perhaps kill her at the end

But instead, they had gotten away 

After all that media and it was a lie

They just wanted a girl to abduct

And hold the President hostage

None of that hero stuff at all

Plain extortion it was 

Frightened the hell out of him

He knew there was no one to go speak

She had begun to fly again in the forest

She was given to instruction

They wanted instructors

She found out later they were going to war

How they knew the war was coming 

She never did find out

But China was a strange and marvelous place

She found it quaint the style 

Of living and the individuals 

Who came to visit her 

As she was kept from knowing

What had become of the rest of the world

As she learned to climb mountains

And Buddhism

One day after all the stuff

She had taught the young ones 

About flying and diving

They let her walk away

She was actually on her way to Tibet

When she realized they were no longer watching her

She left them when she was done

They knew war was coming 

And they wanted to protect their land

Just as the wall had kept out the enemy 

From the North 

They were now protected from the air

They had seen her coming 

And watched for awhile 

What they were doing with the mechanic

Gambling and boozing

All to get her in a position

She was luckier than most

Her value to them was worth

Going for her when she altered

Her path and now she was healed

They saw her leave without the plane

Her ship had been shipped out they said

And she needed to find it soon

The boats were not sure of her

Disguised as a monk

She made it to South America 

And then around the corner

To a home of a friend

She sat there tormenting the toddler

They had gotten married

And had a baby since her last visit

And a world-famous radio announcer

She called him one night 

When she was sure he was alone

He hung up the phone slowly

He had no choice but live

With his choice all those years ago

She was alive but not coming back

After a few more conversation's 

She left in the ship

For she herself could fly no more

She could not see enough

Although they found her bird where someone else had flown

It had made it back without her

She traveled and wrote about life

Where no one expected her to be

She had missed the entire second WW

Without regretting

The life she might have had

Before she was blinded in her cockpit

There she goes thought her husband

As he hung up the phone

Lying his head down on the pillow

Thinking of how pressed he was 

In Paris when he had met her

She had to be his is all he thought

He did not know the men 

Who became interested in her plight

But he was glad it was over 

She could fly into the blue 

Again, and again 

Soaring over the top of the world....

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