Monday, September 5, 2022

Le Mouser to the ghost of socks

 The well-aimed brick lands exactly 100 feet from the nearest entrance.

Wrapped around it is a note.

It says: Get yourself a better accountant.

The Ghost of Socks chews it off before security finds it.

A man doing his rounds trips and falls flat on his face.

He can't blame Socks for this chew toy being his way as the cat is long dead.

Well, there you have it.

I have a Bundt cake in the freezer.

It is confetti flavored and not gluten free.

Perhaps the new Prime Minister will be interested.

She is after all the third female to be elected.

Her predecessor Mae did not last long enough to do the house over.

Much less the kitchen to her specifications.

Her predecessor stayed so long, that many still believe she privately owned Number 10.

The Keys will be handed over tomorrow they say.

Do they really have keys to number ten Downing Street?

Oh, it does come with a cat, if not a microwave on the counter.

Everyone just walks in except the chief mouser who has to wait for the bobby to open the door.

There is a policeman stationed at the door, but no one seems to mind him.

Unlike Hillary, Liz is married to an accountant.

A very good accountant.

He even uses his own name, O Leary.

Poor man from India, who told him he was going to rule.

In Victorias Empire. 

Times do not change much.

The old goes out the door and the new in.

But it is the same after all when it closes.

Mrs. Truss has a new agenda. 

Which does not involve parties.

When newborn babies arrive and so do unexpected guests.

I do hope she enjoys slap stick.

The Comic man may be a good leader.

But still, some might say he is pulling the wool,

Over their eyes.

Those nuclear plants are outside his expertise.

Although his mama might know a thing or two.

The Soviet engineer might not be senile yet.

His pretty young wife probably has the same mother

As Boris's pretty young wife.

Is it me or do all the pretty young things

Claim to have the same mother?

A very frightened skinny too young girl who got lost.

She made the covers of the milk cartoon.

As a missing child.

She was even in the IRS pamphlet on how to file if your child was not at home.

She never did get a life.

Although she tried to give others a chance.

Now no one wants her to remember nor live.

It is a wonder how politicians stand

At all after the first time they walk

Behind closed doors and have it all explained to them.

The world now revolves around them.

Them alone.

Not to pay attention it won't last long.

But as long as they are in residence.

They are the primaries.

Best of wishes newbie.

And don't throw any parties.

Nor forget to let your mouser inside

Little mice bring big rats if left unattended.

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