Sunday, September 4, 2022

Musings on a Sunday morning

 Do you worship your mother?

Some women such as Candance demand to be worshipped as if they are a god.

Her entire family of females are below average iqs and none of them pretty, not even her.

That is not the way she talks about it; she makes sure her picture has to be admired.

While her sisters stand there waiting for the right words or else.

Then they send in their children to beat you up and steal your wallets.

Janet would not leave me alone, everywhere I went, there she was, making fun of me.

She even told a bold face lie and said I was her mother and that was why she was stealing from me.

She dragged me out of every place I was staying inside, even letting herself in and sitting on the couch while the government agents were conducting an interview in the kitchen.

She kept showing up a few years after relieving me of everything including bank accounts and whispered in m year that I was not going to get away with having dinner nor a date.

She attacked the men as well, just as her m other Susie always made sure her sister got to have her way with me and my family.

They have taken everything away from my family including religion.

All of mother worship.

All Candy remembers is that the god is a woman named Madonna and she holds a boy child.

She is the one who kept bringing jimmy over to my m other when he was little and had my mother picked up by her relatives until my mother forgot who she was and who we were, her real family.

Candace wanted the blond, blue-eyed idiot to be the ruler but did not know he would never show her respect, he just sighs and thinks of what else needs to be done.

Meanwhile, her baby came out female and retarded. Lisa. 

What we have not talked about wicked little Lisa and how often she showed up as if she was a boy.

She has robbed everyone as well and wants to sit there smiling as the idiot she is in front of politicians.

For a religion that claims to be neutral this family is very obvious that they want to control the politicians to their own will.

Germans thrown out of Germany before the war and after the war and who don't want to go back but act as if they are the German secret police.

They often tell people they are the police but really it is just them wanting to venerate one of their ugly ones.

Candy is actually sandy from the sanitorium but tells people its queen Candance because it is in the bible.

Veneration of the mother as God is as old as India they say.

The many sculptures of the ancient rites and Hindu goddess show Mahimata as the god of the world.

That a woman brought the world into existence as a mother bearer is not a new concept.

But the sex goddess is different than the mother goddess.

And those old little fat disgusting nude things that some scholars elaborate upon is evidence they have not a clue what society was about.

They are not sexy nor warlike so they claim they must be mother goddess.

Just because they have lost their figure and their clothes'

Some men are idiots. Those items have a different use, and it is probably a death curse.

The Catholics waited until the twelfth century and after the break with the east before they began to raise Mary above her son.

Util then they talked about Christ as God. 

Paul as a sub god as a human representative of God.

The Pope.

Then we suddenly have Mary.

Mary is now seen holding Christ on her knee.

Now we are to see Mary as above God, she gave birth to him.

This is probably in part due to the holy crusades against Israel and the first plagues.

Warriors are good for many things but a woman who can give birth is necessary in times of distress.

The rebirth of a nation and a religious belief was seen by the venerating the woman herself.

In fact, the images of the virgin Mary may actually be symbols of the Popes themselves who brought about a rebirth of their faith having separated from the orthodox.

The East had been the cradle of civilization, the mother of life itself.

Now the West was going to bring humanity into the modern world and through a new religion.

Meanwhile, it was Constatine the ruler who converted in 312 to Christianity. 

It was his mother Helena who had made the journey to Israel to discover what this new disturbance was about.

What she found made her believe and she made the conversation to Christianity.

She also made her son sweat about it, making it clear that he might be the ruler, but he had given him life and she wanted him to believe as she did in this mew profound religion.

His conversion altered both the East and the West.

He built Constantinople as the first city to worship this new religion.

Not Israel which was still Jewish nor Rome which had not converted.

It was only later that politics moved West towards Rome and Paris.

Now they brought up Mary and Jesus leaving out Joseph.

Politics is always part of worship of any god.

The Orthodox images rely more upon the conversion of Constantine through his mother to demonstrate their acceptance of Christ.

Whether we like it or not.

While the Roman images attempt to provoke the idea of an innocent child bringing to life a child.

One reason younger and younger girls were handed over in Europe for marriage in order to duplicate these images.

But the well to do created their own images of a nursing baby, indicating that milk was necessary.

Not just a birth mother but one that provided sustenance was now their ideal.

Of course, in the rich households who probably still held to the old Roman ideas of women in their place, child bearers but not heiress, it was more likely an indication of her worth in a society.

Many of these images are now seen in museum giving rise to the idea they were normal, but they were private and often depicted real women.

They were mor likely the mistress of the rich man supplanting the birth mother in order to control the son of the family.

Just as the marriage contracts of the Middle Ages showed women who appeared to be pregnant.

Reproducing became important in a society that made men work until they were past youth in order to have a family.

Not all were able and therefore the society began to show the women in marriage as if they were pregnant to imply, they were producing heirs for the man who could afford the paintings and the contract of marriage.

Sadly, these were survival skills acquired by a Europe which was once free and independent

They came under the subjects of those who followed, the Romans and the Huns.

The German Holy Empire greatly endangered their lives.

Where once the Jews were seen as respectable and were even the bankers and trusted messengers, they became unwanted in the new sphere of rising bastards of unwed women.

The status Quo altered and life swung in opposition as the plagues brought fear into Europe.

Followed by the Crusades which glorified the conquering of Jerusalem.

It was the newer Muslim religion which had stolen the city, but it was the Jews who took the brunt.

Diaspora is what they call it, they resorted to cannibalism during the Roman sieges they claim, now the turned towards pirates' and bands of thieves in order to survive it is told in the histories.

Desperate times.

They don't appear to have a female deity.

But the modern Christian congregations continue to be antisemitic and worshippers of bad females.

They have women who falsely claim to be mothers, grandmothers, daughters, nieces or aunts.

These women control the men through various means and lave little for the innocent

They make it their business to investigate everything that someone else does.

They make phone calls as if they are authorities.

Theye even causes public disturbances just so they can prove someone else is not worthy.

They say they have sinned or committed a crime.

They refuse to do as they are told by their superiors who don't prevent people from an honest employment nor of receiving food when needed nor even public handouts.

They do tell the men not to accept stories of children younger than twelve being the mother of a child nor responsible for punishment.

This veneration of the female as God is more prominent in the Protestant groups who are not neutral but want world domination and use their fat buddha like men to their own means, just as those disgusting naked stones were not meant to incite sex.

These white German women are even attempting to steal the Native American rights and hand them over to the African children.

They still see the African Americans as children. Many of these individuals are not slave descendants but immigrants from a time when Africa was in need instead of war.

These women see themselves as women gods and no longer understand humanity.

They want to be queens without considering the outcome.

Theu have been told to lie and steal because it is their right.

They have not been given the information that they will be thrown away just as the Jews as soon as their usefulness is over.

The Candys of this world only sees themselves in the paintings.

Not the images of veneration of a generation which might have needed to protect women.

Now adays there are so many women who make it obvious that they are images of God and expect to be given into by everyone and without any benefits.

Society is headed in the wrong direction and these women worshipped will not be providing anything for comfort but only bitterness.

When and where?

No one can tell but something has to give.

Everyone deserves to be treated as a human.

Equal does not mean domination by others and some women are unaware of whom they are not known.

How does one consider religion to blame when it is society that wants to promote one image over another.

People are afraid to come forward when one group or individual is made the victim.

Times are hard, and the first ladies and first daughters are responsible for the outcome of their men just as they accept condolences and bring reproach upon others. 

Don't let the self-made queens win against the world, good or bad, the men in charge have rules to follow unlike the street thugs who show up with their hands extended for a handshake and a shakedown.

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