Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Cannibals and Assissinations


There is a time to stand at attention and a time to run for your lives.

Every man for yourselves is yelled by the lead military man.

It is not unknown for the monarchs to be murdered in their sleep.

Once upon a time there was this thing called the Great War.

It encompassed the whole world but was really a Europe at odds.

They were disrupting the unity of their tiny continent and everyone else got caught in the middle.

Just as now who is and who is not going to be attending the funeral?

Imagine Queen Margarethe the longest kingdom of the North in a bus.

Her and her two sons and about a dozen grandchildren plus spouses.

Are these tour buses going to be one per country 

Or are they going to mix up the different dignitaries?

The Japanese Emperor along with the others?

Well, Charles has been made to wait a long time.

Now the brand-new Prime ministers team want their way.

Anyone think that the Monarchs are actually hostages?

Did you know that Queen Victoria survived more than half a dozen attempts.

Or that Queen Elisabeth was regularly set up to be murdered by various groups?

The current list includes little George and Charles as possible dead people.

These traditions of the monarchy and the state funeral.

They have guards who stand next to the casket.

It is not unknown to find the wrong body in a burial

Long after they were buried or to have the body go missing

Before the church man was able to give them a blessing.

As for mislabeling a death, who has not got suspicious?

Many have been poisoned and gone unnoticed.

Or died in their sleep when it was really a pillow over their face.

Amateurs who don't wonder why some have not been sent to hell.

Sooner than they were finally put into the ground.

As it is this girl gets a burial in the tombs 

Or underground where they are put away like library books.

Walking the royal mile without being shot at.

Walking behind the casket without being charged 

By the opposition, how many times was there a quick take over?

Being a Monarch is not an easy job.

It is the spouses who don't get the job.

They think it is all play and fashion.

Shame on Meaghan for showing up at all.

Why could she not just stay at home.

Wonder if she is really half black?

Or if she is one of those Jehovah Witnesses 

In disguise like Serena Williams or Selena Gomez?

No one knows if they don't ask.

I am not anti-religion just anti rat.

I even get along with those who offer their handouts.

It is those who come in and sit down and take over your life

And then it turns out they are Ex-communist 

Or cult members from a different era

Or even Nazi grandchildren who don't know they lost the war.

Well, I was raised a multiple different religion.

It was my mother who was difficult

Making me sit in the wrong one on purpose 

Just to have her way with me

The old foundations were not bad

It is that they did not practice any form of Christianity

They even assigned themselves your husband

And then presented themselves to bankers for your income

Or insisted on listening to swindlers to steal your life

Children or relatives that our not yours 

Show up because they have heard about something.

Too bad for them, they will rot in hell, won't they?

Cannibals bury their dead in elaborate ceremonies.

No one has seen one nor survived one as a visitor

There are no graveyards in the Amazon 

And those lost souls that some keep looking 

Are in the bellies or the genes of those stained in front of explorers.

In war, everything is fair even eating the dead.

One young man from a Christian family

Among all those atheists at the turn of the 20th

Found himself about to be eaten.

At first the meat tasted strange

and he could not swallow 

And then others were getting sick around hm

One night he found out what the problem 

No sooner did they bury their mates

Then they were dug back up 

And roasted and then served in stews

He stopped eating all together

Even the vegetables came under suspicion.

He knew they as a group were dwindling

and the next big engagement was going to leave them

With almost no one at all to fight.

And then the dreams started

Hallucinations of him losing his legs

And there they were cooking his legs 

While he watched still alive

He could not handle it anymore

When they began to go down 

He walked through the mine field

They did not even shoot at him.

He was not going AWOL

He was going for help

Someone had to know what he had discovered,

He made it through and found himself at a port.

The boat was supposed to be going north

But turned south instead, he needed to go north

He was about to jump ship

When his own sister was there standing at the rail

She kept him from going over the rail

And when they did not make it to the East coast

But kept going all the way to the West Coast

She took care of him and hid him 

Until their father could come to see what was wrong

He would not tell her, nor did he want to tell his father

He even asked his father to just kill him

Instead, he sent out investigators 

To see if there were any burials at all

At last, one of them did not return 

Then the military stepped in

They heard the head man was shot

For something minor but final

He was not free but had a nervous breakdown

It was best if he did not return

Is what the family was told

He stayed on the wrong cost

And then was buried in the backyard.

Safe from a cemetery robber.

Or so he thought,

Along came his own nephew 

Who did not know his story

And when the taxation took the property

He made arrangement for the man to be moved

Only to have him stolen from his new church grave.

Where they took him, he did not know 

But it is the nature of things.

The more care one gives those dead or diseased 

The worse the outcome is because of people

Like Candance who can't leave anything alone

Or jimmy who would be the first 

To take a bit of your arm or breast

If I was one of the Royals

I would not worry about the pre burial 

Although having the body stolen 

Before the burial would be too much 

Too handle for a new King

It is afterwards, that would cause be alarm.

Jimmy likes to have his way with women

Women who say no to him

Especially the ones who don't understand

He wants his way

All the time

And that underwear won't stay put.

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