Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Who was he, that man?


Shinzo Abe has died and not had a funeral until now. It is odd in a modern era to wait for the funeral but the Pandemic has made everything go backwards.

To have had to wait for the guests to arrive by boat would have been an issue in the past. This time it was a matter of waiting for the world to be ready for his funeral.

There she is in the sixth row our vice president who is standing in for the President. Camila has had alot of travel time and even though Abe knew Joe, he stayed home for this one.

How do they decide whom goes and who stays? When and where to stage these events. 

It was a shock when he the longest Japanese ruler retired over illness just as the Olympics were about to be held after a delay.

It was a shock when he came back one more time out to run again for Prime Minister.

It was a shock to see him shot down by a guy in the crowd with a homemade gun.

What were they thinking? To have a guy standing there with a gun in a nation that bans guns.

One of the longest running Prime ministers, he has successfully won his right over and over again.

He has been fair and honest for the west and strong and just for the east.

His family go back several generations in government.

His great great grandfather was one of the last samurai.

His grandfather was also a first military commander for the new Japan.

Not royalty as Meghan but qualified as Charles or Emmanual to be a ruler.

His funeral was private for his family at first and then she died.

The Queen of England.

No one turned down a chance to view the longest reigning monarch.

Nor would they have had his funeral at the same time.

Now it is Japan's turn to see the tide come their way.

The world rulers did show up including Arabia and America.

What is next?

There are very few individuals who come from families that span centuries.

Most are upstarts such as the Trumps or Truss.

Out of nowhere and then the leader of the country.

It has been a long time since the world went to war to protect itself.

The Nazis were a bad lot all and all.

The Kaiser and his men frightened the rest of the Monarchs.

Even the Romanovs could not fight against the sudden upheaval.

Jews on the rise.

These people who we don't see as harmful in the modern world.

But in the old world were part of the contenders of world politics.

Solomon and David where world leaders as Joseph were world known.

Then came the desertions and diaspora.

Which resulted in Piracy of ships and disruptions of community routes.

The money lenders who made it worthwhile to be merchants.

Became the early mafia according to the reports coming out of Odessa Ukraine.

Should we believe them?

These modern upstarts, Stalin, Hitler, Zelensky?

Not fair to be labeled in among those dishonest ones.

Many modern ones with qualification such as Feinstein

Who know what they are doing but still live among

Those who dont, such as Kate Middleton, 

A wicked Jewish girl who wants nothing more

Than to put Queen Esther to shame.

Memories from my childhood

Include a highchair prison

Where my grandmother would be busy in the kitchen

While i waited my release

I had got caught knowing how to crawl

Too early and already knew my first steps

Her friends would visit, and she needed me stay put

He was one of those i recall coming to visit her

A foreign exchange student visiting California from Japan.

She was a big radio announcer during the war

She had been honored after the war

Her parents were from Scandinavia 

And had already met the Royal house.

Hawaii was bad for everyone, they lost a daughter 

Who was a nurse and never surfaced

Another woman named Norma kept showing up instead.

He was from a family of old military as her fathers had been

He was an intellectual and was going to be important some day

She told me as she made the tea the way she remembered.

He came in quietly and sat down before she was aware

Like a cat on soft paws

And was laughing at her stories as she finalized the real Japanese Tea.

We three had an enjoyable afternoon after that

And he showed off my stepping skills

To my grandmother's horror.

As she knew my mother was not ready for me to walk.

I am sure he never remembered that afternoon

He was quickly caught up in his world.

And she was on the decline having served her purpose

As a female radio reporter who went into the field.

With her equipment including cameras.

She did it all herself with no helpers 

And then she was no longer needed

After she did the first interview of an American President.


On live television

She had gotten old over 35 and never was asked back

After she opened the door for the boys.

While the promise was always there for someone to follow her footsteps

It was not one of these 200 false ones who keep coming without birth certificates

How does one protect their own heritage much less their name and honor.

Long live Abe and his family of leaders 

From the country of the rising sun

Last of the wonders of the world.

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