Monday, October 31, 2022

Watch out!


From time immemorial...

There have been pirates,

And ghost ships.

Always out there looking, looking....

For those lost souls who don't know themselves

Nor know whom they are being sought 

For enslavement in the world 

Of politics or religion

Slavery is the second oldest institution

Following behind Caan's capturing his own sisters

Prostituting them to himself and others

So many modern stories arise from these two

Pelosi was to be tied up in plastic ties

And then what was a 70 plus lady

Supposed to do for this young man?

Cleary, he had a plan to complete.

Just as so many children were put up for adoption

Thier parents assumed they would be taken care

Instead, they were enslaved into a life

Of causing harm to the same family

Insisting erroneously on the being relatives

All over someone's misunderstandings

But there are so many of the little drug addicts

They all want to be the real little princess

Behind her back because she is stupid

Not to remember giving birth to them

Nor would she feed them when they were born...

I was a child when most of them came to my mother

Through the false communist catholic girls

Of those bars and dance halls 

That corrupted what was left of America

No one could go out to supper 

Without rubbing shoulders with criminals

Nor go out for a drink or a dance

Without becoming automatically part

Of the human trafficking 

These women were not patriots 

Nor were they KGB employees

Heroin was their drug of choice

It used to flow out of Berlin

With ease as it was a pain killer 

In that country not a street drug

Those of us unlucky enough 

To get treated in between flights

Had a horrible headache and nauseousness

For what we had encountered

Not true doctoring but false hopes

And some never got over that itch

And wanted it the rest of their lives

Despite being a child, I was expected

To have milk for these children 

I did not give birth

Lactation only comes with pregnancy

But most of these children

Don't even have a fourth-grade education

Which is the requirement for newspapers

And most job applicates

An eigth grade education was necessary

For everything else in city life

From library work to insurance sales

And if one went to college they completed

The courses meant to inform not demean

Instead, these weather girls

Show they don't even know what they are talking about

Thier own lives give evidence of non-scientific 

Comprehension nor do the readers on the new

Provide the confidence they can accurately

Understand a situation before it is revealed

For the most part they are still part of a kindergarten

Pack of kids lost to the adults

Who may not want to rescue them

It was all part of the package

These people who forgot what happened

In America after world war 

When the colleges were taken over

And the spiritual leaders such as Mansion

Had thousanads of followers

Who went unchecked.

Those people never gave up their quest

Nor are we going to see an end to the shootings

And mass incidents of mayhem.

The investigations these girls are doing

Is with them not knowing who they are

To anyone but one person 

Is it not odd they don't give up

Instead, their own siblings 

Rise up and cause harm without them 

Calling it in, they would whether

A school be shot, or a woman be raped

Then tell the truth that they are all delusional

None of them are princesses

Not even Meghan Markle

Nor Kate Middleton

Who will stop the rise of the ghosts

Who appear right next to the rest

AS if they have a right 

Beware of those you are told to trust

No one can have a baby before they are 12 or 15

No one has more than 200 different children 

No one believes they are going to tell 

Someone else how to shop or eat

Nor that their money is theirs

The control freak that this generation

Is frightening that a young man

Is going to go into a home 

And explain to a woman how he feels

She is not voting the way he wants

Not speaking the way, he approves

Nor dresses or entertains

It is what my complaints of Jimmy

Are all about but widespread

Jimmy always comes home to the same

But has betrayed everyone else

He has no knowledge of truth

He lives in a fantasy world

And so has the once respected journalist world

Where they went and asked questions

And then told us what was true

Not stand behind a man of questionable resources

This war is wrong, and it is being fought for the wrong reasons

When are they going to stop 

And smell the roses?

Instaad of leading us all on to the wrong road of destruction?

Those ships of old rode the high waves

Asa well as the deserts as caravans

There is no end in false informatin

Which will lead to more harm 

When little girls just want to sit

Ad watch mom work even at home

On her own computer

Such as Lindsay who was well known

For her interference and even had a judge

Sit down on Good morning America

And demand she acknowledge him

She did not do it his way.

But then she does not live in Chicago.

Al Capone would be ashamed 

That D. C. the swamp on the Potomoc

Has been taken over by the riff raff

Ghosts walk amongst us, and no one cares

As long as they keep up the jargon 

And don't look homeless

Who were once honest individuals

But no more, they are scam artists

Encouraged by the country workers

Who only want to defraud the federal government

And now it is upon us, the day of reckoning....

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