Friday, September 30, 2022

Strange fish at sea

He had survived so much as a child.

Born just before the war to a crazy young scientist

And a beautiful heiress 

Who died withing weeks of his birth

He did not want to forgive her for dying

But he also did not know how to love her husband

Instead, he had been raised by his uncle

and given a life by others to know

His life might have been with a happy couple

He traveled throughout as a navy kid

His girlfriend's family were immigrants

They were able to travel when others could not

He had been to Canada and Iceland

Cuba and Egypt

And then everyone came home from the war

They stooled everything they could

Those people from America

Really Germans who just took 

What they wanted including others' lives

They arrived as if they had always been there

And would not leave

He had suffered life threatening 

Childhood diseases

Had to have operations on his eyes

Been attacked as a child 

Of the Manhattan project

Been held hostage

As the nephew of a pacific

Navy child whose life

Was worth nothing

And yet his family had come through

The Great Depression 

Left them not rich

But with a string of filling stations

Gas and Oil 

Was his one grandfathers 

Inheritance to him

All he got was more work

On those gas stations

Instead of the oil rigs

And the CEO table politics

His mother's family had sold 

Out the plantations

Even before the Civil war

And invested in the new product

While his father's family 

Were the inventors of the gas engine

His grandfather was a designer

Of race cars and other

Automotores and bicycles

And later those flying things

No wonder his parents had gotten together

They had both been sent to England

To get them out of the Appalachia's

They were university educated

And still got married

And returned home to the old ways

Native Americans who had already

Arrived when the Brits arrived

It makes so many Germans

Angry to understand

They can't just say they were 

There first when dealing with Indians

Meanwhile he had married the girl

who caused so much trouble

For everyone as a child

And then seemed to have grown up

Only to realize that she was never 

Going to be normal

Her brain was damaged 

Severely at some point

And now had cancer spreading

Throughout and she would not listen

To her parents about anything

Everyone thought he could 

Endure a married life

And would be happy to have a wife

But it was hell to have her

Destroy everything

He had suffered in order

To gain as an adult

An orphan with two fathers

A woman refusing to give in

Should not have been allowed

But then he had fallen for her

As most still did without 

Knowing her brain was wired 

To destruction

He had even gotten to the point

Of agreeing to murder suicide

In order to get her to leave him alone

when he was working on an important

Project for the government 

He was brilliant and skilled

Yet his family life was miserable

He did not know what to tell his children

One more time she had arranged 

For a big show were others

Showed up for her to recall

Her childhood as the daughter 

Of a war hero 

In London where they gave big parties

For those who made it back

But had nowhere to go next

Thier own homes had been raided

While they were off defending 

The world against Hitler and Mussolini

Others had arrived to steal their homes

Some people never know 

What hit them

And those people were about

To Experience Demi

His wife's real daughter

Now known as Demi Moore

She always needed a different

Child to represent the family

All because her stepfather

Had introduced his mistress

And his son as the real

Relatives to the rich friends

Defrauding her mother

And her whom he sent to an institution

It was this reason they put up with her

Tantrums but not today

He was not going to see the wrong girl

Presented as his daughter

He took his two boys 

And got in a small boat

To go back to shore

He was still working out

The problem his wife 

Had presented

When a storm had hit them

He was not aware there was a storm

But his wife unknown to him

always made sure that

The weather services

Did not get through 

To her group of people

She needed to be in control

At all times

And her family homes

Had a number of natural 

Phenomena occur

Now she wanted to control

The weather around her

Therefore no one knew of the storm

About to hit them

A Hurricane the size of the Caribbean

His boat and boys

Were almost swallowed

Instead, he was sitting 

Attempting to adjust the boat

And talked about the storm

To his boys so one day

They would know what to do

Her voice came out of nowhere

Daddy are we in the eye


He looked up at the sky

It is blue and clear

But over there it is all 

Icky and stormy

He looked around him

They were surrounded

By it!

A Hurricane had come out of nowhere

And they were in the Eye!

Then he realized she was not supposed

To be there

She threw me out

Again, she has another girl

When is she going to stop

Anyways, I decided not to swim

Back to land 

But to sit in the boat

In case someone was going ashore

Mumble mumble 

Who is sitting on me

Oh, look there is the other one

What are you doing here?

Pretending to be you

And she spanked me 

Really really hard

Then she put me in the boat

But they used the other one 

I am never going to do it 

Again, be you!

She has someone else coming

And I am not to say anything

Is that what she does

When you show up all frustrated

And unable to talk?

Oh, she got both of us 

The same night as the other one

He just says there for a moment

He had not thought of what she did

His daughter when his wife

Had to have her way 

With the little joke

Of introducing the wrong girl

Now he had all four of his children

In a small boat 

In the middle of a hurricane.

She found a tarp under the other 

One and spread it over them 

And a rope she handed to her father

He had strung it over the boat

Like a badly wrapped

Christmas gift

TO strap all of them into the one boat

While he laid there with his arms

Around the four of them

Staggered the two small ones

Lower around his legs

And the older ones

Around his shoulders

Laying there now 

Looking up at the sky above

And waiting for nothing

He had given up on God

When he found out his father

Had worked on the bomb

That took out Japan

He knew no god would allow

That kind of destruction

And yet here he was floating

Through the dark in the eye

Of a storm so huge

He could not see its edges

He had survived Korea

As well with his men

Out on a walk through 

The fog and the war

She knew her father

Did not understand

The mother had lost her mind

A long time ago

She was stealing other people

Chidlren and presenting them as her own

The problem was that those children

Did not know she was lying

Nor that their own parents

Were not aware of the harm

It was doing to them

They would spend the rest 

Of their lives 

Not knowing how to handle

The situation that she was the first born

and had to handle the burden

And a mother without a mind

And a father whose heart 

Was failing everyday

She pulled another stunt on him

He lay there now with his open

And his heart stopped

She was massaging his chest

When her brother came awake

He saw her movement

And hit his father a few time

It worked,

Her father jerked 

And began to breather again


They had gone through a storm

So bad she did not want to speak

About what she had felt

Like the Ark 

Being tossed back and forth

Up and down 

While the others held 

On to the hope 

That he knows what to do 

She knew he had way

Of overriding nature

Here they were riding on top of something

Cruising through the waer

With a moter

They had picked up a boat

She told the others

And then it happened

The boat gave a great 

Big heave and hove

Then it began to sink

It had ridden out the hurricane

But could not recover

Like a whale it was too injured

It fell back into the sea

That gave it life

And purpose

Another one for the grave of the sea

She screamed so loud

He rose from the grave

And woke in time 

For them to be rescued

He knew to release the tarp

While keeping hold of the rope

The rope of life

He had been trained to scale mountains

And transverse caverns

Never let go of the rope

He had them all tied to it by now

He could see they had passed

Through the storm now 

And hope was in sight

He was still struggling

With the boats oars

When they were spotted

From the shore

He had been rowing all night

While the boys were sick

And the girls quiet

They were brought 

In by the fisherman

To the beach 

He was so relieved

To touch the ground 

With his toes

He made the phone call

And then the telegram

Until his father responded

And his mother-in-law

They were in France

Not Florida

She arrived as usual

In a mood

And pregnant again

Back in Florida

They would go out to the island

Where he could remember 

Those days when his Faher

Was important

And now he was going to be aloud

To have a life

Another little girl 

Walked up to him

Calling him daddy

Why don't I get to go 

On trips to France with you

This was Maria

His former friend's niece

She was prettier than his daughter

Who was considered pretty

They had lost the little one

In a car accident

And the boys only visited them now

AS she went through treatments

But the older girl was always 

Around in order to make their grandparents

Sure, they were getting the real story

It had been a long time 

when he lost everything

Because of the bastard 

his wife did not give birth

Insisted he was theirs

He threatened so many people

That all of his friends

Ran the other way

who could blame them

When Jimmy came to town

He was sure the storm 

Outside was not a hurricane

He had survived o many of them

She was there taking care of the two youngest

His wife could not be stopped

From having children

But then never took care of them

She was a grown woman

Who should have had her own family

She could not have babies

But took care of others

She should have been married

But the other girls took everything

He had not known what Demi 

Would become nor that Maria

Could not get around his wife

She was working for the government 

As he had doing what was needed

To keep them all alive

His son was supposed to be there

At some point

She had found them 

In the middle of the night

And brought the boys 

To him and food and supplies

Good thing I found you

I have been checking all of the place

You are not supposed to be here

They say it might only be a storm

But it will still be bad

He went down for her

He knew his mother was nearby

She wanted her husband to know

What it had meant to be left

Behind during a storm 

And children she did not want

He was going to allow his father

To suffer the night while he watched

And then she would come in and forgive him

Then they could be a family again

With the real sister

Instead of this one who kept showing up

He did not want to hurt her he said

Later to the doctors 

Who explained about the mothers

Illness of blaming others

For things she had suffered as a child

Jimmy was never going to leave them alone

And those other rats were always around

To get even for not being part

Of a war heroes family

Instead of criminals 

Who spent the war in prison

How long does it take to grow up?

He had the boys laying with him

And telling them stories

While she was taken outside 

And arrested

It took her all night

To convince the police

That she was the mayor

As her father who was mayor

They had made her their hero

Only to have the rif raf

Arrive again and again

She was let off at the house

She found it empty

Except for her father

Who was just lying there

As before with his eyes open

And a needle in his arm

He was on morphine

His injuries from the burning

He had endured were not healed

Had he given himself

An injection to end the pain?

Or had one of the others 

Come in deciding to end 

The one who had never done 

Anything at all 

But survived

Jimmy was not going to get away

With destroying this man's life

She said to herself 

As she laid down next to hm

As she had her sister

Asking God to forgive her

For hating the ones responsible

For the senselessness 

Of her mother's life

When she was gone

She was going to take care of jimmy

Which is why he hired Maria and Demi

To take care of her

While he sits there playing

With his limp useless appendage

What world would allow

The bastard of a celebrity

To have so much control

Even God can't hear her prayers

Nor can he rescue his own

Without permission from Jimmy




Wednesday, September 28, 2022

But daddy, the water ran away....

While playing on the playas in Baja

Beach stories of a wanderer

There was a strange thing that occurred

The water ran away

I was with my twin 

And one of the two brothers

It just ran away while we were building

A sandcastle for the little guy

Wow, look at that!

It was one of those other things

He did not speak yet

Yet he spoke to us about things

When i looked up 

The water near our spot was disappearing

Towards the mushroom like island

We needed the water for the sandcastle

It was odd to look up and see as far as we could

That the water was gone 

Instead, there was mud

And beached surfers

Who looked quite confused

As well as a few fisherman 

with the boats hitting bottom

What the Hell!

I picked up the little guy

And ran up the stairs 

With my sister trying to get the beach stuff

I told her to hurry

And not to bother

Just get up the stairs

Daddy! Daddy!

screeched two small girl voices

The water ran away!

Look over at the island

There is no water at all

He turned his head

And saw the boats and surfers

Looking stranded with no water

Beneath them and he knew

We were already running up stairs

To change and see were mom 

Was located as she was not in the front room

Dad swished past us

He was screaming 

In a big bold voice

Get out of the water

Get to high ground

Everyone gets off the playas

He had a loudspeaker he was using

And he had the old radio cranked up

It was the one my grandmother 

Had grown up using

It was the first warning system 

For the old community

And he was able to get the authorities 

On the radio while we went further up

To the roof with our little one

Just the two little girls

And one small infant

The other adults were running for the road 

Behind us or climbing 

The other buildings

While my grandmother 

The brave female reporter

Was being carried 

By a few young men

She had fainted when she had seen

The water recedes

She had experienced a number

Of natural occurrences 

Out at the old ranch by the sea

She had thought she was imagining

When she was a young mother

And had just sat there 

With my mother watching

And then when the water

Had come back in with a storms force

Had floated out to the island

Holding on to her toddler

Who never did like the area

Which is why some one 

Has turned it into a pigsty

But that day

We were trapped

By the time dad got off the radio

It was too late

He was stranded on the top floor

And the water was still rising

And rising as he climbed on the roof

As well, only to find us hiding in the widows walk

To view the ships from far afield

Before they even came into port

A woman waiting for her man

Would walk the small perch right on top

Of the house our building

More normal in Maine 

Then Baja but there we were

He came along and tried to get us off

But there was no way down

And no one near by

All that water that had gone out

Had joined half the ocean

And now it was swirling around 

The tops of the houses

Twenty, thirty feet high

He sat down holding each of us under an arm

And the baby in a plastic tub above his head

And waited, and waited not to long

We shifted off the roof quicker 

Then we thought if at all

Screams and screeches

Patient parent was struggling

To stay on board the three-floor house

But we were already swimming

Towards the back house

Which was higher than the front

And we made contact with the roof

Shove up went younger sister

Pull went the plastic tub 

And then dangle 

With my legs around his neck

He had gone below a while ago

Slowly I began to squeeze his chest

Until he began to choke and then spit

Up came his head

Angry as hell but it was only his daughter

He had lost his glasses

But knew they must have found

Something to hold on to 

So, he began to feel around

And up he went over the top 

While she still clung to the edge

After while he got his breath

And found one daughter and one boy

He went back to the edge 

And felt around without his glasses

Until he found he small hands

She was doing pushups

Every few moments 

Her head would surface

And she would spit out water

He had her over the top 

and then crept back to the center

It was not the best spot

An angled roof 

One misstep and off they would go

Sliding right down 

Several stories into the water

Instead, they were found

A few hours later

As Noah's flood had abated

The water dropped down to normal level

And a voice in his head said 

Over and over again

It's okay now

No more water

The infant in the plastic tub

Was being held on top of dad's head

And he was way off the ground

Like a Buddha

A man sitting on top of a roof

With two mermaids holding each arm

And a water-resistant tub on top of his head

Finally, his wife's voice got through 

Get the hell off the roof!

She was found clinging to a palm tree.

She was not going to discuss

The day she thought the world had turned upside down.

Nor was the guy sitting in thier parking lot.

Willing to abandoned ship.

But he was a little way too far to push it back.

He just stood there on its bow 

And bellowed at everyone as if they were crew.

While the rest were seeking their belongings

One small boy was wondering 

Why he had not followed his sisters

Instead of deciding to discover 

What secrets the rocks held

Along the coastal Bahia

He found there was an underground

Cavern he could swim in by himself

But would never be able to tell them

As he was just learning to babble

The other little guy 

Just wanted to put down 

Away from the big blue sky

And swirling water

If he could speak

He would not be making happy noises.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Who was he, that man?


Shinzo Abe has died and not had a funeral until now. It is odd in a modern era to wait for the funeral but the Pandemic has made everything go backwards.

To have had to wait for the guests to arrive by boat would have been an issue in the past. This time it was a matter of waiting for the world to be ready for his funeral.

There she is in the sixth row our vice president who is standing in for the President. Camila has had alot of travel time and even though Abe knew Joe, he stayed home for this one.

How do they decide whom goes and who stays? When and where to stage these events. 

It was a shock when he the longest Japanese ruler retired over illness just as the Olympics were about to be held after a delay.

It was a shock when he came back one more time out to run again for Prime Minister.

It was a shock to see him shot down by a guy in the crowd with a homemade gun.

What were they thinking? To have a guy standing there with a gun in a nation that bans guns.

One of the longest running Prime ministers, he has successfully won his right over and over again.

He has been fair and honest for the west and strong and just for the east.

His family go back several generations in government.

His great great grandfather was one of the last samurai.

His grandfather was also a first military commander for the new Japan.

Not royalty as Meghan but qualified as Charles or Emmanual to be a ruler.

His funeral was private for his family at first and then she died.

The Queen of England.

No one turned down a chance to view the longest reigning monarch.

Nor would they have had his funeral at the same time.

Now it is Japan's turn to see the tide come their way.

The world rulers did show up including Arabia and America.

What is next?

There are very few individuals who come from families that span centuries.

Most are upstarts such as the Trumps or Truss.

Out of nowhere and then the leader of the country.

It has been a long time since the world went to war to protect itself.

The Nazis were a bad lot all and all.

The Kaiser and his men frightened the rest of the Monarchs.

Even the Romanovs could not fight against the sudden upheaval.

Jews on the rise.

These people who we don't see as harmful in the modern world.

But in the old world were part of the contenders of world politics.

Solomon and David where world leaders as Joseph were world known.

Then came the desertions and diaspora.

Which resulted in Piracy of ships and disruptions of community routes.

The money lenders who made it worthwhile to be merchants.

Became the early mafia according to the reports coming out of Odessa Ukraine.

Should we believe them?

These modern upstarts, Stalin, Hitler, Zelensky?

Not fair to be labeled in among those dishonest ones.

Many modern ones with qualification such as Feinstein

Who know what they are doing but still live among

Those who dont, such as Kate Middleton, 

A wicked Jewish girl who wants nothing more

Than to put Queen Esther to shame.

Memories from my childhood

Include a highchair prison

Where my grandmother would be busy in the kitchen

While i waited my release

I had got caught knowing how to crawl

Too early and already knew my first steps

Her friends would visit, and she needed me stay put

He was one of those i recall coming to visit her

A foreign exchange student visiting California from Japan.

She was a big radio announcer during the war

She had been honored after the war

Her parents were from Scandinavia 

And had already met the Royal house.

Hawaii was bad for everyone, they lost a daughter 

Who was a nurse and never surfaced

Another woman named Norma kept showing up instead.

He was from a family of old military as her fathers had been

He was an intellectual and was going to be important some day

She told me as she made the tea the way she remembered.

He came in quietly and sat down before she was aware

Like a cat on soft paws

And was laughing at her stories as she finalized the real Japanese Tea.

We three had an enjoyable afternoon after that

And he showed off my stepping skills

To my grandmother's horror.

As she knew my mother was not ready for me to walk.

I am sure he never remembered that afternoon

He was quickly caught up in his world.

And she was on the decline having served her purpose

As a female radio reporter who went into the field.

With her equipment including cameras.

She did it all herself with no helpers 

And then she was no longer needed

After she did the first interview of an American President.


On live television

She had gotten old over 35 and never was asked back

After she opened the door for the boys.

While the promise was always there for someone to follow her footsteps

It was not one of these 200 false ones who keep coming without birth certificates

How does one protect their own heritage much less their name and honor.

Long live Abe and his family of leaders 

From the country of the rising sun

Last of the wonders of the world.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

At the End of the day..


The first day of Autumn in a beach town.

Just don't get up late and stop for lunch.

It was hot at noon, but the water was blue.

We had a hurricane just over a week ago.

I wonder if there were more in the old days.

There seems to be things high off the water and away from the waterfront.

I grew up on two different coasts.

And celebrating nature more than holidays.

Christmas in the snow was fine while my sister was alive.

And thanksgiving on in the barn 

With the boys back in town

Were fine days.

But they were far in between

The ones with Jimmy 

Walking in and demanding he was married

For while I wondered if it was me or my mother

It turns out it was my sister who died when she was five

I was the sister-in-law who was supposed to take care of him.

Really, he got married at 12 to Sonja

Who is now called Ludmilla

Six husbands she has had at least

Doris Roberts lost daughter

Confusing things with the Cokie Roberts family

Always in my way that one is

It seems they got married legally

And then had a baby 

Which came out more like his real mother

Then hers, who took it right back

To where it belonged

Except Richelle looks just like Doris

Except for the color of her skin.

The little rich girl is how she made herself

And her little one is too much to handle.

But right now, we are talking

Seasons of nature

Equinox is the equal days 

Of Spring and Autumn

My sister had all those spring holidays 

To enjoy while I moaned in silence

And then summer was over

And Fall arrived

We got to go back to school

Where we could have a normal home

And perhaps family would be returning 

From thier overseas adventures

Come September 

My life would come back

And then we could commune with nature

One which ever coast we were upon

There was usually a party 

With grandma since it was her birthday

We might even go to Paris for the weekend

But then Jimmy started bumping 

Them off one by one

The ones who kept my mother

From being a complete lunatic

While we regretfully 

Made plans for each child 

To be raised in a different home

Since there were now too many

Of us to be together

Not that we did not try

Only to descend into mutiny

On the part of at least one

Or the other

Added in were the extra cousins

We should have all had 

A chance at a life in the days

When the law actually did something

Instead of sitting there waiting

All those years ago and nothing

Has been done to stop the flow

Against Jimmy and his ladies

He was raised by a bunch 

Of blonds who had no idea 

Who is real mother was to him

They were mostly her old enemies

The reason the family kept the old houses

Now those houses are gone as well

As three generations of gangsters

Have interfered with the war hero

My great grandfather was a WW I

Flying ace, at least he trained as one

He was LDS and was kept from knowing

What the other boys were doing

But he is the one who caught the lone wolf

And then they followed him home

Good thing there was a boyfriend 

For his granddaughter

Who had a family from the ancient days

Of American history

Military family who had ways 

He was even sent to the Brown academy

The West Point of the West

His great-grandfather was sent west

For the Civil war

He began at several locations

But his munitions expertise

Was something out of this world

He was sent to Alcatraz to defend the San Francisco Bay

He ended his days as the Postmaster

For the Presidio until he retired

The man from Tennessee

Had seen the Pacific beach

And decided not to go home

He died shortly afterwards in 1910

Having spent fifty years living 

And breathing fish and surf

Instead of woods and deer

It was not enough though

The gangsters just got more 

And more people

In trouble 

It is easier to get them in trouble

Then to get them to join

And so, it goes on at the end of the day

Those who try to do what is right

Versus those who want to do what is right

Against those who want to what is wrong

The wrong win out easily 

When there is no law 

To correct the matter

War is fine and all

When it is necessary

But getting the law on your side

Against a bunch of thieves and killers

Is another thing

It is never a good day 

To walk upon them wishing to die for someone else

Just because they have already been told

Not to step on their property

Nor take their children for a ride

Even girls were trained to show

up pretending to be the real daughter

When all Demi wanted was the purse

Around my mother's neck

To get her way with those women

And find herself the top of the heap

First day of Autumn

A swim in the old private club pool

A ride on the new trolley line

Lunch at a familiar place

Which serves Asian fish 

And Mogolian barbeque

Then a walk on the beach

Under the old Cyrstal Pier

Where one of the first ballrooms 

Of the Pacific Coast

Now a motel on the pier

And then the ardelous trip back

But another year has passed

Another year older

How many years has gone by 

At the end of the day?

No one is left to count.

But I know, I do know when I am not being drugged.

What time of the day it is

What day of the week it is

And where I am in the stream of time.

At the end of days....

There will be a calamitous event 

For mankind according to 

The wise ones of the holy scriptures.

That is another day

Another day...

Saturday, September 24, 2022

Who are the brave men who stay and fight to the finish?


Buffalo Soldiers were an act of congress.

They were decreed by the Congress to be given the assignment of the Frontier

They were African Americans who had already fought or we willing to fight.

After the Civil war was over but peace was not established.

There were a number of scrimmages in California alone between Union and Confederate

But it was the frontier that needed to become safe for everyone.

Everyone that is except the Indians, native Americans.

They had been pushed into the Great Smoky mountains 

And then forcibly marched to the no man's land.

And then Oklahoma needed their reservations for white people.

Now the Africans were being told to hunt them down 

They could get land out west and not worry about the south

All they had to do was control the Frontier 

Which included killing as many Indians as they could find

It was simple they were listed as criminals, scavengers

They were vagrants on some else land

They were unwanted and not Christian

Unlike the good African soldiers 

Who were Christians 

And not brown 

And willing to wipe out another race

After all they hated everyone who was not black

These brown skinned had let the whites in

Iin the first place to build their plantations

According to the stories told in the classroom

Really, they had not choice and they were excluded

Except for the stories of the Pilgrims and the pumpkins

They were already outside

They even say the Salem witch trials

Began with girls accusing their hired help

A native Indian of leading them on with her ways

Old ways were suspicious and not goldy

But then the Europeans had practiced them as well

It is sad today to see so many young people

Not know the true history of their own people

More than willing to sit and lie about being the wrong persons child

They want to be Indian too, it is too cool

To sit and steal just as the German hippies had

Someone else culture and ethnicity

They don't know these young ones

That in those days of the colored signs

That there were no bathrooms for the Indians

They were neither white nor black

They had to do it in the bushes

They were not better than animals

It is the same old thing one race is given 

The opportunity of betting themselves 

And they have nothing for anyone else

It was seen with the Irish who were to poor

And now too rich

And the Italians who were catholic

And who are now well to do politicians 

Who don't remember the days when they had no place

To stay except a lice ridden hotel room

Nothing changes but stays the same

But why would the blacks want to be Indians

Because they don't know what it means to be brown skinned

They don't know what it means to be crazy as Indian

They don't understand how frustrating it is to go to school

And still be told they don't have an education

Nothing they have done is any good

And never will be any good

Because they just don't understand

They don't own this land

They are lying about being here first

How often  i have heard those words

I know you were here first

Or why don't you get back on your boats 

And go back to where you came from

When in fact we did not have boats

As  I tried to explain patiently 

To one young woman

She did not want to hear it

She did not care, nor could she fathom

The idea that there were not boats for us

Nor planes for them

They live in a world where most of them fly

They don't take the bus

Not like the Royals 

Who were told to get on board

And they did it because they knew 

If they wanted to go to the funeral of the century

They had to get on the bus

Too good for most of the young ones

Who don't know why Rosa Parks

Was even on a bus in the first place

And then there are those others

A genocide has occurred

Russians against Russians

Excep they are no longer 

Calling themselves Russians

We are Ukrainians

I grew up around Kiev

And was forced out of Kiev

As well, once they wanted their independence

As a mixed race individual, I understood

And now those who fled Ukraine

Said they had to leave their men behind

It was no big deal they could fight

While the women and children fled

They have no homes to go home to

But the Russians have not been told

They have to provide extra support

And they are fleeing for the borders

They don't want to fight they don't want to die

It is all good for the other guy

But they themselves want no part

They are rioting and protesting

That their men have to be called up

But it is not their fight 

Is it? But someone else's.

They don't want to be sent in to fight their brothers

But those same men will kill them willingly

They don't want freedom for the Donbas people either

When will it end?

When someone smacks Zelensky in the face

Giving him two black eyes?

Then will the world media see him for what he is

A war mongers instad of a friendly comic

He won't give in, he won't back down, he won't let them go.....


Mr. Putin it is said is now giving orders

Himself for the war instead

He was not to blame 

Was he for starting the war

Nor for the casualties 

As he was not the one giving the orders.

Unlike Zelensky who has  no war experience

Is there directly giving out kill ordres 

Instead of protection orders

And all those wild stories

Of rape the media is eating up

Does one believe anyone 

Now adays?

It is hard to say where it will stop

The killing of ones own kind

Whie others just want to be envious

And takes what is not theirs to have or own

So many Germans said it was terrible

If only the wall would came down

And they could go home

Instead they stayed in America

And decided to own othrs properties

Some men even claim to own a woman

Jimmy just wants...

Now Elton John has been given an award

By President Biden

Just for singing and acting crazy

For fifty years,

He is good at what he does

And at 75 might deserve a medal

But he has never fought for anything at all

He even hid his homosexuality until it was okay

Not that I blame him

Severe punishment was meted out to those

Who did not understand

But there are those war memorials just down the street

And when an old friends child is asking

Why their house to be demolished

Her father sits there with his face imortalized

But the 200 year old house

Can't be saved from modernization

She no longer has a place to live

Although she did her part as well

With the National parks and Forestry

They were also told to protect the border

There was a time a wall was not needed

But a sharp rifle for pecking off those 

Who thought of making someone else land

Their own and now no one knows the difference

The Native Americans are the past

The Mexicans the future

Standing proud next to the Africans

Not really nor ever going to happen

All is fair in war and love

Said one of me enemies

Every time she was plotting me demise

And it is true 

One side can do nothing wrong

While the other one is fighting for independence

What has the world come to anyways

It is all a matter of viewpoint

Someone's Opnion that matters

As for all those would be Indians

You don't have a birth certificate with my name

Nor is stealing my Driver's license and presenting

It as evidence going to work

Any reasonable government employee knows better

Unless of course they are not hired but frauds themselves.

How much did the Romans pay for a skull of a Celt?

Or for a scalp of an Indian?

How much is Ukraine willing to pay for the hide of their own kind?

Thursday, September 22, 2022

There she goes


A new statue has arrived in DC as if they need anymore.

She was known best for nothing else but disappearing into the blue.

And yet, there is another story.

There she goes, the little girl just wanted to travel through the air.

The carnival made it a place young can dream of flying.

And then came the years of work before she stumbled upon an airfield.

She saw them coming with their clipboards

She knew she was in danger

One more stop and she would be out of here 

No, no he could not have lost her in a card game

He was too drunk to explain but it was in his eyes

They had tricked him into a game and then cheated

What did they want the machine or the woman?

It seems both was the answer

How was she going to explain this to her husband.

She got in her machine knowing they would not understand

She was not going to cooperate

There was not going to be any more mistakes

He got a shook as he woke up tied to the ship

On the floor was the extra passenger

Who was about to be dumped out in a tailspin.

They saw her go before they could back 

But they had left a surprise for her to find

And then they saw it in the distance

A tailspin was meant to send them into agony

She had not thought of the next step

Except escape, the extra passenger tilted out

Strapped with a water vest 

He was meant to be found 

While she got away to another place

Instead, she got a head spin as she righted herself

She had never told anyone about her cracked skull

She had fallen off that Ferris wheel when she was little

She had managed to get through school

And most of the other projects

But the headaches never went away

Learning to fly had seemed to keep them at bay

Now they were constant part of her life.

She never got caught when she went to the specialist

Who said there was nothing for her to worry

And yet those blinding sudden jolts

Here she was in the wild blue yonder

She could see nothing at all as she cruised

Finally, Fred came forward to her

He knew she whited out sometimes

They were on the wrong track

He knew he should be shot 

For losing her in a card game

Oldest trick in the world

But it was too easy to win

All those other places they had been

He had been doing it the whole time

Know he knew they had allowed him to win

It had been planned from the beginning

For him to lose way out here

Who could be after her?

Her life as an adult had not been easy

And her father and her had lived

Around those who did not take credit

But skin when things went wrong

She saw them first 

Sat up with a jolt 

As he was trying not to tell her the word

Sorry, she was so tired of hearing it

They pulled up next to her

She was caught off guard

There were not many groups 

In the world who could fly 

In tandem as they were doing

They forced her to travel with them

With her blindness there was nothing to do

But follow instructions

They were going to miss their next stop

She heard later about the uproar

Her husband had put up about her not coming home

Sweet of him but he was already on to another woman

She had kept quiet about it as she had stolen him herself

But really, the whole world looking for her

And ships had been sent out to find her

Meanwhile, she was in a hospital

Where they operated on her head

Turns out it was not a tumor 

But a bad vessel which had borken 

That day they had seen her leave

She recovered with absolutely no idea

Where she was or where Fred had gone

He was later found in California 

After a decade they had let him go

His family did not report it

They were collecting insurance

He lived his life as a fisher man

And never did go back to those people

Who had set her up from the beginning

He was sure they were going to hold her hostage

And then perhaps kill her at the end

But instead, they had gotten away 

After all that media and it was a lie

They just wanted a girl to abduct

And hold the President hostage

None of that hero stuff at all

Plain extortion it was 

Frightened the hell out of him

He knew there was no one to go speak

She had begun to fly again in the forest

She was given to instruction

They wanted instructors

She found out later they were going to war

How they knew the war was coming 

She never did find out

But China was a strange and marvelous place

She found it quaint the style 

Of living and the individuals 

Who came to visit her 

As she was kept from knowing

What had become of the rest of the world

As she learned to climb mountains

And Buddhism

One day after all the stuff

She had taught the young ones 

About flying and diving

They let her walk away

She was actually on her way to Tibet

When she realized they were no longer watching her

She left them when she was done

They knew war was coming 

And they wanted to protect their land

Just as the wall had kept out the enemy 

From the North 

They were now protected from the air

They had seen her coming 

And watched for awhile 

What they were doing with the mechanic

Gambling and boozing

All to get her in a position

She was luckier than most

Her value to them was worth

Going for her when she altered

Her path and now she was healed

They saw her leave without the plane

Her ship had been shipped out they said

And she needed to find it soon

The boats were not sure of her

Disguised as a monk

She made it to South America 

And then around the corner

To a home of a friend

She sat there tormenting the toddler

They had gotten married

And had a baby since her last visit

And a world-famous radio announcer

She called him one night 

When she was sure he was alone

He hung up the phone slowly

He had no choice but live

With his choice all those years ago

She was alive but not coming back

After a few more conversation's 

She left in the ship

For she herself could fly no more

She could not see enough

Although they found her bird where someone else had flown

It had made it back without her

She traveled and wrote about life

Where no one expected her to be

She had missed the entire second WW

Without regretting

The life she might have had

Before she was blinded in her cockpit

There she goes thought her husband

As he hung up the phone

Lying his head down on the pillow

Thinking of how pressed he was 

In Paris when he had met her

She had to be his is all he thought

He did not know the men 

Who became interested in her plight

But he was glad it was over 

She could fly into the blue 

Again, and again 

Soaring over the top of the world....

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Here it comes!


There is an incoming object!
Is it a meteorite?

The President shuffles his papers on his desk.
No sir!
It is a missile, we think.

You think we are being targeted?
It is an incoming object moving fast towards....
It passed us by and is still going.

And it is a missile.
Should I guess who sent it?
Man, when i get my hands on that short guy....

It struck!
Oh Uh,

Texas is slightly smaller, sir!
Are we ready to retaliate?
Yes, but it is not whom you think.

What, what ---who the hell shot at us?
It is Kiev, sir
The source of the Missile is from inside Ukraine.

Oh my god.
Who do they have at their controls?
Some halfwit named Shawn.

Or some kindergartner?
What, What
Problem sir 

The spot on the maps is slightly off
I know Governor 
The governor from Texas is on the phone.
And he is really mad and has a few words
We are handling this ourselves unless you think you can sling something back

Not that.
The President leans back in his chair as the crew run back and forth between the oval office
And the communications room.

Hold all fire guys 
We have a big, big problem.
The Mexico president is on the line.

I bet he is, Hes the one who got hit!
Let me speak to him.
The missile doesn't know which side of the border to land on.

It landed on our side just like all those immigrants you keep sending ack.
Not all of them our ours and know we have a missile hole on our side of the border.
What the hell do you want me to do, Declare war on Russia!

Or you!
It is little bit out of control here, but I will keep you informed.
Do we have anything that we hit that guy?

Now come on, I said I would take care of it.
Does Mexico really have anything at all that can vaporize
What Russia is on the line.

If I think I am going to blame him for some halfwit named Jim getting to play 
Around with all those toys the Quen gave Kiev,
You had better have a really good bunker.

Kiev is on the line.
We are really, really sorry.

I hear we actually missed you altogether.
What went wrong?
Well, the missile was pointed in the wrong direction just in case.

What oh, well some guy sat down without permission and started adjusting the controls.
And well it just went off.
There was no real damage.

Was there?
Oh, Mexico really.
Do they need any more immigrants?

He seemed to want them when this thing started.
No, no he just wants to shake your hand
My hand, I like my hand.

How did you guys hit Mexico.
They torture guys down there and make them disappear.
The Texas border was a little to the right, I guess.

Well, what are we going to do?
Let me speak to Mexico for you and get that guy.
Up on the wall for the guys to see.

Hey, let's getting a shooting party
Who the hell was it anyways......
Some guy named Jim Shawn is slowly walking through the dark ...

He was not even noticed.
Just as he planned all those years ago.
When he was not allowed as a teenager to get back at that place.

Kept saying he was an illegal immigrant instead of a Bonafide American.
Munich will never know the man they let out of a cell when he was still a baby bubba...
Mexico has a big hole on its side of the border.

And the President has a big headache.
As Kiev is searching for its half wit...
While Russia sits there and smiles quietly ...

Monday, September 19, 2022

My Lady, my lady you had quite a day of admirers, what will you tell yours?


My Lady when you arrive by your husbands side you might not be the same lady as you were when you last arose.

There were all those young men willing to hold hands in order to carry your weight. They even lifted you up those treacherous steps at Saint George.

And those young sailors who kept your company the whole route of the funeral were not going to let go of their hold upon you. They had you surrounded and were determined in keeping you from those mounted Canadians who showed up with their horses.

I'm afraid they arrested the one admirer who attempted to touch your casket but everyone else was more than willing to patiently wait up to twenty-four hours in line.

Just to walk past you and view your last days working as usual, and not relaxing. You even had viewers sneak in from the Leaders of the world to take a peek at you.

Juan Carlos, the former King of Spain for instance showed up and with a walking stick made it up those stairs. He was accompanied by his wife Sophia who has not divorced him despite his absence.

And then there was that really young and handsome French President. He showed up as well to view your casket with his schoolteacher wife and they did not miss your funeral.

The former Presidents of the United States, however, were not able to attend. Instead, they preferred to attend a special Memorial service at Washington DC Cathedral.

Oh, and the current President got stuck in traffic and stopped for yogurt cups with his second wife. Do you remember them when they were courting and causing a fuss? A schoolteacher and a young widow.

I'm afraid most of your commonwealth attendees could not afford other accommodations and were forced to take the bus to your funeral.

Despite it all, everyone arrived with smile and then frowns. Including poor Boris who claims they changed the rules on him after he went into number 10. Him and his young wife got the last spot on the section designated for the former Prime Ministers. 

Oh, and the Bidens were a little late, so they had to be seated way back in section 14 not close to your casket at all.

And was a wonderful day, the sky was out and the clouds at home. The crowds had spent a week lining up in your park to view you and your casket. 

Now was the real funeral, just like your father before you they mounted the full funeral.

It is a good thing that everything was closed because everyone was down at your part of the woods. 

The long drive between Westminster to Buckingham was done with love, and lots of music and marching.

One could almost hope you were enjoying the ride on the guncarriage designed for Queen Victoria, who was a little bit heavier than yourself.

All those men in uniform who turned out for your funeral and managed not to faint nor get in the way of each other.

Your son does know how to throw a royal parade and with style, even your staff came out to say goodbye.

And then it was off to the other castle of Windsor. They put you in the back of a Hearst for this trip.

An hour long it took to go the short distance with everyone lining the streets and wishing you well on the journey.

Even your favorite horse came out to say goodbye. Did you hear about the antique field tractors who gave you a double sided send off in Scotland.

Well, there it was after all those days of standing in line and all the marching was done, a second assembling of the masses accord at a second church.

Your corgis came out to greet you as well, I'm afraid your former daughter in law has decided to steal them from you. Or at least they will be residing with Andrew while Sarah watches over them.

That last little bit was a short climb upstairs you could not have made on your own.

In fact, the perfect eight who were put into duty again, needed an additional pat on your person as they ascended up into Saint George. 

When it was all said and done, and there was a lot said by a lot of people including your new Prime Minister who read a lesson.

You had your beautiful toys removed, the scepter and the globe and the crown. They were handed over to the State which will care for them until your son's coronation.

Finally, you were lowered to the basement where you were said to join your beloved Philip.

If he would have you after all that attention by all those hands helping you on your way and those admirers that came out to march for you.

Well, I do hope it was a happy reunion and the next journey of joining together will be taken well by him who only had a short jog between castle and church.

Best wishes my lady on your retirement and relax in your husbands' arms as long as you wish.

Your castle is being taken care of as William and Kate decided they liked the looks of the old monstrosity for their modern young kids to grow up.

Wonder where all the Wi-Fi connections will be, and those extra electrical items will be plugged in the old thing.

You practically married those eight men today, but all is well and I'm sure they will get over it.

Meanwhile, I had to watch from the West coast because I did not receive an invitation.

My mother would have had a word or two about it but she passed away in 2005 and is now in a Rose Garden in California holding hands with my father her childhood sweetheart. They had six of us and no one notices that we are related, certainly not the others.

Hopefully you had no enemies show up or any of those other boring people such as Jimmy who kept attempting to enter your premises because he thought he was born to royalty instead of his father's show Captain Kangaroo.

Maybe Charlotte will take after you and become a brilliant leader someday if her mother will just do everyone the honor of tripping over those heels.

Bless you and yours and may there be fair rulers in your fair isle for a time to come. 

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Patron Saint of England- St. George is done his best with this lot


I recall being France when the Duke, died who was the uncle of Queen Elizabeth, the guy who abdicated.

It was a private funeral and for some reason we were included into one or two of the festivities.

When the next guy died who got a public state funeral, everyone was ready to go see him.

Does anyone even know who the Duke of Gloucester is, one of the cousins and possible heirs.

Anyways, I swear I was in the queue line half a dozen times.

A child is useful you hold the spot while the others go off to supper and what not.

I almost forgot to stop and pay my regards the last time or two, so used to just moving forward.

That was in nineteen seventy-four, a different era indeed.

No longer stuffy and people could go and of what they wanted.

Not like the fifties and my mother waited in the park for her invitation.

Her mother of course had been useful during the war years as a radio announcer

And her husband a Canadian Raf hero was going to be included.

But my mother wanted to be invited inside so she could curtsey and shake hands

It a sad thing to watch a women lose her mind, sadder when half of it is already gone.

My mother had early onslaught dementia and died of brain cancer.

I know it seems I waited at least three days in line, as soon as one groups was done.

Back I went to go with another one, it was just the thing to do.

There were even real live people in line, not just these pathetic souls.

They are a doing their best and will remember it always.

But it is sad, a queen who represented the generation of wwii

Outlived her own generation and the others are doing their best to remember.

It must be exhausting to go through the lines only to get to the center and have 

No more than a minute at most to say your respects.

The royal balcony has people occasionally in it standing there watching

While the guards look exhausted so many times, they have come out

The changing of the guard is mesmerizing especially with their real weapons

But one can see them sway from stress and sadness is creeping into their eyes

Anderson Cooper was just a little boy in those days.

His mother was Gloria Vanderbilt, a rich family with no royal tis.

SHe took her two boys down and got in line with the rest of the lot.

Standing there and politely speaking to those who noticed.

Allowing her boys to run around a little bit and then stand solemnly 

Once inside where they got rewarded for their efforts.

And now he is reporting it as if he is not even one of them royals

I wonder if he has taken his young son down to view the crowds at least.

None of the others i remember being so determined to be line have I seen.

Most of them went on to become celebrities, one the things that happened.

It was a time if one got noticed, one got recommended.

Not like now where one is treated like an animal.

Then there were the others such as the Coulters and Cardinale's.

Red head extremist who wanted to blow something up 

They even went and lied about raising my child just to have access

These would be bringers down of the monarchy

When they won't even do as their religion asks of them 

Nor what the justice system demands of them.

How many attempts have been made on the life of a royal

By a non-law-abiding citizen of any religion?

Meanwhile, this is the closet many will ever be to their monarch.

I had two great grandmothers, both my mother's grandmothers

They had taken care of her during the war years 

And now it was her turn since they were widows.

The trouble that was caused by that runaway teenage boy

His father living in California and his mother in DC

In thier nineties and special care they needed.

One was in the first electric wheelchair, and it required a license

The Utah lady named Brown had to show her card all the time

As I walked with her around the old neighborhood

And her Siamese cat would sit and yowl at passerby's

It was a sad day to come home and find her frozen outside

Jimmy just wanted entrance to our place and had locked her out

We had to drive all the way back to Salt Lake with her in the car

So she could be buried proper Latter day saint style

But never made it, we were robbed on the way

Jimmy made off with the car even though he could not drive yet

He turned 18 in 1975 and that was also 1972

Thinks he might have been faking it a bit

We heard he had her propped up in the back sit as if she was a lady

Driving her around as if he was a chauffeur or something

Her bones ever touch the ground in Zions town it will be a miracle!

Inga was the one from St Petersburg but really Copenhagen

We were told not to talk about Russia, she was Danish

But it always came out anyways and she had already left 

Before the Bolsheviks took over the entire country

Slave owners, slave drivers, sting them all up

She could walk but was also in danger at all times

Especially Karen who would not leave us alone

She stoled a baby from the campgrounds

Named it angel and lied to everyone about its origins

One day Angela will wake up with her head cut off

She is a horrible thing that has tried to kill 

A number of people including the royals whom she has no feelings 

Ninety-year-old women should be assigned military guard or something

She finally met her end being poisoned repeatedly

And over a piece of property, she could not give away

Nor will it ever be in the right hands 

Unless someone takes drastic measures

Sweet old lay buried in Ogden and her not a Mormon.

She was our royal of the family

She had meet Queen Victoria herself

Only sixteen years old and on her grand tour

Which took her to California where she married

Her childhood sweetheart of another faith

A military family of old Scandinavian roots.

Indians and Vikings 

Everyone was horrified when i was young

Now it is cool to be one or the other 

Just not both but what can i do

There has been little that has gone wrong

Except one archer fainting on the floor

And another man fainting on the casket

The crowds have been patient for their last look

After all it is a new century

And they might not be able to do this again

Who knows what is going to happen

With King Charles and hunky WIlliam

They might not make it as monarchs

The patron saint of England

Is saint George, the dragon slayer

An old story of a young man coming out of nowhere

And slaying a dragon who was attacking the people

And then saving the young princess 

Being held as hostage, and a Christian

The story surfaces about the same time as Constantine 

Units the west with his conversion

But the old stories are better told 

To believers that nay-sayers

It is that there was a dragon to be slayed

Why do the European communities have so many problems

With their populace and neighbors

Anyways the young hostage was their princess

And he was awarded her hand in marriage

Just as Philippe Mountbatten came to save

The young lass named Elizabeth from certain death

He kept her free from all the others

And she made everyone feel welcomed 

Who visited Buckingham castle

Now England is bustling with pleasure

At being allowed to escort her properly

To her new home and view her one last time.

Now that the Queen Mum is gone

I stood in that Queue as well

Almost forgot to curtsy when I finally got to the casket

Wish I had not missed Philipps Mountbatten's

Day of reckoning, he was always my favorite

The family Dragon slayer

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Warning, warning, we may have an imposter in our mists...


Who did you prefer when you were growing up Mr. Rogers Neighborhood or Captain Kangaroo?

Everyone loved one of the other and then Sesames Street came along ....

Well, I preferred the friendly Mr. Rogers and his neighbors and especially the train 

Most people preferred Captain Kangaroo, Jimmys real dad

It is one of my harder things to deal with, not that his dad was popular

But that most people don't realize whom they are speaking 

It is bad enough he uses different names and what not

His personality is such he won't admit to being wrong

It is that he has been using kids since he was young

And his father's authority upon the nation

Transfers to him without even trying 

It is automatic but he is such a nice sounding boy

Did you hear what he said?

He said he was going to kill you

He said he is the one who at Jimmy Hoffa

Ha ha ha

The stories I could relate 

But right now, I want to talk about the British

They have this thing for cuteness

They are stiff upper lip 

And never give anything away

But they are cute when they want to be

And what is cuter than Paddington Bear

He arrives at the train station in Paddington

And gets lost or remains unable to transfer 

I don't remember the details,

Although Winnie the pooh

Would be a better whimsical for ne

As it is Canadian and more my style

I had to watch the Queen have tea

With a bear for goodness's sake

And the Butler had to remind him 

Not to lift the spout up to his mouth

But to set it down and let her pour.

Most of the time one person does the pouring in England

And they usually call themselves mother 

Quaint little things that eh British hold dear,

Her marmalade sandwich was a shock

It must be those grandkids who have altered her style,

Anyways, there he was in life sitting with the queen

Wonder if Jimmy had anything to do with it

I recall there was a time when he did everything

He could sit down and have tea with her

In America, taking tea with someone meant business

In England it often is just a refreshment between business

Jimmy thought if he had tea with her

Then he could be the Royal he haws

And go around telling people what to do

Anyways, the palace has asked if they not leave a little Paddington

With the flowers, it is not mulchable

The tribute of the flowers is nice but no one is allowed to take them home

The Gardeners therefore make them into mulch for the year-round beauty

Instead of throwing them away or burning them.

"No more little stuffed bears", please.

There is a thing about children listening to a man voice

They tend to do as he instructs

Look at Putin, he had kids, he plays with others quit well.

But he appears to be honest with them

His family suffered the Germans and his brothers died from starvation

Now we are reminded that Paddington in Ukraine 

Is the voice of Mr. Zelensky himself

It was probably known when he got elected

He has a law degree but preferred the media outlets

Modern Russia and Ukraine turned towards the same shows 

As America, comics, dancing with the stars, game shows

And loveable children's programming

He is the voice the children hear

Paddington in Ukraine is also their President

They will do almost anything he instructs them

Even burn flags and terrorize unwanted females

It is sad, because he seemed a good enough man

But he won't let go of a group that wants their freedom

It is almost as if he is an American confederate

Did he spend time in the American South?

It says he was in Mongolia when he was little 

He learned English well enough to communicate

And went to a school of Economics for law

His father would not allow him to go to Israel as a Jew

His grandfather was in the Red Army 

He had so much potential in his background

No wonders he was a shoo in when they needed a fresh face,

That and the voice of Paddington telling them to go to the polls 

And vote for me.

Listen to me and just me

This is an old game

One that Jim knows well

Look how he went from number one enemy

To everyone's happy grandpa

He sits there and steals in front of them

He shows up and takes wallets in grocery stores

He also tells women doctors what they can and can't do

I am tired of being told I need a hysterectomy

I'd like to give jimmy something with an ectopy

It would probably better just to decapitate him

And get it over with

After all Arizona was willing to execute him

Maybe next time they could double check the plug

And make sure it is plugged in and then when they throw the switch

Sizzle, sizzle, sizzle

You see Jimmy who is not my brother nor my father

Really says he is my husband if you put him to it

And he will confess that he uses his spouse's name

Because he is a convict

Just like Paddington who is also a jail bird

He can't use his real name because he has been to prison

Oh, by the way, did anyone mention this to the Queen?

Her Jubilee was spent having tea with a disrupt able convict

Did they count the silver ware after he left?

Jimmy used to steal the lot

He did not like the expression 

Born with a silver spoon in their mouth

He used to sit there and be annoying at supper

Keeping after one about which one was the spoon

There are more than one and he was obvious about it being 

The one stuck in my mouth when i came out of my mother

While his mother sports a full-length fur coat

He could not handle silverware and took everything

We used to find pillow cease full of the stuff

Have you ever attempted to return something

To an upper crust family that has been looted.

It's worse than showing up at tea without shoes

Well, he has had so much fun taking everything out of all 

Of the houses I once slept in and not all of them were mine

That there are boutiques and flea markets 

And even Sotheby's has jewelry I recognize

He once took a diamond watch

And gave it to his girlfriend to wear

As they went through the Que

To be introduced to the Queen herself

When it was recognized, and the girl nicked

He took the watch and slowly put it on my mothers

Wrist, where she let it dangle forever and a day

She had no idea it was out of meanness

He only knew he had to get rid of it

And she was not his favorite person

What an old expression

Attempting to get my mother arrested for wearing something he nicked

I bet she was, and I just did not hear about it

Thre were alot of old suff I saw pass through

Without a bill of sale

He probably settled the insurance on them

Giving them a nightmare if the stuff ever surfaced

Well, Jimmy has been a very bad boy

And no one is the wiser yet

While this nice guy with the good voice

Has been misleading his nation and others

What are his real plans is all I want to know?

Is he a southern slave owner

Or is he going to set those birds free?

Wait and see is not my line, frustration

What has the other guy done anyways 

To get everyone angry

He overstayed his welcome

How often I heard that of Jimmy

He is not ours I told more than once

They did not listen to me then and I don't know why

Because I always tell the truth 

And never tell a lie

But am very polite about it all,...

Honey? What happened?

  The Pandas are coming They are coming back The Pandas are going To be back home In my zoo Just like the old days Before it all went wrong!...