Saturday, October 1, 2022

Shark in the water


They say that a four-foot shark has been seen cruising through the neighborhoods

Of the now destroyed Florida area

With water standing up off the ground

Rescue boats skimming over the cars

And here an alligator can be seen

And there a shark 

Reminds me of the old ranch

It was once a bustling fruit orchard

Before there was a California

There was a Baja with people

Who were not Mexican

And they grew fruit and flowers

The Fruit industry took off 

After the Civil war

With shipping from coast to coast

Or at least up the coast

But trees don't require 


And every time the family

Went to care for one of their other farms

A lying bunch of thieves 

Would move in on the territory

Pancho Villa 

Was one of the worst things

To happen as he made

People believe he was from the area

And that he was for the populace

Instead, he robbed them

Now no one wants to confess

There was once a family 

Of whites who owned the town

And I saw a shark or two

Cruising through the resort

Next-door is a resort

It is a nice one 

But run by crooks

Since the old man died 

And his children have been robbed

But there they were two fins

Going past me on my morning

Walk at low tide

Sometimes I had to go around a small

Area of rocks where the water had not receded

I felt fine as it is where my grandmother was born

And raised us family

But it brushed up against my leg

And shook me to the roots

What was that?

I began to go around 

And climb the cliff

With my broken back

And bad leg dragging

Because I knew there was something

Not right about that brush

Low and behold

A new species of shark 

Was discovered in the area

In the old days the surfers

Were out numbering the fisherman

It was a popular spot

Before cheap airfare and cruises

Made it possible for them 

To find different avenues of sport

Leaving the area depressed

Of all works except the usual trade

What a waste to have a working ranch

One day a couple wandered inside locked gates

And claimed it abandoned

Cutting down the trees

And making a public pigsty

Of a private compound 

Just to enjoy themselves

At someone else expense

And now their daughters 

Are claiming they are relatives

They never paid the taxes

Nor the court fees 

Much less the licenses

They just sit there and steal 

The furniture and other private things

While doing nothing of repairs

Meanwhile, across the world

There is a shark spotted

In the waters

Valdimir held an election

Volodymyr is calling it a crime

The slave owner still refuses

To give in to releasing his hostages

Instead, he would whether kill them all

And instill hatred and hostilities

This kind faced comedian

Won't budge in his demands 

Of ownership of a people 

Who have more than once 

Declared themselves free of his abuses

Or his countires abuses

They want thier freedom

Even if it means going home

To the old country

From which Ukraine

Was alloweed to  leave itself

But wont allow anyone to leave them

What are they afraid of?

Being left alone?

With no one to hold thier hand in the dark?

They have had their people leave 

By the millions

And then killed the rest


Let him stop making public appeals

From the safety of his iPhone

And meet the other leaders

Face to face

At the UN or the White House

But get him out of the waters

And into a neutral zone

Instead of his own conditions

Causing the world to go to a zone

Most have forgotten existed

The pre nuclear stage

Where we go on alert

In case the wrong finger

Pushes one of those buttons

He seems like a nice guy

So let him prove it

By coming out of his cave

In which he hides

And show himself 

Outside his country to those 

Who has the power 

Of negotiations

Instead of throwing more rhetoric

Into the waters

There are more important matters

Then crying over a lost piece of property

Even when it was agreed it would never happen

And the locals still have the ability to stop

But want not to interfere with the drug dealing girls down the lane

Stop yelling at Russia

And start looking at Ukraine

Why are we here at this point

Of the US President 

Demanding he is going to obliterate

The other guy if he uses his arsenal

While one of the last guys from the former era

Is turning 98 

And being taken to a baseball game? 

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Well, well why dont you

  Here we are again Why don't you Step aside! Poor Biden The youngest to the oldest Just get over it You were used! They don't reall...