Tuesday, October 25, 2022

A very strange occurrence


It was all about the watch.

Really the kid had a watch.

It was impossible for him to own such a thing.

So, he took it from him.

He had no idea he would end up 

On the front page.

Just his lucky day.

His mama wants him to go visiting

Her kin folk.

She is so proud of him.

It is spooky and just too easy.

Him being white and her not.

Most of the time he does not get caught

But her daddy is a Baptist preacher

And she produced a miracle

Him and he has to be seen once in a while.

Here we go again

Another trip that he is going to punish

Her for, what if they get caught?

He had to keep his mama happy

But his daddy promised

Him some day he would be allowed

To stop pretending to be black

After he was as white as a sheet.

Anyways the kid had a watch

And he wanted it 

So, he took it from him!

That's all that happened

All this stuff in the news 

About a woman being raped

None of that happened at all.

It was just Jimmy taking 

His rights over the other kid.

Whose mother worked in the city 

Just like his mother did.

His mother wore fur coats 

But not down on the farm 

Who were sharecroppers anyways 

Poor people while his daddy was on TV 

Everyday his face was there for the whole world

To see and she wanted him to go out 

To these places where he was going to get recognized.

He did get recognized!

Someone had a TV in this town 

Why did they even have electricity?

Come on guys!

He was not going down for this hole 

Out in nowhere 

They knew what time his dad came on TV 

They were going to put on the TV 

At the barbers at that time 

And the whole town was going to know!

He had to get the watch!

He was the only one who had one in town!

Stupid kid bringing that down here 

His mother must be crazy to let him out of her sight.

Anyways it was just the watch of Em's he had to get.

That's all.

Nothing more.

He was not the one to string him up.

Captain Kangaroo!

He whispered to him at the bus stop.

And just kept grinning at him.

And then big eyes soft shoed

Routine that he was sorry

He could do that to 

But no, it is not his fault

The kid chocked on his on spit

He was just so afraid of him

He guesses when he told him

To shut up about it

He would have to be the one 

To come from a city were 

They had regular TV

And he was going to show 

The other guys when it came on

He just had to stop him

Or he would be seen as a sissy

And his mama might not 

Send him back this time

She said she would keep

Him home if things got too bad.

Real all he wanted was him 

Not to show off and with a Rolex!

Who gave it to him?

His mama did not buy that at the company store

No, she got it from a man

And one who could afford to gift it out

Here he was in a stew of trouble

Right up to his neck

And too, too deep

He did not hang the kid

He did not know who either

But someone had got to believe him

It was their business that needed to be taken care of

Otherwise, they were going to be down here

And it was not going to be pleasant

They finally gave him a Timex 

And told him to go back to his daddy.

They would take care of the rest

Brothers stuck together

Even if they did not like the kid.

Poor little rich boy

How often did he tell his story?

After it was done and all?

Just to get his way 

Behind his parents back

And with a family he fostered

Himself upon

Of course, he is a story teller

What he would do in a situaion

Is not unknown to most of us

But the problem is he was not born 

Until 56, Christmas time

His holiday when everyone

Had to give him their gifts

And their stories as well,

Whose story he collected

No one will ever know

He never tells the truth

And the boy is dead and buried

What difference does it make


Except to that man who did not know 

What he had done behind his back

Who was not the kid's father

Was set on fire by him,

Because they thought it be better

To allow the woman to have her way.

Just once let her speak her mind,

And then all would be settled.

Except for those not in the know

Who for no reason at all

Suffered the consequences

Of a boy's squabble

And a poor little Indian girl

Sits there silent while others play

Around her so sure of themselves.

All the pains in the world

And she just wants to be left alone,

For she has no daddy no more.

While Jimmy is out looking 

For another watch

And another story to be his game.

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