Thursday, October 20, 2022

Uh oh, he has been recording the whole time..


My mother always released the family goldfish to the larger greater fishbowl of the sea via the toilet bowl.

How often I went looking for my fish when I was cleaning the bowl, I had just set it down in another bowl and it was gone.
Swimming its way through all the sewer systems it can find to fresh water.

They have been finding them in lakes at three feet long and old than they are these little guys we bring home to provide comfort.
Those mean mammas who hate cats!
And yet, finding memo was celebrated by all as a good story.

It turns out these goldfish from China which were harder to smuggle out than the infamous tea, 
are quite smart.
They have memories than span their life's. It is not just gone with a blink of an eyelash.
They sit there staring back at us and they watch our mothers when we are gone.

And yes, they not only know what is going on but remember it.
For those of us with special powers they can even recite it to us at the end of the day.
Or the next month if still alive when we are returned.

All those years of being stolen not borrowed.
Betty and Susie have this gimmick of picking up kids.
Keeping them long enough to find the family fortunes.

And then allowing them to be return when in fact they still own them.
None of us have been free the whole time.
We only believe we can tell on them to the authorities.

That is why there is now three generations of evil ones.
The evil slave class in action.
First stealing the money and now the information.

Candace believes she is not known for sneaking up behind someone
Or getting on the phone and making arrangements
Then sitting back and watching all the people run around.

After all she was only playing at being really royal.
Those guys are so simple showing up when she calls.
There is no one else but her and her family.

They rule the world.
Because they own the right to your wallet.
And your mail, and your phone and your computer accounts.

All of it is theirs for the taking.
And they do take as they please.
Does not matter what religion nor government.

Not even God is ongoing to spank candys ass.
Nor will Suzie ever be punished by any adult
Ken might come along and exact a toll.

Alonna hangs out with the worst sort
While wearing the clothes of those on the other side of the street.
Even Jessica and Ernst have shown up those charlatans!

How many times have they been told no.
And by the lawyers from the organization.
But nobody cares to obey or comply.

No not them.
Until the day they get washed out to sea.
A hurricane hit my family's plot in Baja.

That old witch and her two little bitches
Are still going back across the line 
With no paperwork at all.

Stolen property and squatters.
But they are drug dealers and smugglers
Human traffickers and rapists in the men.

Everyone is afraid of them.
Not one person in the old town
Remembers being taken care of in the old days.

It is all credit cards now which they won't pay.
Nor the mortgages or anything else.
Not even the taxes or insurance is taken care of.

Worse than the pirates when it was a free coast.
One would like to find their homes when they are away
And empty their closest and drawers.

Of all the personal items and expensive gifts.
All the work and sweat of my grandparents
And the deaths of my parents.

Just so jimmy can sit spread eagle on top
Because he does not want a black mama
Who gave him her daddy's white skin color.

He is not going to have my Indian ancestry
nor will he be royal at any time.
He is what he is just as Candy and Katrina.

White people with African roots.
Shame on them in this time of not acknowledging
By the way, blink, blink.

The goldfish are watching 
And recording everything
With those large eyes of theirs.

No one knew not to sit on couches 
Nor take showers 
Or even attempt to exercise.

That old witch's husband had the rooms wired
Every one of those TVs and radios 
Had recording devices and they sold them.

Not a single friend nor family
Was left without a memory ruined
Should just burn the whole damn town down.

If there is anything left from the hurricane.
My grandparents put it in my trust
For the rest of us

So that no one would steal it forms us
Instead, my mother kept on selling it out from under us
And then she sold us as well, all of her offspring.

Well, what a fine mess this is now.
Should have snuck down during the storm
And thrown them all int he water.

What we really need is a hero
Why don't we find one who can lead us 
Into a new decade of intelligence

One who will get things done
And won't flatten out when he thinks 
his job is done.

Someone like that guy
You know the one from
Lord of the Rings.

Who went around saving everyone.
And then was made to accept being King himself
Poor guy standing there at the end.

And a pregnant girlfriend hiding 
With her stern father by her side
And a broken-hearted love forsaken.

He is just right for the job.
The former hippie guitar player
Is now 65 and a senior, isn't he?

Hey Mortensen
I have a new job for you
And a new address for your new misses.

It is 1600 Pennsylvania ave.
All you have to do is fill out an application.
And show up on election day with your birth certificate.

Easy, peas, peaches.
This guy is good, but he is maybe not going to make it.
One more trip on that stair and 80-year-old yesterday.

Why not try it? You might like it!
A political activist who is always complaining.
And a sweet young thing to hang on your arm.

We won't Mortensen, we want Mortensen.
When the Bidens hang up the last call of condolences.
The new family will arrive and in style for a real royal residence.

Just remember those goldfish have eyes.
And memories as long as yours.
And they are recording. 

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