Monday, October 17, 2022

Where are we going?

 As a nation?

Where are we going?

Does anyone know?

Our President is turning 80.

Their President has turned 70.

The King is over 70 

And so are the last remaining Monarchs

Queen Margrethe is 82

King Harald is 85.

They are the last left standing.

Queen Beatrix and King Carlos

Both abdicated but are still alive.

What is next?

No one seems to know

Much less care,

Even the news guys 

Don't appear to contect

To reality anymore.

Good old Tom, Peter and Dan

Where once the new guys

But they hit their marks more often than not.

These new ones are not even trying

To make it through English courses

Grammatically correctness is out the door.

They are supposed to report the news.

Not put in adjectives explaining

Thier personal believes or politics.

There has been so much about the failure

Of the Russian military 

In comparison to the prior fear 

That it is obvious jargon

Of the Press exercising their rights

To take a side or eliminate

What they see as a wrong.

It is still the fault of the other guy.

But he is getting everything he wants

Because the former super spy

Is now too old to be seen as real

Now they are kicking him all over age

While the young guy was put into

Army fatigues and shown how to get buff

This is the real world

The way it is presented 

By the ones in positions of power

Even the Wallace boy has had to change jobs

In order to survive

Where did the time go?

And is it any better?

Having Jenna Bush on the air

Is not something that would 

Ever have been allowed in the past

Just as Katie Kuric was never taken seriously

Nor a time when anyone was not to treat 

The President or anyone else without respect.

Trump this or that

I'm sorry Hillary

You might have ben a good girl

But it has not been worth all the media hype

To have you run for office

This guy never had a chance at all

And it probably his daughter who is causing the trouble

Isn't it everyone's daughter who causes the problems.

Like Nixon for example,

Imagine Patricia coming home early

And having to sit and wait until her parents

Got home and allowing herself to express herself.

But it is not she that is deep throat.

Nor Jenna who is going to save the world.

Poor little spoiled rich girls.

They have all that wealth 

And are never satisfied.

Wonder what Kate is doing 

In old dusty Windsor?

Not her style nor her place

Only there for appearance's sake.

These young ones!

I worked hard at everything I did.

And still was undressed for being there.

I was expected to be there and on point.

I was never allowed to misunderstand

Nor make a mistake.

I had to sit watching others still the show

Being told i would receive my reward.

Which turned out to be nothing at all.

That is the nature of the business.


All those girls should go back to the kitchen

And know where they belong

They have not even gotten through High school

Most of them,

Such as Lindsay

Where did she say she came from?

Certainly not my womb.

They malarky I have heard

Her express on the news.

With that hard sounding music 

For a backdrop.

My Grandmother pioneered

The radio news

She started young as well

Giving reports for her older brothers

Who were Mormon ranchers

While her mother and sisters

We're being given the opportunity

To be intelligent and educated

They took classes and worked

She traveled before ending 

Up in London during the Blitzes

Got her apartment completely

Blown away while her husband

Disappeared behind enemy lines.

They put her up royally

At those Kensington apartments

Where there was no food except supper

And you had to be there at the right time

And dressed although most wore the same

Every night as their bags had never arrived

She went out hunting the guys

Interviewed for the Americans

The ones in battle or at least

The ones she could get to as a woman

She had meet Mr. Churchill

Due to her over intrusive child

Now sent home for the holidays

Wait until she got back and found out 

What that one did to her nanny

Took a wrong turn on purpose

In Manhatten and ended up in jail

As a child!

Anyways the young female

Made it all the way to the front

With her traveling radio and camera

That she carried on her own

Til she met Mr. Eisenhower 

Himself sitting there in a tent 

As the reigning General

With no wife to care for him

Giving out orders and relying 

Upon his own news guys.

He found out quick enough about her husband

And knew where he was located

Instead of sending her to him

He sent her home as well

All the way to California

Away from the worst 

On the East coast 

Where she was bound to find out

That he was not safely tucked

Away in a prison camp

But out with the rogues

Having broken his back

As a paratrooper

He was now being carried

Around by the allies

To keep him from being caught

His father had been a flying ace

During the first war

And there were still a few

Germans sore at the skunk.

These new girls show no fear

Of being raped nor abducted

Something in the past

We were told was ours 

To figure out if it happened

We wanted to play with the boys

But instead, the boys 

Are no longer playing by the rules

They are making up the stories

To create a world of their own.

Where are we going denouncing

The only guy who might keep 

Us from World War three?

Or providing a newbie with arms

To sting more than an opponent

But to bring an end to all

Who live in his area.

They tell us he won't be the one

To cause a nuclear war

But then Hitler was seen 

As a nice guy, an art student

With no ambitions

But a good orator

Could provide a front for others to use.

Well, well as they use to say

Too old at 39 and too skinny

Now to broken to get back in

Even if they wanted me

Which they don't

But those girls are now at the age

When their usefulness is over

They wear to much makeup

And too tight dresses

To be taken seriously

While the guys are not at fault either

There seems to be only a few voices 

May as well shut down that third

News service, ABC it was only temporary

Anyways, just to cover the Kennedys

And maybe the Windsor's

Those are both gone now 

And no one is left anyways

Who knows what they are doing

Thier lease has expired 

And is overdue to be shut down.

As for the international guys

They are in for a run on their money

If they don't start noticing 

Who they have speaking for them

One nobody told the Mayor to go to hell

Over the body count of the hurricane

It now exceeds his expectations

And she is still boring us with her face.

While the guys are hell bent on keeping 

Thier jobs even if it means turning

On their own favorite stories

Just to make a nickel.

The world might end tomorrow

But we won't know it until

The next day or the next

Depending upon when

This Trump thing stops 

Making money for the media.

Where are we going?

To end the harassment 

Of women who matter

And men who want to help

While the rest are just there

To have their pictures taken.

Maybe they will all go 

On unemployment 

Just to know how it feels 

To be without a job

OR food or a home.

Like the rest of us.

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