Saturday, October 29, 2022

Great Balls of Fire!


They are trying to kill them all!

Even the spouses are under the gun.

Or the hammer in this case.

Just like Thors hammer?

Jimmy used to pretend to be Thor

We had to hide our hammers

And guns and knives and bows and arrows.

Anything in fact that might be used as a weapon.

Who has forgotten those days?

Jimmy was not our and was not allowed

To be in our homes nor yours

All of the friends and families 

Were warned and then one day

Everyone went to sleep

And woke up forgetting 

Which side was up

And where they had come from

Even the first daughters

Have been told by Jimmy

That he is their real daddy

And they need to worship him

Or else!

Or else what?

Death and mayhem

To all they love

And know

An unknown individual

In a far-off location 

Is going to get killed

Or kidnapped?

I thought I saw 

Two young children led past me,

On purpose by someone. 

Who looked familiar

As if someone I know has had their children 


I remember those days

When some families traveled

Together like packs 

Because it was dangerous

To go it alone.

They would have the children trained.

And then one day 

The wrong kid would stop

To say hi!

And disappear, someone had to get him back

And we all had to pay.

Actually, that is when everyone 

Just pretended Jimmy

Was no longer harmful

He could take guns 

Into the White House

And shoot anyone coming out 

Of a certain FBI office

In Sacramento,

But some of us have long suspected

That he hires out.

In order not to get caught.

The dirty deed.

Of threatening and extortion.

My mother in her lucid days

Thought he could cause people

To even commit suicide.

She was afraid of him

And yet played with him

All because of Candace and her family

Being above the law

And even the religion 

Can't make them do what is right.

I could swear

That I have awoken on more than one occasion

As if i went to bed somewhere else

And woke in a familiar bed

And yet not the right one.

These people insist on having their own way.

While I caught candace on the phone

With my own people

I have also been approached

By men who insist they are my husband.

I recall recently I seem to have three Chinese husbands

Candace must have brought them back with her

On her many trips to China.

One showed up on my hospital room.

At three in the morning

Going through my purse.

No, no he said with a smile.

I am your husband.

I made enough noise 

To frighten him after the nurse's button

Did not work, they never do when needed.

He walked up behind me 

In a store and went through my purse

No, no he said he is my husband.

He told the police when I called.

He is one of those who sits with the phones

I can't get even though qualified.

Then one day he followed me 

Down the street to my residence

He sits there or here every Wednesday

I keep complaining, 

And they do nothing.

Even though we are under 

A private security forces.

And then there is that disturbing dream

Of me waking up to the guy

Trying to have sex with me

And I keep saying, no, no!

I wake up and he is sleeping on my couch.

I call the police 

And when they arrive 

I call out for help

Only to have Jimmy 

Sitting there telling me 

No, No!

He has people give me injections

While he allows himself to spank me.

Not my daddy nor my brother.

It is one of those strange dreams

I believe has already happened

And yet can't get anyone else to confirm.

I have asked for police reports

Instead, I have endangered myself

As a mental case

Calling wolf 

Where there is no wolf.

But what if there is a whole pack?

Covering for him the whole time.

For instance, some stupid blond

Will sit down next to me

When I am speaking to someone

And explain to me that she is my daughter

She is too old to be mine

But stupidly she won't give in to reason

And then the needle mark will appear

While she distracts by loudly 

Talking about whatever is recent

On my computer

Such as the Pelosi's

I was doing research

About his unusual 

Arrests and her trip to China

I did use to live in San Francsico,

Before Jimmy came calling.

Like those old songs

Jerry Lee Lewis. 

Was so good at getting shimmers

Up your spine.

No more though.

He died at 87.

An age my father should have had a chance.

Instead, my whole body and soul

Go into shock at the news

Of a hammer attack

By a complete stranger.

On a man I should not know,

Myself, but Jimmy would want to know.

He is rich and powerful

I still believe Jimmy controls things

Such as the chaos of Jan 6

And the Sept 11, 

Misunderstanding with those airplanes.

After all, didn't the Pelosi's

Get married in September?

One never knows how jimmy mind works

His psychologists usually retire

Or die after having nervous breakdowns

I wonder if he is under a doctor's care now.

His father finally died 

Captain Kangaroo,

Bob Keshan had himself an affair

And paid for the boy's upbringing

Jimmy was never poor nor broke

His daddy took care of everything

Especially the doctors.

Bob insisted he had to have a doctor

Or he would not guarantee anything

He had enough of him living with him

Which did not happen at all

After a certain point

Which s when he probably showed

Up at our doors

A family with some access to the media

But without backup dur to the neighbors

I understand that they would go by

Thoe people who had supper with us

In their locations

In other words

Candace and Ken

Would go to great pains

To find out the address

OF visitors to my family

Who once had military connections

And then show up at their doorstep

Only God knows what they said.

After rifling through their underwear drawers

 I am still finding things in boutiques 

That remind me of those who once

Came to sunny California

I wonder if this 48-year-old man

Is one of those who does not know who his real mother

Could some ask him if I am the lucky

Recipients of a stork mistake?

Really how these people work

Under the radar

And then Jimmy came along

Completely mentally illl

And horribly insane

My apologies to the Pelosi's

I was only doing research

I had no intentions of harm

Nor of terrorism nor of treason

Nor of harm to yourselves.

My mother would have been on the phone

Already except she has been silenced

By death probably in the form of a pillow

Watch your man, Nancy!

And keep on pursuing justice

For us all even the ones who 

No longer have the appearance 

Of respectability due to their address.

Ocean Beach was once exclusive 

And now the talk is nothing but 

Riots and sabotage

That girl who got shoot came from there

A trip to the beach is no longer the same thing.

By the way just to show you 

How paranoid I am feeling

I swear that I have been to every

Single one of the schools

That have had a shooting

Including the one in Siberia

Where I was sent to get

Away from all the troubles

In San Francisco, and there goes the fire alarm! 

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