Saturday, October 8, 2022

Another fine romance

 All he needed was information.

Hed been playing this game for a long time.

Since he caught them in the parking lot at the subway station.

His girlfriend got him arrested.

He just needed to know when and where.

The little girl was going to be.

She paid good money for the information.

And sometime drugs.

He preferred the drugs.

When he needed it, he went looking.

When he was short, he went looking.

Always willing to betray one of his own

Who were they to show up on Alcatraz?

They were in possession of an island.

They did not have to leave at any time.

And the government was required to feed them.

It was part of the contract.

Just because some fools wanted to go to college.

The rest of them wanted freedom.

Freedom from the reservations.

Freedom from working.

Freedom from everything.

Then he had to show up.

Mr. smarty pants with the fancy degrees.

Who cared about his degrees.

Nor that is work was important for the government

The government owed them big time.

And they wanted an island to lay upon.

Who cared about it anyways.

Now it is a big tourist spot.

Al Capone stayed the night.

Big deal, so did they.

All ruined over that little girl.

Needing to be seen every day or else.

Someone had gotten her to the island

And they were holding her hostage.

She was whiter than them

And she was smart.

They said she could go anywhere she wanted.

Before the head beattings.

And but beattings.

He enjoyed watching her get it.

Her old man had no idea.

And now he was gone.

They had finally gotten him.

Morphine in the end.

Just like any other joe on the military.

He had gotten burned too.

Too bad. 

His real girl was his adopted daughter

She had sat there with him.

On so many nights 

Bitching about the other girl

Not fair for her to keep coming home.

She began to drug him as well

To keep him from coming out of the dream world.

They had been presented as a couple.

His Demi, half sister 

And him to the elders.

They were going to take it by storm.

And then she got pregnant

He was not allowed to acknowledge

The kid as his own

In fact, she had it on their back lawn

It just rolled down the hill

She said, while the girl watched.

They had to rescue it and take it to the hospital.

He caught her at the hospital.

She was a tough one.

All broken leg and all

Not allowed to go anywhere

So, he took her out to the forest

To see if she could one.

She came crawling into town.

They said, a different girl.

At first everyone thought

For the better

Quieter than before

It turns out there was two of them

And now there was only one

And this one was not pleased

After a few more exercises

They all got it

The wrong one had died

This one had turned 

Venomous on them

She was going to kill one day

Not be sweet as the honey

His girl even got a little scared.

She wanted nothing more to do with it

And he lost his wife as well

To this little bitch

What was she going to do 

In the big world

They had already hired

The black one to take over

For her as the wife 

Of Jimmy

Formerly known as Shawn

He was his man

He always had drugs

And he always found a way

To get money

From a turnip

They had lost just about 

Everything now

The man did not even want to go to work

After they took his boys from him

This woman wanted information

She was a communist 

They told him back at the reservation

But he did not care

And besides the Iron curtain 

Was no longer a problem

All she wanted to know 

Was if the girl was in town

And if she was with anyone 

There she was walking down the street

And her mother in tow

The two of them they said

Hated each other

But could not figure  out

How to get rid of the other

Just drown one of them

And then the other 

Would be free to live.

She was not supposed to come back.

But life has not been easy

She got to go to university

And she got famous 

For her trips overseas

But she did not care for 

Her own people they said

Actually, he knew 

It was Mankiller

Whom they had hired

That had caused the problems

With her and the Indians.

She used to have a husband

She ran away from them all

Got married and then dumped

Poor girl 

Never trust a man

Around so much finery

Here she was again with a young man

He had heard that the boys

Had survived after all

She was always disappearing

And then one day the mother

Got real mad at her.

It meant the end of her father

She was not to know that

But he was not going to do it their way

Not useful to them

She was not needed

Either as there were so many 

Of the frauds

Even Littlefeather

Had shamed her at the Oscars

God if she had gotten 

To the olympics

What they would have had to do

But now he just needed information

For his drug source

He was short

And his former wife

Would not speak to him

Now that she had made it

In a business one did not expect

She was really good at what she did

There was that girl

She was doing an interview

When this girl walked on

The tv show and introduced

Herself as her daughter

She had forgotten she had one?

Her husband would not like that

He found out he was living

In the same town as her

No wonders she was back

She was keeping him

Under her gaze

Man, he liked a woman

Who knew what she liked

The guitar player

He recognized him

Before he saw her all grown up

She was still striking

But not as beautiful as his wife

Wow, some couples never change

He found the girl playing around

She had meet him before

At the park with her grandpa

And then again at the fair

With her mother

He found out where 

The mother worked

And then where they lived

She had been taking money 

From him

He promised her a career

She had been taking 

Singing and acting lessons

Just like his wife

She must have seen him with her

Or she would not be so cooperative

His Demi was not a half wit

It was not going to be easy

But then this girl was only

Another pretty innocent

He found his way into her backyard

He found her with others

She was having a sleep over

Great night to come for her

It should have been another 

Night but Friday was best

For his information

To get to the woman

By Sunday

The girl took him too the 

Police academy 

Where she had trained to be a cop

Turning her own to the cops

Just like her dad

And then to a school

She knew she had attended

He could not get over 

The feel he was being had

By a child

She better come up

With information soon

Than later

The next stop was going to be it

She was trying to make a phone call

It was Janet who had clued 

Them in on the information

And she was hoping 

She would be awake 

At midnight

But could not recall 

The right number

Without the right place

There it was on the side 

Of the road

She made her phone call

While he was in the bathroom.

Okay time is up 

He said as she replaced

The phone 

He was shocked

And astounded

The little had been leading

Him on the whole night

And now his hands went around

Her throat by instinct

Who had she called

And who was coming

For him?

Little Polly 

Could not speak anymore

He had not meant to squeeze

He was just angry

Angry as hell

He needed that information

More than he needed the drugs

Now what was he going to do?

He searched far and wide

Before he found someone 

Who knew how to get in touch

With Demi

He could not call Suzie 

Until he had the information

And her freind Betty 

Was vicious when he did not come through

They were a pair

He had watched them take the mother apart

And they did not put her back together

Here was Demi walking down the street.

If she found him in distance

She was going to turn him in

For rape even though

They were married

He saw her go into the restaurant

That the girl was in with friends

Except she did not look happy

And Demi only made it worse

She was a real work

Calm and quiet

Demi was loud and obnoxious

And got what she wanted

She also got the husband

He had told her about him

Get him in trouble somehow

Instead, they were now working

Together on a new gig.

Poor girl 

She was lost now to the world

When  her mother was dead

It would be all over

Demi was going to walk 

All over her carcas

Whether or not 

She was alive or dead

How sweet life was 

Then he saw Janet walk

By with her husband

She was already in town

So why had Suzie called him?

He was in deep if they found out about the other thing.

A quick trip

Led a now quiet man

Back to his sisters reservation.

While he waited

Waited for nothing

To happen to him.

They came without 

Knocking one day

And locked him up.

Just like he thought

He was in deep

And all because he trusted a child to tell him the truth.

A fine romance indeed.

His was never going to surface

And hers was all over but it did not matter anymore.

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