Thursday, October 13, 2022

Where are they going?


The Korean War Memorial is different than the others in that the men are in action.
Instead of fighting an enemy or erecting a flag they are seen in battle gear.
And on maneuvers through dangerous territory.

It is a marvel that any group of men ever returned home at all.
From any war, the American war, the French and Indian war or the Civil war.
Or the ones fought on foreign soil with amount of carnage.

Instead in the modern era, and after two world wars
America chose to send men to Asia.
Before there was Vietnam and the protests of the hippies.

There was the Korean war fought on the other side of the Pacific.
America has fought China and then Japan, now Korea and Vietnam.
All just the other side of the California.

One might think they would be afraid of their nearest foreign neighbors.
Whie Canada and Mexico and even Cuba have been at war with America.
It is Europe that they were called to battle for the sake of England.

But where are these meant going?
They are on patrol some say when they stand and watch them.
Each one is a different person, not the same generic face.

Each one represents a different soul who fought 
And they are fashioned after specific men
In fact, it was a special group that was chosen.

They were actually on a special mission that day.
Only the President knows where and why.
But it was captured somehow by the media.

Each soldier represents a specific person 
As he fulfills a specific purpose in this case.
Too often war has robots running around

While a puppet is held by strings to places
That no one knows
And all the generals do is wave the magic wands

In the air, and magically a battle ensures
To the great relieve of the guys at home
While the local families and pedestrians 

Get caught in the shuffle
War is war and is fought on all grounds
As long as the end result is the final victory

I wonder who many have gone down to the memorial
And looked at the faces, really looked at those faces.
Have they ever seen those men again?

In the past, celebrities took their part
In excursions through forests 
And rescue attempts as well as deliveries 

But then there are those who end up 
Sleeping on park benches if they can still find one
While others manage to go home to their family

If they still have a family or a home to go home
Most people forget how often Europe
Has battled and fought for their rights to the land

Upon which they sit but do not own
For the most part they are squatters
Who were allowed to stay put

After the Crusades and the plague 
Ran through most of the originals
But they have to rebuild every so often

Those people who war comes to on a regular basis
Even London and Berlin have had to rebuild
Only Russia itself has been immune

They have had a few sieges since 
The days of Attila the Hun
And the Kievan brothers

Saint Petersburg was never really 
Thiers to build upon but they did it anyways.
Moscow has been burnt down so many times

It is a wonder that anyone remembers what it looked like
As for the border land, they have always had problems
But never have they had a reason to rebuild

Until now, of course,
With the spoiled younger generation 
Not wanting to give up anything

Nor pay for anything
Always expecting others to foot, the bill
And then complain about the mess

Who is going to clean this mess up?
And what are we going to do?
They want all those new buildings

They just don't want to say so
After all who wants to be quaint
Old historic place anyways

All it does is attract tourist
They want to look like everyone
Else with those stupid suicide towers

Must be causing quite a splash
The new guy has invented 
A new way of getting a new town built

They will be having parties and dances
Once it is all over
And it is all going to be paid for by someone else.

Not them, not their fault
With their fingers crossed behind their backs.
No way are they taking the blame nor are they going to apologize.

Just wanted a new hat, dress and shoes 
To show off on the promenade
Wherever one will admire them.

Meanwhile, those men had a place to go
But nowhere to return
In America, no one guarantees

Your family property won't be stolen
Or the bank won't print themselves 
A title to the place

Or even the church deciding
To own the residence 
While the men were gone

But where did the women go?
If they were lucky, they went to work
Otherwise, they will be standing on the side of the road

When the big important men 
Go by with a parade 
And wonder if they are remembered

Women are never told the truth
They acquire children they did not give birth
And husbands they did not marry

And all of them just want to know
Every little thing that you know
Your wallet is theirs to possess

And then they will even show up 
And complain about you spending thier money
Or steal your food stamps 

Anyways those men who did make it home
Had a lot of difficulty dealing with the aftermath
Of having left his own home unattended

As if he left the door wide open 
You might say and allowed 
In all sorts of swindlers, and squatters

My little sister and i were left with nothing at all
After it was discovered that our father
Was not at home for a few years

The women went on and paid 
The bills and the taxes
But it did not matter he was not at home

While he was gone others 
Decided to build upon his land
There is a park downtown

It was once the last homestead
They wagon trained all the way to the coast
After already having snuck around by boat

But it had to be by overland
In order to gain the same piece of property
Of course, it was not the same one they came back

But anyway, the wagon was there
And a portside landing and an old house
With a barn and even a small Russian church

They had already made it by boat 
But had to come back by land
And their descendant was not given the right 

To own this small section next to the railroad
They were forcibly removed
The house moved to another location

The church razed to the ground
And the children disbanded
The boys were allowed to believe 

The last section next to the bay
Was theirs to play with 
All they had to collect

Were the ferry fees and fishing licenses
Now there is a fancy Hornblower
Who thinks they even own the old ferry boat

And the fishing spot has a new symphony theater
While down the block 
Where they put all the old train depots

Into a quaint looking village
As well as the old barn and schoolhouse
Into a shopping center

There are now talking about 
Tearing it down and erecting 
Some of those terrifying suicide towers

While the little park has had its water park
Destroyed and some play set has been erected
On the very spot where the old tiny Russian church

Once sat caring for the needs of the original owners
Who died waiting for their government to do something
Thier descendants are still waiting as well

While watching a small fishing village 
Turn itself into a disgusting brothel
With casinos and discos

For everyone who does not stay
Nor work nor go to wr
While the Navy is across the bay

They are not aware of the story
Of two small girls dumped 
At the new brass city marker

Indicating important spot
While the rest of the town 
Has gone to hell

Soon that marker will be gone as well
No one remembers any more 
What the town was before the big boys 

From the crime caves 
And swindling schools
And pansy pants 

This town will also be coming down
One day, the first big quake
And all those glass windows

Will be littering the streets
While the twisted metal towers
Will be toppled on top of each other

Then there is the expected Tsunami
Any day now there will be one
Or maybe the local volcano will erupt

There is a volcano in the valley
Maybe Mr. Kim will accidently
Extend his missle test

To land on the US navy back door
A city built on sand and marsh
Will not stand no matter who much

Concrete and steal it uses
While only one of the girls survived
Protecting the other from the harms

Of the world, while watching
The father who had endured 
A foreign land excursion

After living through his uncle's Pacific navy
And his father's important laboratory work
And after his own mother died too young

He was left with nothing 
At first they did not tell him that
They just kept torturring him

About everything and stooled his wife
Making her believe he had done something wrong
Instead of remaining loyal to his country

While on the other side of the world
Russia has finally done what 
Everyone else has already done

Made themselves a hero out of a comic
And torched the hero who kept them from war
All for a new suit of clothes called skyscrappers.....

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