Thursday, October 6, 2022

Happy Birthday, Mr. President

 I am not Marilyn Monroe, but I will tell you what the others will not.

You won't be getting any birthday gifts this year

From America nor France

They are a little angry at your own gift 

To yourself of four new regions

How could you not know they would not notice?

Gifts of property

It is better than sending all those souls

Out into the dark and cold

As Zelensky did without warning

He won't even budge an inch 

On his slave ownership

Won't give the people their freedom

He went in and killed some more 

Of his own people 

He holds as slaves

His men take his direction

And show his true spirit

They stomp on your flag

Every flag is a symbol

To at least respect 

Not to dishonor

It is written in the code of conduct

That every President and Prime Minister

Is aware of and yet

His men set them on fire

And worse things, those pieces of cloth

They are also refusing to bury your dead

The media has complained of mass graves

At least your men took the time

To give a burial for the dead

Instead Zelensky's men 

Are putting them on display

Sad is it not to see such a fine fellow

He won his election as the man

Who was not going to go to war

He was going to bring an end

To talks of World War three

And here he is almost worse 

Then the ones he condemns

While his pretty wife

Played Queen Esther

So beautifully in DC

She wept and she cried

And she got the war implements

She wanted to free her enslaved people

Except they are not going to go free

No, her husband has become a different man

Now that he is in office

All he wants is those special guest appearances

At the Oscars and other award shows

As a Comedian those were the ones to attend

He is now President and request specials

To be seen and heard 

But not jeered at nor have a tomato

Thrown at his face for being a fake

And a fraud, the poor little Jewish boy

Who was going to bring peace

To his people and not pick a fight

With his big brother next door.

I am afraid you will also 

Not be invited to the White House

Reception of the granddaughter's wedding

You traveled by helicopter 

Just to dance with the mayor of one

And here not even a submarine

Will get you close enough 

To the rose garden

As for Christmas

I would not count on too many

Gifts either

It seems Jimmy as usual has stolen


He used to do this on his father's show

Perhaps you remember

Captain Kangaroo

His son would come on as a special guest 

And would do nothing but cause trouble

For Christmas he would take the gifts

For himself and refuse to share with the other kids

And when his father made him give them up

He threatened the kids

And followed them home

And took them back plus whatever else he wanted

It was very amusing to watch

The frustrated Catholic man

Attempt to do right by his affair

With a married woman

Another man's wife

And a politician at that.

Her name was Camille

Camille Washington

Jimmy was stealing from her as well

She had a major heart attack and died

When she found out he was stealing

From her by having his girlfriends

And other innocents sign the name

Camille as an endorsement

All those checks he kept stealing

But honey you don't know 

Where that money comes from

The pro African Black power

Movement that put his wife Michelle 

Into the white house was funded

By those who prefer not to file 

Income taxes with the IRS.

He did not care as long as he had his way

Jimmy just wants his way

Perhaps your former spouse

Could enlighten you on his ways

She was also one of his 

He has so many girlfriends

And my mother lost her mind

To his whims and ways

Even betraying her own parents

And husband all over his charms

When in fact he is empty of all things nice.

Now you need not to worry

Your little war will be over soon

By New Year's or even Spring equinox

All things will be right again

And you can enjoy walks with your dogs

Why you are not a cat person.

I'm sorry but really 

People of intelligence know 

It is the cat who performs best friend 

Now don't go looking for a girlfriend

Just yet, wait a bit

Until the dust settles

Seventy is not the age 

To go off with some stranger

You know nothing about

And by the way 

We do hope you are not depressed

Those bombs are not meant 

To cause those with hope and faith

To wander if they made the wrong choice

One morning over coffee

Really, we just want you to be happy

And us miserable for you

After all it is your birthday

And you should have it the way 

You want it

Birthday cake and champagne

And Jimmys head on a platter

Excuse me he is just a pest

Enjoy yourself just not at our expense

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