Thursday, October 6, 2022

That Cauliflower story no one wants to hear again



Sighs the baby, 

In the hanging hammock.

The one nearest the kitchen

The others had backed away.

Some very far away

She was in there again.

And she was steaming 


Not again!

What is she doing it for!

She has that huge garden outside.

And her favorite plant 

Is the Cauliflower

It is the most prolific

When her husband sent her to school

For her garden club.

It was for blooming flowers

Not a vegetable garden

Anyone can grow vegetables.

But not like hers.

She had meet Queen Victoria 

When she was sixteen.

She could have married royalty

Instead, she married for love

And he was a fine fellow

They made their life

On the West Coast

And would have had everything

Except for the flaw of America.

In America everyone expects one 

To understand not to leave anything. 

At any time without it being stolen.

Her she was an old lady in her nineties,

As old as the Queen herself.

Was before she died

And she was making a new recipe

In the old days she remembered 

How they conserved everything

Royalty has few options

In regard to food

They can buy anything they want

But food it always comes from the kitchen

Some grow their own and some buy local.

But they run short they tighten their belts

And do without or get inventive

She was getting inventive.

She knew how she had been 

Taught by the best

The king of Sweden, himself

On one of her trips, she was lost.

Had gotten caught in his forest retreat

And had simply raided

His own garden and made a meal

For her to understand

That life was not always grand.

She remembered those cauliflowers

It was one of those times when 

Her life was in danger of being caught.

Her husband was gone and the rif raf 

Where after her again and again

They just kept coming.

Now they were blocked 

From the grocery stores

And yet she also knew.

That the children had not had a good meal

Her granddaughter could not cook 

At all nor could she not spend money.

On others without robbing her own family

So, it was time for the cauliflowers

They were coming up so nice 

And there were so many of them

The kids were allergic to the typical foods

The old Europe knew not to eating

Wheat flower and white products

Make children and old men sick

Inside when they can't be digested

All that fuss over her panties

And it's simple common sense

Not that one ever had any

What went wrong with her daughters 

Only child no one knows

But she survived and bred

There are so many little ones

She won't stop having them

not that her husband was willing

Either to stop making her pregnant

There now she has all the florets 

Steamed and ready for the ice water

After cooling she has to rice them

Then the good old fashioned

Rice flour instead of white

And she was going to make 

These kids' pizza!

Out of cauliflowers

Grown in her garden by the sea.

She was a proud woman

Who had grown up with wealth

But been dealt the blow 

By America of seeing her husband robbed.

She was not going to watch these kids

Go without culture and breeding.

A good foundation in food.

Unlike her granddaughter

Who believed in starvation

Bringing out the better person

It was training and discipline

Something those others 

Who kept stopping by

Had none of at all.

Especially Demi 

Well, here they were one more

Time with the cauliflower recipe

Saved and worked over a few times

And then left to them

When the grand old lady 

Passed away just shy of 100.

She wanted to outlive 

Victoria and she had

But life had not gotten better

The kids did remember

Despite their own mother .

Demanding they were all 

Dream walkers 

Pretending to be her children.

Instead of the motley crew

She kept showing up with 

While her husband had been

Once too often through 

His military debriefings

From yet one more government

Engineering jobs overseas

At some point they had switched

The nurses with decoys

And he now believed Demi 

Was really his daughter 

Instead of the tough nut

Who kept coming back

Asking why?

Must have been the cauliflower

Upbringing, she could cook

Up almost anything

And use almost anything

To make it taste appetizing

For the most part.

If Jimmy had not stepped 

Into the family unit

Everything would have worked

Out for the better

In the end,

Even the grandparents

Had come to an understanding

Broken marriage 

After his return

From World War two

To find her in bridge clubs

With good looking men

Who called themselves 

Anything but charletons.

Anyways, the old recipe

Had resurfaced, would it surfice

To save the day again.

The girl had terrible

Stomach ailments 

From her allergies

And the boys did not seem to care

Anymore for the family

Since they had to hide 

From everyone who they were

While Jimmy and Demi

Got to play at being 

Indians and royals

Both of them failed

And should have gone to jail

But life is quirky

The ones people like 

Are usually the frauds and the fakes

Here it is one more time

To serve as a reminder 

Of a lady who had outlived

Her usefulness to others

But had seen the modern era

From horse and buggy

To automotivees which she did drive

And locomotives which her husband designed

To be remembered by the royals

For having been favored

And not forgotten

Not like the modern

Era where the young 

Make it clear they are the only 

Things that matter

Pushing everything else 

Out of the way.

What would the new King

Think of the old recipe?

It was developed on one 

Of those cold rainy days

When the men were supposed 

To be out sporting

But were really

Deciding the fate 

Of the world

Just as now 

Hiding behind closed doors

The law makers 

While outdoors are the sportsmen

How much influence do you 

Think he will have this new one?

She would have known the answer

And been saddend to have been 

Outlived by the new Queen

By a few years 

Who also outlived her usefulness

According to the ones who wanted 

To have their way.

Old age indeed.

Well the Death certificate 

Has to say something

And here we are in another

Century with even newer methods

Of honesty than the ones before.

There is not much left 

Of the young girls life

Who fought for all of them

But watched them all be murdered

In front of her eyes

Just because Jimmy 

Wanted his way

And Demi refused 

To give in at any time.

She even showed up afterwards

After the funeral had been paid 

To ask for her inheritance

There never was any for her 

Nor Jimmy but they took

What they wanted anyways

Just as she was one of the last ones

To visit the sick old man

Laying there waiting for his real daughter

While she was being kept from him

And he had too many injections of morphine

Was she the one to administer the last one?

Life always gives back

And there is another one

Standing there next to him

The new king

With her arm on his son

Who should know she will be 

Recognized by her real mother

And not the one she torments

And those others who know

Her deeds before she was 

Princess of Wales

Another generation 

And another recipe

For success

It is all the rage 

Right now

Cauliflower Pizza!

There was once a baking contest

Where a sweet old lady

Made the cut and got

Her picture in the newspapers

She had two twin great granddaughters

And a handful of boys as well

Most of the family were LDS

And had taken what they wanted

Already abandoning her as too old

But these sweet ones had waited

Patiently through the hot summer

For her to cook and rice

Cauliflower for them.

They were the prize of her life.

And her daughter had married a fine fellow

He even gave lectures at the unveristy.

Meanwhile, the boys got to be models

And the girls got to go visting.

As her picture was recognized.

By those who once knew her 

Before she choice the heart.

Blue ribbon for her Cauliflower Pizza crust!

Now it is being sold at supermarkets

Ready to bake

And at resturants as specialty.

Wonders will never cease

And she does not even get the royalites

For her recipe for a succesful family supper.

Best to the new King

And his consort

And his son.

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