Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Dr. Jill can I have a moment

 A moment is all it will take.

Mrs. Biden

Or Dr. Jill?

Which is it?

Whatever you like.

I am not allowed an opnion.

About anything at all.

Well, considering that

I wanted to ask you

Are you aware 

Of where your husband

Keeps his life insurance policy?

Really, I am not making 

Myself clear.

I am in no way threatening 

The life of the President.

Lets start over.

Hi Champ!

Woo, woo.

Hmm, Lets just say

That Pelosis trip to China

Caused them to show 

Us their missles

And Japans funeral of Abe

Allowed Korea to throw

A few more into the sea.

Then there is Afghanistan

That did not end terribly well,

Not that your husband was at fault

He inherited the problem

With the Oval office

But they did leave behind

A few too many toys

Dont you think?

And then Iraq and Iran

Also have missiles 

To throw at thier pleasure

Why is he now angy with Arabia?

They are you last friends

In the region,

There is a huge chunk

Of Real estate

From the Japan across China

And including the Middle East.

Does he not have any friends at all?

Or is Zelensky his only hope?

What is he planning to do with 

The little puppet?

No one knows.

Everyone just hates 

Putin the big bad wolf?

You do know what they have to say

"It is better to know ones enemy

Than invite a new friend whom you dont know"

Things might turn ugly 

And then a knife in your back.

I would not want to sleep in your bed.

You might consider investing 

In a basement apartment

Somewhere else.

Is that not right Willow?

Everyone has come out for a walk!

I understand your VP

Got bumped up against!

That kind of thing is not wise

To ignore!

Allowing anything or anyone

To get that close to someone

Such as Kamala,

It is almost an invitation.

We will be back!

Or almost got you!

I know a guy named Jimmy

He is always pulling that stunt.

Well, have a nice day!

Jill and Champ and Willow

Bless your wedding reception

And many more days on your 

Occupancy in the White House.

We are all holding our breath.

And praying for the best!

 Oh, by the way

The little navy cruiser

That was set on fire

Over a billion dollar loss

And the sailor was found not guilty

Because they dont have enough evidence!

Well, at least that one won't be blamed on Putin.

Or will it?

I was sitting there you know 

Watching it right next door.

I seemed to be the only one

Who understood there were nuclear things aboard.

Shiver, shiver.

Stuck in a bad situation 

And not able to go anywhere while it burned for four days!

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