Wednesday, October 26, 2022

What time is it?


What time is it?
I don't know Suzie,
When is your family going to go home!

Have you ever had one of those communities
Where there is that one family 
That just always has a problem child.

In Vallejo
It was Suzie who was that child.
She got into trouble everyday

Of her life,
And her mother Norma 
Was beside herself

What to do with this child.
Her husband went to prison
For the girl, she just had to have

The box with the last name
Thier name was Gillette
And Suzie saw that box 

With the Gillette razors.
She just could not resist.
She probably had Ken help her 

But it was her father who went 
San Quentin for her desire.
Such a demanding child.

She was stealing those boxes
Of magazines, the Zions 
She wanted to be the one 

To stand there on the corner
And get the nickel for them.
But those came with a man with a bible

Not just a child 
Swindling the community
They were really sore

To find it was Suzie
That is how Carol and her meet
She got two black eyes

Hence black-eyed Susan
Even her mother forgot her real name.
In Carol she found a lifetime

Victim with a mother who was easy
To use for herself 
Too bad, Ken got sent off

To one of those schools
For bad boys 
While she got caught 

With the razors
They said if it happened again
She did not think they would

Go after her father 
But he was not unknown for his own
Problems as a orphan child 

From some German boat
That did not make it through
Angel Island immigration.

Suzie spent the rest of her life
Pretending to be the family 
Of the other girls 

They were also Mormon 
As her mother was before
She ran off with a married man

Norma said she did not know 
At first but Ken was her stepson 
Not her own, it was Suzie's 

Unexpected arrival that caused
Concern for her own people
She moved in with him 

And kept him from visiting the other woman
Who also had a daughter shortly afterwards.
Meanwhile, her she was with a problem child

Thievery and lying were her style.
She got her brother in trouble
Her father in prison 

And here she was as a pregnant
Teenager out of the night.
Who expected that from her?

Everyone said it was going 
To happen, especially 
After she went off 

And had another one 
She had not meant it to happen
But one night the girls 

Had taken her out on the town
And she met him backstage
He was so good on stage

And even better backstage.
Well, at least she had another white one
Unlike some of the other girls

One could not tell anymore
These guys were showing up in Oakland
And no one knew where they came from

Now Suzie was going to have a child
Of her own, while they waited for 
Her father to come home.

What was she going to do?
Saint Louis Missouri!
She found out that the guys 

That her daughter was hanging 
Out with were more than forthcoming
Information on who it was to be blamed

The old not me syndrome.
His name was Edgar!
And his family were from 

St Louis like in the movies.
Suzie was not pleased, 
She had just gotten to 

The new town 
Where her mother had a new job
Working at a Dentist

Who spoiled rotten sister
Got to sit there and play 
In the back with the needles

While Norma answered the phone
Sweet Candy did not have to go to school
And Carol had gone and gotten married

What time is it?
It was time for her to get herself 
Out of here but there she was in the hospital

In Missouri somewhere in nowhere
With her body being riddled by pain
And then the screaming started

She had not known it would be a boy!
She wanted a girl to play with
Otherwise, she would have to get married.

Not a boy and a redhead.
When she got her hands on Eddie!
He was not supposed to give her up.

But her mother knew!
She decided to put him up for adoption
That way she could go back home.

And pretend to be a virgin
For her mother.
Her father had died in prison

Some sort of prison riot.
Now mom needed her at home.
She had her hands full with Candy

Whose real name was Sandy
Because her daddy was born 
In a sanitorium because his mother

Lost her mind when she was an unwed girl
Ken ran away from school 
And was hiding out in the everglades

Florida the land of sunshine
But he was miserable he said
He left behind his girl friend

What a mess!
Just because her and Eddie 
Could not get married.

Not yet, not until 
His mother died 
Then he would be free.

Well, his son was now in someone
Else home instead of his.
Born in Summer of 1960.

She heard that Carol had lost
Her child, it came out dead.
Then she found out that Ken

Had been playing with her again
She was waiting for her war hero
She had gone all the way over

To Asia to get married to him
He was hiding out in Korea!
And then she was at home

With her feet up and waiting.
What did she expect?
Ken was not going to put up 

With that behavior.
Wonder what he did?
No wonders he ran away.

Well, well, look who is special
Carol does not get to go jail.
Having an abortion is against the law.

But no, hers is a special case.
She gets to stay at a nursing hospital
Under supervision.

She took care of that.
She found a uniform 
And went in to visit her 

Now her son will have 
A good life 
And her next child

Will belong to her 
Suzie had her ways.
And Carols first born

Was hers to have and own.
The girl had other things 
In mind than being owned.

And that other thing 
That arrived in the family 
Called Alona!

Mom, mom!
Oh, it was Gails
Could not wait 

For Ken to return 
So, mom got remarried
And a new face in the family

She is so going to make 
Carol pays her for her life
She was never going to leave

Her husband alone
And when her son
Is old enough she is going 

To have him marry
The little princess
Princess had other ideas

Man, what a child!
Her mother said she was a problem child
This one is just too perfect.

Kensing was his name
Not Kenneth
And her was now cursed

With three sisters no four!
His father left him in charge.
But that is not easy

With a mom who can't see straight
Nor a new dad he hates
And boys he does not want to know

Ken and Gail just do their own thing.
Gin Collins is what she was drinking
When Collin-Alexander was conceived.

He is a big, big man now.
Meanwhile the little female cygnet,
Is still running from them all.

Just like Alice!
With her uncles all turned around,
And the rest of the world gone mad!

Jack and Jill went up the hill,
Justine and Janet came running down
All the way from Capitol Hill

Where they have been doing damage
Three or four generations of the same family
Its the Pitz's

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