Saturday, October 22, 2022

Dear Mrs. Nancy Pelosi,


May explain something to you? 
I notice you are leading the cause for women's rights for reproductive rights.
A woman should have the right over her own body.

In your office, you are dealing with abortions.
While it is true that a fetus has some rights to be born.
A woman also has a right to her own body.

For instance, being forced to have the baby of a rapist or a sibling.
Or endangering her own life.
My mother was always aghast on each pregnancy that she had to have it.

I tease my younger brothers who survived.
Havin been removed and raised elsewhere.
But the truth is she did not want them nor 

Were her parents able to handle her illness towards having babies.
She was born just before the war.
Spoiled by the family on both sides.

Could not tolerate a rival 
And her baby brother did disappear.
While the war raged, she was an only child.

She did not understand everything had to go back to normal.
She kept after her parents until they divorced.
Only to have each remarry and attempt to have a baby.

It drove her into a frenzy.
She was besides herself when she was a old enough
To have a marriage over having a baby.

In the days they did not explain things properly
She only knew that babies came with marriage.
She was forced to marry the boy she grew up torturing.

And then spend t her life denying she had given birth to me
Or my sister, instead we were mentally ill to believe
She was our real mother.

And then the boys came along 
And in her mind, she just simply threw them away
It was not hated towards them as it was us girls.

She just did not want children nor
Could understand how not to have them.
She would not take her medicine or other things.

This brings us to my situation.
The removal of a female's organs

This is often done in order to keep a disease
From killing the woman
It is also done to keep women from having babies.

My mother was adamant I was not going to have a baby
She would tease me about each new baby that came along
That it was mine, even my sister began to bite me

Because she was angry that I was her mother
I was taking everything from her 
And giving her nothing 

And then she died when she was five.
Already the others had begun to show up
A child as a young as three being accused of having a baby

They are still coming up to me out of doors
I do recognize them but also know we have been to court
Over two hundred children believe I am their mother 

And won't stop torturing me about the fact
That I can't remember it occurring
I am not mentally ill

I did not have a baby when I was three
Nor six or nine nor twelve
Or any other age as a matter of fact.

As I said I wanted to explain something.
My mother did not want me to have children
Because I survived as the first born.

She went so far as making people think
I was the one mentally ill
Instead of herself and she died of brain cancer.

So, it is hard to know what was really going on inside her head.
But she tried to have a hysterectomy performed
When I was just three because a baby

Was set down next to the car at a restaurant
Next to the phones in the old days
The woman was complaining to a man

About the newborn and what she was to do
Instead, my mother insisted it was mine
And tried to put me in a mental hospital

To have a hysterectomy performed
My grandmother was able to stop it from happening.
But the continued threat was present

Alex is her name by the way
One of the first of the little heroin addicts
They use heroin in order to control them 

When they are little to get them to misbehave
It used to be prescribed in Germany for back pain
She is now a Master Chief on multiple shows

She has never stopped trying to control me
And gets in my face 
Meanwhile her real mother has followed 

Our family around through time
My father used to have a career
In Computers and engineering

Janet Untch is her name now 
With a new husband
And a lost career as a girly dancer

Back to my story about my vagina
Yes, that word which is not allowed
In polite conversation

It is my vagina, my uterus
My body, my reproductive rights
To have or not to have 

Is my right to decide
I am not trying to endanger a child
Or a newborn baby

As an adult I was careful 
With myself 
And according to my medical records

I have never been pregnant
It says nulliparous
What i have is tumors

Fibroids which develop 
In a female body
And are not harmful

Unless they become cancerous
We do have women in the family
With Uterine cancer.

My mother began to have injections
Given to me to prevent me from having
A menstrual cycle

I was being kept from growing up
Or having a baby of my own
Really, she did not want me to marry

But of course, as a minor
I fought for my independence
And got married before I was 18

That is another stroy
And then I found my grandmother 
At the bottom of the stairs 

Of her apartment house
My freedom was not worth her death
Anad no one knows who did it

Just another closed case
Unknown assialant
Probably one of the little bastards

Wanting to have their way
Chasing her around to get her purse 
It has been a sad life I lived

But I was not depressed just sad
my mother was committed 
And put into institutions 

Since I was little 
This was so the boys 
Would be taken away

From my father 
Her demand to have her way
It was the problem 

With the doctors
They thought she had the right
not to have babies

And took care of her mental issues
By making the rest of us bend 
To her demands

Menopause is my current age
I have developed four tumors
Which are not cancerous

They are not endangering my life
Though they do cause embrassing
Situations from people thinking

I am pregnant in my fifties
To that need for a bathroom 
Not being meet immediately

The question is after all I went through
Because she did not want babies
Why do I need get the right to make the decision

For myself?
I have gone through ten years now
Of discomfort and life altering

Decisions in work and housing
The doctors promised me a medical program
They would reduce them to a manageable size

Instead, I had a radiology event
Where all they had to do was stick a needle in my thigh
And then the drug would work like a weed killer

It would cut off the blood 
And make the tumors smaller
What I had in that simple operation

Was more than abnormal 
Amount of hate from the nursing staff
My scrub nurse found it necessary

To shave and undress me 
And then i had the last minute 
Blood transfusion man stand there

As I was being mildly sedated
What! I need blood for this procedure
No way, let me out of here.

I saw cameras flashing as they led me down to the operating room
I woke up being slapped by a young girl
Wake up, Wake up!

Throwing up is what I did for the next three hours
What did they give me?
And then I had the weird thing

Of a Chinses man showing up
In my room at three in the morning
Saying he was my husband

Yes, yes you don't remember 
But I am your husband
That was the other thing

She was always arranging marriage
For me, I have a number of these thing as well
Unknown men whom I haven to slept with

But want to walk up to me 
When I am speaking to someone important
Or take my wallet and my bank account

I have been swindled so many times
All due to a woman not having the right 
Over her own body

A woman does not have the right
If the man wants an abortion
Or the baby to be born

Or to her having a hysterectomy
This brings me to my old enemy
Jimmy, who has been stalking 

My family since my sister was little
He insists they got married
He was the son in law

The Brother in law
Anad later the daddy
Or the husband

He interfered with my doctor appointmenst
Since I was young 
And has continued to have the right

To go behind my back 
And have the nurses be mean 
About weight gain 

Isn't it against the law 
To demand a woman be weighed 
Before she can have medical treatment?

I am still having this situation
And the now the doctor 
Tells me that I have a goiter

And have nonfunctioning thyroid
I have always had thyroid problems
But now there is nothing i can do

Even going without food
Still causes me to gain weight
Despite this I am not as large 

As my mother became nor others
But the nurses won't stop being 
Stupid about this way of controlling

The medical appointment
I spent the Pandemic
Being quarantined four times

My asthma is so severe 
That the doctor says no anesthesia
Which is causing problems with my dental

Here I am between being in locked down
Going around on public transport
To all of these gynecology appointments

They have explored every type 
Of ways of knowing what is inside
After more than 36 months

There is nothing in their alive
Except perhaps a dinosaur egg!
Anyways I was told I had to have 

MRI's and ultrasounds
repeatedly during the stay at home 
Period of the pandemic

They had another option
Called the MRI_FUS
It shrinks the tumors down 

Through radiation therapy
Three years later they know 
Tell me there is no such machine

In the entire large city 
OF which I reside
Someone lied to me

Don't you think?
That I had to go to these imaging places
And now the only answer

Is to be gutted out!
I want my ovaries to stay with me.
I like being female and not unisex

I have no reason to have my uterus
Removed and donated to some else to play
Within the back wings of the hospitals

Where they don't show nurses dancing with doctors
But do other things not for description
What happened?

Did I get too old?
Or were they never going to give me 
Real medical treatment?

The doctor is beginning to sweat
And I want to file a malpractice
Suit against the womens case management

Who have been handling the situation
And no amount of dieting is going 
To make these things go away either.

I have been to at least six doctors
Gynecologist who specials in women's health
After they say this and that

The answer is always the same
But it is not necessay

It was the Victorians you know
Nancy who began to gut women
This way the men who could not get a divorce

For any other reason 
Could complain they were being kept
From their reproductive rights

In other words, they wanted a younger woman.
My last doctor began the discussion
At this point I am being put down as uncooperative

Which means they want me to have a mental evaluation
Then she simply told me something else

Yes, she actual said sterilzation.
They have a new therapy
It is an injection

Which will sterilize a woman
Causing her theatrically
To lose her femaleness

She will go to the end of menopause
No longer menustrate
And those tumors are supposed

To cooperate and finally shrink
I don't believe it myself.
I know about statistics

And group managements 
For instance, there is really 
Not much difference between

Plant based medicines 
And herbal supplements
Except the size of income 

Of pharmaceutical companies
So here I am after hemmoraging
On Amtrak trains attempting

To get something down about my life
Being stolen through identity theft
To not being able to go to far

Away from a bathroom.
Being told their only answer
Is to keep me from breeding.

I am also part Native American
My father not my mother.
Which is why the blond, blue eyes

Boy named Jimmy had such influence 
On my mother and her friends
My war hero father and I have no friends.

What am I supposed to do?
It is my right to my own body.
My right to medical treatment

I do not need mental health
And yet my housing is endangered
And my neighbors make comments

About my food choices 
And I still can't get into a government
Office to find out why someone is selling

Off the childhood toys of my siblings 
At good will stores.
I have the right as a woman

To decide it is a medical issue not mental
not to have a self-assigned female 
To make it difficult for me everywhere I go

Giving the impression I might
Have had a nervous breakdown
Which is not a crime nor permanent

Meanwhile, I have too much interest
In my daily activities
While not being able to breath 

When is it going to end?
The ways the laws are provide by people
Such as yourself

And the way the medical clinics 
Don't break the law
And allow individuals not to be controlled by others?

By the way that little incident
In you neighborhood
Atherton is one of the places we once lived

That car that was buried
Is similar to one my mother used
When she drove little Alex around

And I thought her daddy must be a bad
Guy from the way her mother behaved
And needing to know where we were located

Besides there is nothing to know 
About a dead murder and fraud expert
Except look at another swindler and possible killer.

Please accept my apologies
If my story is too graphic
But it is meant for all women

To have the right to make
Decisions for themselves.
That includes you as well, you know.

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