Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Real Mccoy?


Who is the real McCoy?
Which of these ladies was real?
Or were they just icons of their times?

We all believe in the stories of our times.
We don't always understand them nor want 
To disbelieve them.

What harm is it any ways.
To create an image for the public
That might not be all true

There are times and there are reasons
Anyways these two were some of our 
Public images around the world

Was understood as American
As the real McCoy
Anywhere I went I was asked about them.

How was I supposed to know?
Do they know what Princess Anne
Is really like inside her castles?

Little Feather came out of nowhere
And stole the Oscar intended for Brando.
Brando was not unknown even to Monks

He was a world famous actor
And his fame proceeded him 
But she went up on stage

And said No!
He was not going to accept this Academy Award
The biggest thing in Hollywood is these prize.

It took decades for Newman to receive one
And I don't believe Redford has ever had the honor.
Who would turn one of these beauties' down?

She said it was for the Native American  movement.
The Indians had been abused for centuries
And had no outlet, unlike the Africans.

They were not brought over in ships.
They could not be deported.
Hunted down and murdered.

The life of an Indian princess 
In modern times included being denied
The Right to be human.

Schooling, medicine, employment
Even their teeth and hair were desired.
Every German wanted to stand there and imagine.

As it is this woman who is one of the icons
Of American Indians
Is perhaps not a real Indian herself.

Her parents were saddle makers 
Her father was San Franciscan
The son of a army man who said he was Native American

There is no other information
Except for his registration card
That is all she would have had to go on.

It is more than most would have had.
A lot of people showed up at Pow wows 
Making false claims and some were even believed.

In her case her mother was German
She also came from a family with a history
They lived in Los angles her grandparents

She grew up in a white family
Then discovered her roots 
In high school and community college

The times were for defiance
She was no different 
She picked up the cause

For her people 
An endangered species
Hunted and bred out of existence

It was her decision to give up
Her white heritage 
For the outcast

She had a successful run
As a political activists
And made a number of movies

Without appearing to do harm
To the people she claimed as her own
Perhaps she was the real mc coy.

As for the other lady.
The Queen of country music.
A complete fraud

She grew up a coal miners daughter
She said they were so poor
She did not know her ancestors

She married as soon as she could
Or her parents put her out of the house
Anyways her husband and her made it 

Through the rough times 
All those radio concerts
And record companies

Her name is synonymous with country music
There are others but she was more successful
Leading the charge in a mans world

Her world was pure Americana
No ethnic minorities
No fancy houses nor royalty

They were poor people
Who developed a music style
That took over the world

A concert in Moscow 
Was sold out if it was country muic
Once upon a time

Everyone wanted to hear American music
And see American women
They wanted to feel American

She was true to herself to the end
Living the life of an Appalachians
These people are separate

They came from nowhere
They stayed in an area with no working
Anything, electricity or water

There are still areas that feel 
Third worldish 
But her music rings out almost anywhere

And yet,
Her fathers family are the Webb's
Of Pennsylvania,

American Revolutionist
Famous Daniel Webb
Old east coast and wealthy

How did her grandparents 
End up where they were 
And digging for coal?

They should have been the owners 
OR did their parents have a fight
With mom and dad

And decided to run away?
The Homesteaders led by Daniel Boone
Were the original land grabbers

They came over the mountain
And descended on the valleys 
And hollows to become icons themselves

They never made it back home
Is all that we know 
Or at least never told her 

And then there was her mother's family
Jamestown descendant
She is both Indian and royalty

Her mother has a strong line
Of traders and Indian Chiefs
She can also trace her ancestor

To King James IV of Scotland
A complete fake!
Our lady of Country music.

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