Monday, October 10, 2022

Graveyards, Ghosts and Spooks!


There are things one does not talk about ever in anyone's life nor are there places people want to go under any threat.
These places are usually too creepy for description when in fact they just old places. Or things that have been lost over time. 
Sometimes a family loves its property and fights to save it only to have it stolen over and over again and by the same people.
Those kinds of thugs don't deserve to live among the well nor should the dead have to deal with either.
They should not have been born these kinds of things that go bump in the night.
A ghost used to be something one could count on in an old graveyard or country estate.
Now they wander around in the daytime acting weirder that weird. Most of them are mentally ill patients allowed to believe they are going to get well someday.
They won't and neither will the society that does not house them even in tent cities.
Most of our woes of society comes from the laziness of those social workers who would whether have vacations all the time and fancy parties than actually helping someone or relieving a situation.
One used to be relieved when the ghost season was over because they could on to being normally.
Maybe not wealthy but back to the usual, instead it is one long ghost story without letup now that the pandemic has been allowed to brim over without any relief from the homeless.
All my homes have been raided and I am still finding things in the boutiques or thrifts where they have been donated without permission.
Is it a crime to receive your own items or is it a crime to raid a home, throw out the tenant and then take their possessions down to the donation center.
What about those graveyards?
I know a few places where people are buried without tombstones.
And I know a few places where once something is buried it is not supposed to be dug up again, but it has been dug up again and again.
I never could keep my little sister buried and now I am not sure where she ended up.
Last time I remember putting her into an old....
Hmm, I wish I could bury a few people such as Jimmy.
He does things to dead bodies that no one wants to hear about.
That is why his real doctors say he cannot go a day without a discussion.
The things they wrote about Richard Allen Davis are equal to what Jimmy has done such as the squirrel incident where he caught a one for each member of my family. He tied them down alive and then slowly tortured them to death.
He got caught before he was through with the whole family but then there is just me left having watched my mother's slow progress through brain cancer.
Some gravestones are meant to be admired and we go to them to view our dead. Only to find others are insisting on stealing them as well.
This was my grandfather no this is my nanny.
Some children grow up so spoiled they have no idea the hell their own mothers will be going.
Pure hell for the most part as their children have made our lives unbearable to live.
I saw a couple of blonde children being drug past me as if they did not want to walk by. 
Their nanny was Hispanic and I am sure was not supposed to be outside with her wards.
One wonders where they came from and where they were going.
They were familiar as if I should know them and then I used to  know alot of people
Before I was forced to live a life not mine.
This stealing of everything of mine is getting too much.
Taking peoples lives is one thing but their underwear or their friends children is quite another.
When is it going to end?
And then there are the spooks who come out in broad daylight to scare people.
Such as Candance who cant get over spying on others and is never going to get the point.
She is not allowed to own me nor my life but is allowed with a conviction of keeping me from having anything at all to do with anyone else.
Then there are those who cause so much alarm no one looks for them.
They are right in front of them and no one can see them.
Usually these are also called spies who go around mendlin in others affairs.
Sometimes they do more than that and are into violating the laws of the international courts but no one notices because they are just so sweet about everything they do.
One wonders if it was the old days which side would we expect a certain young man to have been trained?
He is so good at what he does and without any previous experience unless he had training that they dont talk about.
Where will the world be in the end?
Hopefully we can get rid a few of the miserable things so the pleasant things can surface again.

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