Friday, October 21, 2022

Newest airbnb listing, Number 10 Downing Street...


Ouch, that really did hurt.

And I'm American.

The last one didn't even have time to unpack.

Number 10 Downing Street

Synonymous with 

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

What went wrong this time?

Come on guys!

We expect at least a four year stay on our side.

Maybe eight if they are good.

But you guys pull the plug.

At any old time.

It is hard to keep up with the various ways.

In which you install you PM's.

Churchill outlasted everyone else

Except the Queen herself.

We liked Boris 

And hardly got to know Mae

But Truss we had a special bond

She was our Queens funeral

She will always have that place

Of being the last to see her Majesty

Before she picked up her feet

And died peacefully in her sleep.

It was she her brought us the announcement

Who lead the rest of the Important people

Through their paces for the funeral

The pomp and circumstance

That will never be seen again

Even if Charles should stumble

He has not had enough time

To warm the hearts and wallets

To be given that type of reception

There she is for us to see

The woman who beat Boris

The modern Churchill

And there she goes

Like the wind

Without completing her mandate

Perhaps those busses were a bad idea

I mean watching the ailing

Former King Carlos 

Descend a bus with his cane

And all the others trooping

Out like Sunday school children

Compared to the President 

Who made sure he got the respect

Of his own country

At least,

The guys no fool

This is his second time around

Watching over his President

As VP in the wings

Eight years there and here

Another four at least

Whew too much

Passion these guys

Out with the old

And in with the new

Whom will be next

This revolving door

Of the British Prime minister

May as well list it on Airbnb

They did that to my old place

Been in the family for three hundred years

My own for over 100 

And still, we can't keep squatters

From showing up 

And letting others inside

Now there is nothing to look at

The West coast homesteads

With nothing to show

They even took up the floors 

And what happened to the vineyard

And the horses and boats?

It was a working ranch

And us grandchildren 

Were shown how to be wise

In learning the business

A fruit packing one actually

They grew west coast fruits

That were then shipped 

Across America

And to Europe as well

The old fishing village north

Just had dried smoked fish

And those little egg caviar things

What do you expect from the new world?

Fine silks and teas?

Be quick on the new residents

Before the squatters take over

And destroy every memory

And every building

By renting it out to strangers

And they without a bill of sale

Nor insurance 

Just got hit by a hurricane

Square on Ensenada

And I can't even get there 

To inspect the old family plot

Because of bureaucracy and politics

Just because we did win the war with Mexico

A century ago, and were allowed to believe

The place was ours to keep forever

Oh well, maybe Truss will take home 

A few souvenirs 

Such as monogrammed

Towels or something!

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