Sunday, October 23, 2022

Worth a fortune


All the tea in china

That is the only place 

One could get this precious commodity

Until it was stolen

For others to profit 

While the originals were left to die.

The British were addicted to it

The whole of Asia became depended upon it

Even the Russians enjoyed it

Tea ceremonies in Japan

Were created to show case it

And Afternoon tea

Was commanded back at home

The mighty weed called tea

A plant that only China owned

No one else had it 

They had to come from far and wide

To buy and haggle over it

Battles were fought and lost

Over Camelia Sinesis

The tiny little producers of leaves

They could be dried and then soaked

Ground or smoked 

Into a fine drinking vehicle

Canton and Shanghai

Were international known cities

Became rich and then poor

Over this plant

India had gotten smuggled plants

But were in despair

They must have gotten the wrong ones

A botanist came to the rescue

Robert Fortune was his name

Not a diplomat nor war lord

A simple gardener

Who knew his science

After an afternoon stroll

Through a plantation

He was able to unlock 

The secrets of cultivation

His knowledge led

To the widespread 

Plantations of tea

Throughout the British realm

To the demise of the Chinese

Even the great China wall

Could not keep out the thieves

Cooperation pirates

Long before their was computer software

These thieves had been hiring

Themselves in every avenue

In order to steal a simple concoction

Tea as it is known

The pouring of a colored beverage

Of stemmed leaves

Into a cup and then sipping it

Heaven sent beverage

Better than wine 

And much better than the other

Coffee had to be ground and blended

Actually, it is the old silk route

That caused Tea to be more popular

In Europe than coffee

Coffee house were all around Europe 

But not Britain

Even Russia has to defend its usage

Here we are in the age of openness

Where everyone assumes they can have

Anything they want and see

Not that it is true

It still costs to own

And the trade agreements that were broken

Were never mended

Even after Mao forced

China into the modern era

The Chinese are still Communists

While everyone else has returned 

To being fine Christians

This last convention was held

Amongst all the other things

And hardly a word about it 

On the news at all.

Hu and Xi 

Who are they anyways

They are the last two

General Secretaries

China is run by secretaries

Not generals nor prime ministers

They had a big show down

And it went without a waver

The old leader was suddenly

Forced up and out of his seat

While the new leader

Was elected to a third term

This is the first time 

To have a single man

In office for such a length

Perhaps it is for the best

He has the knowledge

Of how the West works

Having been given access

To their ponds and parks

As well as their castles

He has all that nuclear arsenal

To his advantage

That is another thing they developed

Exploding gun powder

It seems the Chinese spent

Thier time in isolation

Well, creating various 

Items that the others would want

Now they are leaders again

And money makers

The first to shut down 

Thier country over this virus

That is till ransacking their people

But they have taken a step forward

With their longest reigning

Leader despite the current conditions

Unlike some others who put

All their trust in a new guy

I have a question to ask

If Putin was not seen as a bad guy

Would the others be backing Zelensky?

After all, just because no one likes

Him anymore because he has also

Decided he has more knowledge

Of the west and stayed in power

Does that make Zelensky a good guy?

Can we trust him at all.

What will he do when this blows over?

He now has all that extra support 

And unbelievable toys

Santa Claus has been good to him

And he won't be reciprocating 

After all he is now leading a Jewish nation

Not that I am anti semitac

It is just that we are all looking at this

Backwards and upside down

The man with the information

Is worth a fortune.

The Bible speaks of the 

King of North and

The King of the South

All these years

Religious leaders have 

Referred to Russia 

As the bad boy who was 

Going to come sweeping down

And devouring the innocents.

The British and American governments

Have appeared to be strong contenders

But were labeled Southerners

Due to the conception that the

Northerners were vicious and fierce

IN the past the Middle east

Had to contend with Ghengis Khan

Who did sweep down in Rome

And Constantinople among others

If we were wise, would we not

Reconsider the situation

That China has the knowledge

Even from foreign interfering

Missionaries to gain the upper hand

Let's not forget the Catholic missionaries

And the resulting Box cutter rebellion

Gangs of bandits who forced the former

Docile people into going communist

Meanwhile the Northman

Changed the British Isles 

As well as Europe

The Kieviens are descendants

Of three brothers who came down 

The river and set up camp

All for the Chinese silks and teas

Who is to know who will be own whose

Side when this end.

Watch out for the man 

Seeking his fortune

In stolen goods or information!

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