Monday, October 3, 2022

Time to wake up and smell the salts


Coffee, please! 

Please bring me coffee

I need coffee

Does no one understand

Excuse me miss we are busy

Do you want spot in garage?



Has the world gone mad?

It is so sorry to inform you

But there is a small issue

We are under attack

This is Japan

Who is attacking

Korea Miss

Are you sure you do not want spot in garage?

Wait, come back!

First I am told the trains have suspended service

And now, there is an issue

North Korea has sent a rocket over Japan

Miss are you okay?

Oh my god!

We are under attack from Korea

And possibly China as well

They are both angry at US o A

We have to hurry if you want a spot

What are you talking about?

Humble servant says the Hotel concierge

Who normally would have nothing more to do with her

But she is American and maybe she can help

It is that the Japanese authorities have issued

A warning to take shelter

Any shelter from a nuclear threat

We have no bomb shelters to offer

But only our humble garage

With steel reinforcement and cement sidings

Do you want a spot?

To take shelter?

Hell yes, show me the way!

Meanwhile back at the old ranch

Reagan is dead or he would know what to do

Instead, it is the young guy

Hanging out his tall frame

In the door and asking

Who the hell am I supposed to do now

Nancy wants to run over to Taiwan

And stir up trouble with China

And now Harris had to go to Korea

And make Kim angry enough to let off 

A rocket over Japan

This after China threw a few rockets after Nancie's plane

They should both know better

They are Californians

We are alone women 

To mind the fort on the west

in case of emergency

Do not wander to far afield

I have to call the White House

And ask what am i supposed to be doing?

They are issuing an actual nuclear shelter warning to their residents.

A dog barks in the neighborhood

That's what I could use is some advice

I wonder if the old guy is up at this time 


Well, Hi,

I just thought I would call and confirm 

Something with you 

Did you lose the key to the bathroom

Those are hard to get seconds made

No, no

We just might be in the middle of an issue

What kind of problem has arisen

Do you get Dish or anything at all 

Where I am there are not any telephone poles

How the hell are you on the phone

Laughter and coughing

Okay, The news is that Japan 

Got shot over by Korea

They have disrupted their train service

And issued a take shelter notice to their residents

What the Hell!

Which lady caused this to happen?

Take you pick

Both of them are yours

Pelosi and Harris

San Franciscans

Lord I better call Feinstein

I had not thought of that

I was thinking the oval office

Wait, wait till I get Diane on the phone 

Diane, Diane

What time is it, Jerry?

Time to get up and find your smelling salts

What is going on?

Well California might get into a little trouble

Over those two girls of yours going a visiting

Who is complaining this time?

Taiwan was necessary

Japan got shot over by Korea

What the Hell?

They have issued a take shelter notice

And disrupted their trains

Thier a sitting duck without their trains

And we are only a hop skip away

Send Hawaii closer then to them

Give them a decoy 

No one needs them

Now, Now just because you don't enjoy tropical environments

What I am going to do is call Joseph in his bedroom

And do what

He practically kicked Putin out of everything there is to be at

He is the only guy out there

Who has any sway with those Asians

And we have been hoping mad

About this scrimmage on his border

And now half of Asia is armed

And ready to kill each other

Oh Lord and the Queen is dead

Exactly, I remember young Charles

But King Charles the third

Hell, he is as old as I am 

And he does not have the power his mother had

At least not yet

Let me think a moment

A phone call to the embassy in Japan 

would be good to find out what is really going on

And the Jill might be able to whisper

To Joe about the little problem

Of California being out front and center

Why don't you make your phone

Work on your Japanese connections

And i will try a French connection as well

I know something you don't Mr. Brown

That you don't

About that guy

Tell me anything

Not know get back

Jill, will you do me a favor

Joe Diane was wondering if you noticed

Japan's notice to its residents

yes, we are working on it 

And the embassy?

Head comes up off the desk

Where he has had it lying

Oh hell!

Get me Japan ambassador

Tell them to start the shredders

Yes sir

And the other phone call 

Not yet, not yet

Coffee, does anyone have coffee

Honey, could you run down to Starbucks?

Haw, haw 

Jill snaps her fingers in the hallway

Starbucks get it quick

Coffee for joe and make it a big one

King Charles is so happy

To have the pleasure of so many phones' calls

This morning, he even got one from his old friend

The former Governor of California

And the Senator from California

And the current governor of California

And the ambassador from America

And the ambassador from Japan

And the President himself

Probably making a big mole hill

Out of nothing they all said

But Japan got shot over

What does this mean?

Take cover is what he told all of them

And hung up as soon as he could

What would his mama have done

Don't call me now that you made 

The Russians angry is what she would have said

He will have to renew his influence 

With Russia but how

And whom?

Hmm, goes the French guy

His phone has been busy ringing

And now King Charles has been added to his list

He must be the only one who has 

His private number 

Will he call?

Call Putin?

And a day after he lost the Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine

To some fancy ape-man scientist?

Hello, how are You?

Not very well. with Japan under attack.

Have you heard?

Some idiot caused trouble

And now Kim has blown a fuse

And let off one of his rockets over their island

What am I supposed to do about?

Bad enough the Taiwan and China scuffle

But Japan issuing a take cover order to its residents.

Do you want to join me at the front

And watch me retake those villages again?

No, no, how many times are you going to do that?

Until I get bored with the thing.

That simpleton is so annoying.

He keeps getting on his soap box

But he won't go anywhere

Afraid of a coup himself

What is it you want today?

My young son

Don't call me that!

Just because I am the youngest French President!

America has called you to call me.

I have been waiting for my little phone to ring.

In fact, one of the cats is sleeping on it.

She is so assured it is not going to ring.

Instead, you ring me.

Are they really crazy over there?

They are concerned this might spill over

Of course, it will spill over

If they go to war with each other

We will both have to respond

In fact, half of Europe will have to go over

And take sides.

Which side will you be on young man?

Mine, will you be with me?

Are you for or against Japan?

Oh, I see, my sleeping cat is going to have to be disturbed

I have already gotten a call from the other young one 

Although at 73 he is slightly older than me.

Do you know I will be 70 this next week?

You don't want to wish me well?

Yes, yes but what are you going to do?

California is quite concerned.

Oh, they would be concerned.

Wonder, wonder

Okay, I will make phone call.

Oval office please

The Russian Ambassador 

Is asking to speak to you sir?

Really, as he sips his extra-large cup of joe.

Put him on, says Joe now that his head is splitting and caffeinated.

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