Sunday, October 9, 2022

Sacrifrices need to be made


When does a standup comic outsmart a former KGB superspy?


Something more is at work here.

It is more than a little disconcerting the way the media

Have taken the new guy to their heart

He can do nothing wrong.

Not even know with this newest

A bridge across the Crimea area

It is a much-needed resource

For all including Ukraine

It was opened just six months ago

It should have meant the world

To everyone and above 

Such insane destruction

After all, Zelensky

Is the one who said he wanted

To annex the Crimea into his country

It is not even part of his borders

But he wanted it for himself

All the rhetoric bull

And he still comes out smelling

Like a rose instead of an onion

This bridge is necessary to the region

The local train has been reinstated

But the bridge has been damaged

And part of it has been permanently damaged

It will take time and money to repair

When is the guy who said

He did not want World War three

Stop aggravating the situation?

When his masters tell him 

He is so obviously under someone else

There is no doubt now

That he is just a puppet

Who refuses to leave his own lair

Because he can't without permission

And he does not have permission

To leave

Then he will be exposed 

As a fraud who is not really

The new King of Kiev

But just another one on a thin string

He made us all believe 

He believed in peace

If not in god

After all most Jews 

No longer beleive in thier own

But continue a destructive path

Towards a point zero

Where they hold God responsible

For the atrocities' thier people

Suffered without making any sacrifices

Themselves as to responsibility

When given the chance 

They dont correct anything 

Either but proceed towards

Reducing the other guy as well

Instead of keeping true to their own words

And not causing a nuclear war

Thank God, there was nothing really explosive

On that bridge 

Nor that retaliation 

For a brand new billion dollar bridge

Was not a sacrifice 

He could not accept

But one he is going to expect.

Sacrifices come to all of us

Even the Queen of England

Had to have tea with a bear

Instead of her own husband

And Mehgan has to endure

Not being invited at all

Putin is protecting his country

A country which was under attack

When his brothers died

And he was born the third 

And only child of a couple

Who could have been part 

Of an upper class

But instead were for the people

As much of life is represented

Always a sacrifice is made

Upstairs among those in power

While downstairs the bitter complainers with their bombs.

Stop destroying things 

And start considering 

What the rest of us have to live with.

A world without those already dead

Nor the beauty that once was Ukraine

And of course our own life determination of peace.

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