Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thumb screw time


Thats right it is the time again to bring out the thumb screws.

Voting is now upon us for the midterms.

Most people have been getting in line with their ballots.

While the horrimercials are back and those inserts

My mail is almost nil till now when I have a stack

Oh, people wanting my attention.

Sorry guys I already voted.

Sent in my ballot weeks ago.

The same day I got it, filled it out 

And threw it in the mail.

My choices were smaller than others.

The California governor and a few other guys

And then a list of bills 

To say nay or yeh 

No problem with most 

I left blank the ones I did not know

And carefully filled in the ones 

Where some knowledge of the subject 

Was known, it is the real way to do it.

No guessing and hanging upside down

In the ballot booth while your child pees 

Just get it done but make sure you know

Before you vote, don't just vote without knowledge

Of course, you let Jimmy do the voting for you

Jimmy is not a registered voter

He is the first registered conscientious objector

When that little law came through

Stayed up all night

Slept in a sleeping bag on the sidewalk

Made sure he was signed and registered

Before anyone else in the entire country!

So, what he does is find out who is not 

Going to get registered

Then he takes something out of your 

Garbage with the information 

And registers for you 

How he gets all those forms to himself

Has always been a mystery to me

But I know he goes through whole communities

And has hundreds maybe thousands 

Of ballots he delivers with is opinion

He somehow got into one of those 

College groups when he was a teenager

And they were supposed to be in college

Really going back to college

Taught me is that the teachers are more

Likely to act like teenagers than the students

There was this one woman whom I did know

We had been in some summer music thing

She would hit her phone everyday

I walked in and sat down

And call security that she was having issues

I finally got that it was me that she was calling about

It appears my mobility device threatened

Her ability to perform her basic duties

I broke my back and have scoliosis

Which causes me spasms and seizures

I fall down constantly such as today

Without notice and need something to pull me up

But she was scared I was going to hit her with it.

It is one of those things one suddenly realizes

Did we not get along in summer camp

Was there a really big to do between us?

I bet it was all in her head and not real.

But I did not get more than a C 

And somehow, I took her class a second time

It is against protocol, and I was sure I was in a different one

But there it was the same course on my transcripts

They wonder why I get upset when i ask for the records 

From before 2000 when I had a life

Everything went black for me

In about 1997 before 2000.

Here we are today

The President is giving speeches

Instead of manning his desk

As Putin is testing nuclear arms

And my former colleagues are spending

Too much time on the wrong stories.

It must be that time again 

Distraction and misinformation

I remember the migraines of those days

Did you know my Governor 

Is one of the more unusual ones

In history, probably not the only one

But he has something I did not know

And I found out after I turned in my voting ballot

He is such a good guy in dealing with California

As a California native of first arrivals

And knows the State from at least four generations.

His wife was raped!

This is one of those things 

No one discusses when it does happen

It is very unusual for it to come forward

Just now, but she is testifying against Weinstein.

Imagine that a husband in the Governor's office

And four kids at home, and she wants to speak out

I won't hold it against her 

I just hope he is guilty

The other little girl who came forward

And made it onto the cover of magazines

Had her mother commit suicide

And her mother was more famous than she

Well, it is the time of year when even a reporter

Wonders about the words in front of them

Whether or not they should speak to them out loud or not.

I have no knowledge of this subject 

And have no comments for Weinstein

I am a woman who is more likely to kill 

The man in my room than wait for him 

To stand trial so this is not one that got away.

I am sorry for her, Mrs. Newsom

And hope for the best to voted 

And not get a bad guy in office.

Meanwhile, I am watching both shores

For those stray missles

Both Kim and Putin

Are playing with their toys

Hurry it up guys.

Or we might get the wages of God, 

His wrath will be the Winepress for humanity.

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