Sunday, October 30, 2022

Autumn sunset


My younger sister always called it her autumn sunset.

After all we went through usually separated.

By school time we would be back west.

Where we could go out and look at the sunset.

On the right side of the world.

Californian to her dying day.

She was looking forward to Christmas.

In Washington D.C.

There was going to be Ice Skating

And Hot chocolate opportunities.

But best of all we would be together

With the grandparents and the little boys.

Spending our small lives 

Always living with different family

And never being able to acknowledge them

Because of people such as the Cardinale's

Who were some of the San Franciscans

Who attempted to walk up to those Catholics

Such as the Pelosi's in the old, old days.

But we don't even know those people!

Did not matter they were important.

In the end, we got one person arrested for stalking.

Greg went to prison after a number of break-ins.

While Karen kept kidnapping children

They showed up again having acquired

The properties in Sebastopol

That my family once resided

With a mentally deranged girl

Called Angela, only because she is so ugly

Those huge pop eyes like Marci

On the Bob Newhart show 

Crazy every day and couldn't figure it out

It was those horrible eyes of hers.

Anyways, life goes on even when we don't want it 

My parents never had another day of peace

And my grandfathers wondered why they served

When every time they attempted 

Anything at all these antiwar guys

Got to have their way with their lives

Every business, every trip, every suveniour

It was all for them to make fun of 

Just because they were not there 

The day the Pilgrims landed

It would have at least been excellent

If they had at least gone through Ellis Island

Instead of arriving via the Mexican/Canadian border

Canada used to be very open

And just anyone could walk through

Even Genna Davis did one day when she was 13.

Anyways, today is Amos's Birthday

I can't imagine anything worse 

Then being born on Christmas

Or Valentine's Day 

But Halloween!

He was born to an East coast family.

Who had been there the day Jamestown was founded.

Well, someone had to be there!

Anyways, he went into the navy

Trained on old Ironsides.

Spent both world wars in the Pacific.

And then retired to Sausalito and Sebastopol.

Tiny little towns with no tourism

Until later when all envy broke out

Among the local Christian congregation

Never trust your own people

Always know your enemy better than they do.

Mine enemy resides amongst 

While my friend's search for ways

Perhaps one day I can sit with my sister

Again, even if it is in my mind.

Watching the sunset from our inherited 

And hard won and well-deserved retreat.

The day Candy dies you say

Or when God finally comes down 

And removes Jimmy from this earth.

Did I tell you that I tripped at the trolley station?

A couple of days ago, crossing over the lines

I took a header, except my much talked about stick

Kept me from going face first

I have gone down so many times 

And found myself face first on the sidewalk

Or face up on a stretcher.

My mobility device 

Is also called a walking stick

I have broken a number of them

And I keep being questioned 

Even a lady from out of town 

Would not leave me alone about it

I have had people take them out of my hands

And people complain I am trying to hit them.

It is meant to keep me upright 

And not to land on my face.

I broke my big toe!

I stumbled and broke my rubber sandals.

It began to bleed but I had to go home.

They did not call an ambulance.

For a stubbed toe that was bleeding.

After a few days, it stopped bleeding

I finally had the strength to get to the emergency room.

Everything I do is almost impossible.

I broke my feet in the car accident 

And no one will do anything about it.

I will have to marry a rich man.

Who is going to get me 

Ceramic dental implants

And two-foot surgeries

That is after I get these tumors

Removed or shrunken 

And I no longer appear 

Pregnant for Candy to call the cops

Nor Jimmy to spank me over.

Anyways, I have a fractured toe!

They gave me Tylenol

And a hard shoe to wear.

It's not that I expected a wheelchair.

But somehow, I feel silly wearing the thing.

And can't figure out how to get around.

It is worse than when they gave me a boot 

After my accident with a fractured hip

And a walker to use instead of a wheelchair.

Everyone kept after me about the walker!

I have two fractures in my lower back.

And they don't want me to have anything 

To support me in order to stand up.

I was grateful to be walking.

After being pulled out paralyzed.

From the auto accident

That Wendy and Candy

Arranged for me just because 

I was disgustingly skinny

And might think of getting married

And at my age of 40!

Did I mention that they dropped 

On top of the hospital

And the gurney made it twenty stories

Down to the parking lot

Without me!

Probably, one reason I have trouble 

Now with vertigo 

That and being locked in a glass elevator

With Jimmy for even a short time.

They found me and put me in a body bag.

They took two years to repair the hospital.

I do hate those black things.

I have to figure out how to get out 

Before the guy gets me into the freezer.

In the hospital they simply put me 

In the hallway and put a sheet over my face.

Some stupid nurse walking down the hallway

Heard me moaning and screamed.

Then she wrote schizophrenic on my chart.

She does not even know what the word means.

I had just arrived DOA 

And she did not know it either.

I just wanted to know where I was

At least it was not smeared on the parking lot

With the now broken gurney.

They did not even discharge me.

After ten days of not being able to move my legs.

They sent me for observation.

They released me as normal

But traumatized and not depressed.

Still fighting those charges.

Just because Candy made it her business

To always be the one on the phone.

She thinks she can tell people anything at all.

Meanwhile, I now have to walk with a stupid shoe

Protecting my big toe, while protect my stick.

Halloween is supposed to be the day of the dead.

Most people don't think much about it.

But in the bible,

It talks about Noah's flood,

How all the really bad people died

And their parents were left half in

And half out of the spirit world.

In other words, the wicked angles

Were forced to watch their children die

It is said by more than one group

That they seek retribution from 

Every church and every other group.

Which is why All soul's day,

Is celebrated by some as a day of remembrance.

I hold my own memories and memorials.

Usually in the early hours of morning,

At the nearest beach.

Lifes flow is through those places where the earths water and land meet.

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