Sunday, March 26, 2023

All your dreams up in smoke


He was out for his morning commune
With the dogs for a walk along the river
His grandfather had brought him here

When he was a boy and told him 
The stories of the old Russian River gang
They now called it the San Diego river

But it was called other things prior
To those outlaws arriving and claiming
What was not theirs to own

Throwing out or killing those who were already
Here as true titled owners instead of squatters
As all Mexicans are by nature 

If they were not one of the conquistadors 
Nor one of the Lords of Spain
Then they are the riffraff sent over from prisons

Unrighteous thugs who bred by raping
Teresa maria and her sisters are primary examples of this
But that day was a long time ago 

And this man still had a chance at a life for his family
They were at the old homestead in the valley gorge
As he walked back slowly practicing the story for his wife

He was working for his uncles company as an engineer
Which required him to go behind the navy gates
But not as a Naval marine

His dogs began to bark, one ran off chasing someone
While the other began to whine and sniff 
At the old swamp spot

Left over from the days this was a community
The land went across the highway
With a church and school on one side

Up on the higher elevation 
While the farms were on the lower more fertile
Areas where the river had receded due to damns

This spot still had water and it was dank
There he could see a tiny little hand
The hand of his daughter who was always in trouble

He bent over her to see if she was alive
When she opened her eyes and cried
Then lifted her feet out of the water

Her sister was being held up with her ankles
As he pulled her out along came his smaller son
Who had also been holding on to the lip of the pool

With one hand and the other on the girls chin
Together they came out of the water 
He quickly saw they were alive

Nodding to his other daughter 
Assuming she would be able to pull 
Herself out now without the burdens attached

He ran up the hill with is children
Only to find his wife gone and the doors 
Of the Chalet left wide open as if someone

Had been inside looking for something
He frantically tried to call for the police
But the line was dead and he needed to get 

The young ones to a hospital
Round and round he went looking for those keys
She always had a spare set hidden somewhere

Her purse was pulled out from behind the couch
By the boy and girl was horribly coughing now
He scurried to the back of the property 

Where one of his cars was under a tarmac
The other one was missing as usual
He could not tell if his wife had gone to the store

Or had been abducted by those friends of hers
He got blankets for the kids and his briefcase
Slowly he drove down the unpaved road

To find that she was still there clinging
To the side of the pool
Had she died?

No, no she had the other boy by his collar
No wonder she could not move
She was also holding up the other son

He hauled them both out on to the ground
While she fretted for the backpacks
It was the school bus stop that they were at

He threw them in the back of the car 
With frustration, get in the car
She managed to crawl over the front seat

Sitting there holding the other girl
Shivering and wheezing
That water is nasty, we are probably going to die 

From what ever is in it.
Promptly the other boy 
Threw up all over the back seat

It was  his better car 
Hidden for his relatives or in laws to use
Sighing and grinding his teeth

He shifted gears on his steering wheel
He was driving as a maniac by   now
She was right they had been contaminated 

By what ever had gone wrong in that house
They had found it in disarray 
Suspicious it had been used by outlaws or bandits

He wondered where his wife was at this moment
She was actually screaming for help not to far from them
She had been standing there explaining to them

That they were not really supposed to be going 
To school at all but they had been caught 
By the local authorities at a house

She was having him travel a lot
So that they would not be enrolled
She had funny ideas about education

She was the smart one in the family
Which is why she had brain cancer
But was not really aware of it

Although her parents had been informed
She was not supposed to get married 
And have children nor remain alive

But her husband was her childhood sweetheart
She had four children now 
And Candace was beside herself

As was her sister Suzie and Ken 
They were the ones who had made themsleves
At home in every place she lived 

Threatening her at all stages
Over some silly nonsense
But their father had gone to prison

Thier mother made money
The old fashion way
Then got religion and a job at a dentist

Who can stand the sound of a drill all day.
They had her and wanted to know
Where they had been and where they were going

They wanted to be introduced
It was kens dream of raiding the White House 
He was a home robber and wanted those candelabras

Candace wanted to sit down and eat at the table
How the hell was she supposed to accommodate
All her family had done was work hard

They were in the military weren't they
They saw her husband had a pass to the navy gate
Military always has access to the President

That swine, that is where he has been going.
No wonder she cant get her mother to visit
His mother in law was the only person

He could think of going to with the kids
If he went to the hospital he would have to explain
It was the height of the Viet Nam war

Many were not happy with anyone who was miliatary
And he was only a specialist from outside
Working on architecture designs

Fail safe was his job, he could spot a failure 
But now he was speeding down the highway
Towards Tijuana, if he got pulled over

He would just say they had fallen in to the pond
He passed through the border with no problem
But he was spotted by several people

Including his boss who thought he was taking
A holiday, going to the bull ring or something
She had an old apartment in the old part

Of the city before it was a city
Her parents were immigrants
They had inherited several homesteads

From the pioneer days 
And before Mexico was an Imperial nation 
Old Spain had not bothered

With the west coast 
Where many different countries 
Could claim it as thiers

Not interested in a battle 
On the wrong side of the continent
Many had built dreams 

Then found out that they whole
Area had been incorporated
Without ever stepping foot on its soil

By some squad in Mexico city
Who shoot the European monarch
Anyways Hazel was waiting for them 

He had phoned her at one point
She was the one who said if they were not dying
To bring them to her side

Where she could call a local doctor
And her ex-husband who was in Florida
He said he would be on a plane as soon as possible.

He arrived in the old place
With the modern architecture 
The original house had been pulled down 

By squatters who had no idea  it was not abandoned
Her father had been happy with his sheep and chickens
During the ww II to stay on this side

He was carrying them up with a heavy heart
He had figured out that is she did not have her purse
Then she had been kidnapped

He was agoing to have to report it to the police
First, he brought them in where she gave them baths
As they were filthy from the pond

Then examined them and found marks
It looks as if someone shot at them!
He was on the phone to his father

And then to the FBI 
As it was suggested that it was time 
To pick up those rogues who kept

Creeping in where they did not belong.
The local doctor quickly transferred them 
To the main hospital that spoke english

His insurance was now maxed out
But at least they would be safe
He got most of the story from the boys

They were standing there waiting for the bus
Mother had been speaking to them
When someone drove by shooting at them

They had either fallen backwards 
Or been pulled into the pond
He thought someone had tried to sit on them

She had been lead screaming up the hill
Where her purse and keys were lcoated
That is why he looked behind the couch

That meant she had been able to keep 
Them from her check book.
Then all had gone black for him

Until he felt feet kicking him
And then his head had surfaced
She had been struggling to find

Each one of them as the oldest
She was responsible for their safety
She was now on a respirator 

Eventually she would be flown 
To an American air base for recovery
He found out his father in law was landing

They got me at Browns field again
Instead of Lindberg airfield.
Together they went back to the house

On the hill where they were shot at.
No ransom note, nor demands.
Just nothing but cut phone lines

Missing car was found with evidence
Of his wife being inside
The FBI took over the search

Only to have her pop up 
At the Marina looking annoyed
The family knew it was the gang of kids

She had fallen into as a child
Who followed her everywhere once their dad
Was put in prison for raiding the naval yard

She had a hard time explaining it 
But she said she went for a drive
And forgot where she was going

Call off the search party!
They didn't as her car was not there
They just quietly put her in a nursing home

While they sorted things out
Suzie and Ed became wanted suspects
They fled to Wyoming where they would be safe

Ken and Candace stayed around 
But kept out of sight 
Using Betty A and others to get their way

This is why she did not want them in school
Her dreams were gone for a happy family
His would dissolve once he realized

How fast the story was brought under suspicion
He was leaving things out and his father in  law
Was encouraging him not to put her away

It would be later that they would find out
That it was the end for them all.
All because the children had survived

While the mother had not been forced
To tell the truth at the time
The ugly ones got away

Only to come back with a younger generation
Tera for instance is from the devil himself
And Janet must have been born from mud people

Pure evil and spite these people are still.
Not once have they left them alone.
They hired Jimmy to get inside the family

Which completed the conquest 
Now all but her are gone
He has been selling the various homes

While Suzie and Candy 
Have been going through all the belongings
To see what information they can use to black mail

While Ken and Eddie and John
Are in their element to have possession
Of anything of value at all.

Not unlike a family business
Going up in flames.
The Palmer chocolate bunny is well known

It went from being a family run business
Of an out of work wwii returning GI
To a local business 

With nation wide distribution
The factory employed a good portion
Of the community 

Now it has exploded overnight
There is nothing left of the building
With those inside dead or missing

A families dream up in smoke
And an entire community affected 
By the possible outcome.

If only Candace had been strangled 
By Ken when she was born 
Or drowned by Suzie shortly afterwards

They talked about it but did not do it.
She was something they could not handle
Nor her daughter Lisa can be handled either.

Their deaths will now only complete
The families demise as a once useful 
People taken down by a retarded girl and her siblings. 

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